finally got enough zen to go and buy ToD campain completion, but i cant see it on the zen store presuming its with the ones like DR,IWD,Shar while yes i do need to to IWD, i would rather get the ToD one as no one seems to want to do tia runs until the hoard is 100%.
Is it likly to come back or did i miss my chance to finsh the campain?
There is (or was) one for ToD too.
However, I think they took it out because it seems it did not cover WoD portion.
The campaign completions are in the services section. I just checked & it is there, near the bottom.
Move to an alt down the line and check the zen market again.
what SOME of my other toons get
what i want to get isnt there
ToD does exist as a buyout and isn't on any form of rotation.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
Signature [WIP] - tyvm John
If there was a buyout for just those final two boons, even if it was around twenty bucks, I don't doubt people would be all over it.
Or ability to buy Linu's Favors in 10-packs (which would also have an application in buying SH resources).
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
When I say "should" in a case like this I mean that if all goes according to plan, then in M12 a player can purchase the ToD campaign buyout if they have even one single boon unfinished. However, anything can happen between now and then so I cannot guarantee 100% that this will occur. Perhaps the dinosaurs we have so lovingly created will rise up and take over our controlled environment. Maybe a rogue programmer will sneak in a bit of code to lock us out, only to have karma rise up and have him defeated by a small cute dinosaur which seems friendly, but truly isn't, during his escape. Anything is possible.
To make it even more shouldly I'll say that: In M12, ALL existing campaign buyouts should be able to be purchased if any, non-repeatable, portion of them is incomplete. If someone discovers that this is not the case after M12 goes live, please let us know.
Thank you for hearing us, it's really appreciated.^^
Iyon the Dark
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia