Hello all, I'm currently running rust monster, energon, earth archon, harper bard (summoned) death slaad and was wondering elemental air cultist was worth upgrading? to replace earth archon for buff debuff tank Op? Pc players imput would be greatly appreciated as I'm on console. TY in advance.
game - Human/real life - ???
OP 18k+ Devotion/Justice - Light
A combo I'm liking is Chicken, Rust, Slyph, and the new Elemental Air Cultist. The Cultist I haven't tested myself (blah blah lazy blah blah essay blah blah Mass Effect Andromeda), but if it works, it sounds great.
For Survival: Leg Frozen Galeb Duhr w r12s, Epic Seigemaster, Shadow Demon, Bullet Pup, Dread Warrior/Rust Monster
Or mix them
Switched to one of the augments for babytanking demo with a tank in training. I might switch back to the one that heals when you pop super just for the ring and defense slots. Since the the hill climb in FBI seems to be the only problem area. can tank orcus with his balls on your face dies while looking like a blue oxygen atom by a rock.
Check out the Shadowknight Build for OP Protection here
[Combat (Self)] Orcus gives 0 (446273) Physical Damage to you with Wand Bash.
[Combat (Self)] Orcus gives 0 (514415) Physical Damage to you with Bash.
[Combat (Self)] Orcus gives 0 (521299) Physical Damage to you with Bash.
[Combat (Self)] Orcus gives 0 (555505) Physical Damage to you with Wand Sweep.
[Combat (Self)] Orcus deals 64883 (648828) Physical Damage to you with Wand Bash.
> How about the Dancing Shield for Prot OP?
The dancing shield is more popular with Guardian Fighters. Pally's don't need to stack defense. The shield has 3 defense runeslots. Most people run companions with more offense runeslots on a pally. I find the Con Artist, with 2 offense and 1 defense is a good compromise.
Are there any other companions with 3 offensive runeslots, and easy to obtain gear (rings mostly) slots. I don't consider the following easy (cheap) to obtain: Sword Knots, Icon, Grimoire, Talisman, Waist and Neck.
I also have a Repentant Dragon Cultist at Epic, but not sure what to swap out with it. It's active is like a reverse Fire Archon's active, and has a summoned debuffing ability similar to SS/CA (although it's single target)...
My base defense is only about 8k as well. My bonding gets it up around 16k or 57% or so. I find that is plenty when I add on 10% for being Protection, 10% from divine call, and 25% for CoP.
Is 3 ring slots good? Yes. Is 3 offense slots good? Yes. Is the active bonus good? Yes. Does the one drawback of the lillend make it a bad summoned companion to use? In my opinion, yes. I have one in an active slot, but I won't summon it for dungeons, it simply isn't consistent in my testing, and it doesn't debuff. To me that's a dealbreaker, although that's just how I play.
Can someone clarify something while we are here? Do underdark rings proc inside of the companion buffing the stats you get massively? For example if a brutality ring procs inside of a companion will that buff their power by 4000, and what % of that is shared? Do I get that buff on me? Does the companion get that buff? Do rising rings work, but sudden do not? I was always unclear on the underdark ring interactions inside of companions, and still am. If there is a thread from a theorycrafter on this, that would be great. I didn't see one when I looked.
All underdark rings have been disabled on companions, I'm not sure if the companion itself benefits but it doesn't share even if it does.
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