Ok so I have got to the point where I need to complete the Nostura dungeon.
But with all the lag recently, my pc crashing and my general hamfisted pay style I am looking at those jumps and avoiding balls and thinking this just isnt going to work out for me.
So as with Gyrion [and the jumps bit] is there any way of avoiding the stag riding bit? Thank you
You will have to begin the course but once you are defeated, you have to wait for the group to finish or wipe regardless.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
Do note that the course is NOT timed and there are no penalties for stopping. There are safe paths through all but the last pattern of spheres and even with that, getting hit by one sphere isn't lethal if you keep moving. Obviously, bad enough lag can make anything unplayable of course.
Xael De Armadeon: DC
Xane De Armadeon: CW
Zen De Armadeon: OP
Zohar De Armadeon: TR
Chrion De Armadeon: SW
Gosti Big Belly: GWF
Barney McRustbucket: GF
Lt. Thackeray: HR
Lucius De Armadeon: BD
Member of Casual Dailies - XBox
Many of the "snare traps" that pull you in have a tiny path immediately to the left of them where you can ride by without triggering them. Most notably the first trap and one of the annoying traps surrounded by purple balls both can be avoided this way.
For the last set of desynchronized balls, here's my strategy:
Pick a side (left or right) and line up right against the wall.
Wait until the 1st ball comes to your side and just as it pulls away, step forward.
If there's room to move forward (past the 2nd ball) do so.
If there's not room (the 2nd ball is coming towards you), wait it out (you'll have plenty of time) and as soon as the 2nd ball pulls away, step forward.
Then repeat this.
Basically: pick a side, go forward until you can't. Wait for the next ball to pull away, go forward until you can't. Repeat.
Then I actually like to use the boost on the log bridge at the end, since I find it easier to jump up the bridge rather than trying to avoid slipping down. But if you're not a great jumper then you can jump right off too, so I can see taking the bridge slowly on a bad connection. If you're slick and you have a fast mount, you can manage to cross the bridge only touching it a few times (my record is only 3 touches, and one was right at the base)
Xael De Armadeon: DC
Xane De Armadeon: CW
Zen De Armadeon: OP
Zohar De Armadeon: TR
Chrion De Armadeon: SW
Gosti Big Belly: GWF
Barney McRustbucket: GF
Lt. Thackeray: HR
Lucius De Armadeon: BD
Member of Casual Dailies - XBox
I blast through the traps when I'm alone, but I try not to when I'm in a group.
Anyhow thanks for all the help and the gang who helped me through last night! It was great that one player was encouraging saying "You can do it! Go on!"
Nice to see some nice players in the game still
Balls o' Death, Trap seals, dodging and avoiding said same, those 4 rapidly moving balls before the slippery wood bridge of insult on top of injury, and then once you're into the actual castle, a boss w/ a BS regenerating mechanic. I spent over 20 minutes and at least 15 tries JUST to get to the castle. IN. SANE.
Oh, forgot the Leaps of Doom, make sure to ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS use your speed at the cliff and the waterfall. At least w/ Gyrion you have the glowy path for the 1st part, although personally I find it insulting and in extreme poor taste that the glowy path is disabled for the second jumping series.
Point is though that you have a checkpoint setup in Gyrion, and that is one thing that the Nostura run sorely needs. A good respawn place would be the waterfall. Having to rerun and Rerun and RERUN the whole course time and time again just got me killed more, and made me angrier. If the last boss world is worse than this, somebody should GET FIRED.
Seriously. I am not here to get frustrated by stupid boss mechanics and God Awful jumping/dodging puzzles. That's not fun for me. Especially the part where I have to redo the same trip over and over again just because of some sadistic individual's desire to show off how creative they are.
Right now I probably won't run Nostura again until I can upgrade My CW w/ some better enchantments. Took me something like 10 mins to kill the witch, and that's just too darn long in the face of having to run an obstacle course that I will no doubt have to run three or four times every time I want to get to the castle.
One last thing.. It would be a REAL novelty to see, just FOR ONCE, one of these super bosses that actually gets affected by my chills and "control" powers. I can't think of a single boss in Well of Dragons, River District, or Storm King that is appreciably slowed or hindered by my "controls". Playing a CW at almost 12k, that gets really old, especially since they all run like Steve Austin and hit like the Hulk.
Not cool, dev guys. Not cool at all.
Best tip is party up if you having trouble finishing this.
P.S. You don't need to use the speed at all. I did not use it anywhere and when I use it, I usually mess it up. To jump over the cliff and waterfall, press the space bar and don't release it until after you cross.
I did Kabal for my GF. That was before loadouts so doing it 35 times solo as a tact IV was very painful. I dreaded that even more than Nostura. Clear time was about double Nostura.
wait for the first 2 ball went left. Walk to the 2nd row.
Wait for the 3rd ball goes left. Walk up.
Wait for the final ball to go left, walk across.
I did Kabal for my OP. Yes, it takes a longer time for my OP to do Kabal than my DC did Nostura if I compare the time spend after I know how to do them "right".
I used this one: