My question is how come you can't buy the campaign completion tokens for the previous mod when the new mod comes out because it don't make sense when you're literally waiting for like 2 mods to be able to purchase a campaign completion token I mean on a business standpoint and a customer standpoint it don't make sense why you guys don't make it to where you can purchase it as soon as the next mod comes out for the previous mod because it'll make more money for you guys and for the customer they are able to complete their alts characters faster instead of playing catch-up all the time and more people would be more inclined to purchasing those campaign completion tokens if they didn't have to wait so long
I'm probably being a bit old fashioned here, but I guess they leave a decent amount of time to encourage people to play the content they worked long and hard to develope and not just bypass that part with cash?
I also imagine that if they did substantially shorten the gap between content release and the availability of instant completion tokens, for every person applauding their business acumen there'd be a substantial queue forming behind that person, ready to slag Cryptic/PWE off for being money grabbing, evil corpo-fascists.
Even if I agreed with your sentiment, I would still take umbrage with your lack of using any sort of punctuation. I am assuming you are using an audio to text device, as all your contractions properly contain an apostrophe, but not a single separation of thought or courteous pause were included.
These additions would make your text much more legible.
Fyre, Eyce & Wynd
Ladies of Neverwinter
I stopped believing this morning; Journey is going to be PISSED.
I don't know if they've dropped the completion pack on PC yet, but I can't see them doing it till after Tomb drops and has been around a while. Maybe around 12.5?
I still have alts running Icewind Dale and prefer to play the material than buy a way past it in general. Though with SKT I'd be tempted to buy the completion for a couple of characters simply because there's no part of that campaign I'd ever want to repeat, let alone five times. Mind you, I've heard that mod 12 also has fishing... so that's another one that's unlikely to get my full attention.
When River District came out, i loved the mod, it was such an improvement on SKT but after having grind it again and again and again and finally being closed to be done with it, i don't see myself doing it again on a second char. Its just way too long.
Thats the current trend of new mods on this game, they tend to be HUGE GUGE grinds every time. I guess cause the player base in general is farter in the game, so they want to give these people something to do, but even as a veteran who has been playing since almost release and was up to date by SKT, even i tough those where over the top.
My biggest problems is the lack of AD. For such content to work they would need to allow AD to be made by running dailies. Maybe not a ton but SOME. Because even if your done with all content up to the new mod, you are still running influence, you are still running dungeons for AD, you are still doing sharandar for Thaum stones, you are still doing previous content for coffer donation etc etc.
Sometimes i play for an hour and i have not even touch river distric... and i stop playing. So doing it on 2 straigh characters... that would be a no for me.
I wished AD receiving would not be confined to skirmishes and dungeons but rather to everything in the game up to a maximum. For instance as of now i get roughly 10k for my first 2 dungeons and 5k for my 2 first skirmishes, that is including my bonus praying ADs and such and excluding any item i may salvage. So that mean roughly 30K wich is close to the limit of 36K you can refine in a day. Why not make it so that ANY QUEST you do give you a % of AD, but to a max of 30K. That way peoples could still earn AD by playing the content they love to do. You have no idea how it bug me to have to still do BABY DUNGEONS just because i need the AD when i have nobody else to run normal dungeons (and random queue never work for a DPS, i sit there for 45 mins without finding anything)
In any case...
I remember when mods where like Sharandar, you could have the mod completion in a short ammount of time. But now its like everything is such a grind.
So for me its a no go, especially since my second character is a support (tank) to grind the new mods. But even completion token are so expensive i hardly feel like buying them to be honest. I have been playing only my DPS since a while, taking out the tank on ocasion to run older dungeons for AD since my DPS like i said have trouble finding queues...