Just putting this out here as a thought:
Why not completely remove pvp gear and give everyone a fixed tenacity stat? Extra tenacity could be linked to pvp boon progression?
This would (to my mind) have two immediate benefits:
1. new players entering pvp would automatically gain tenacity and reduce the slaughterhouse effect somewhat.
2. existing players wouldn't need to have two sets of armor clogging up inventory space.
I know it wouldn't solve the enchantment slotting problem but it could be a step in the right direction?
Please Do Not Feed The Trolls
Xael De Armadeon: DC
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Zen De Armadeon: OP
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Gosti Big Belly: GWF
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Member of Casual Dailies - XBox 3
OP - Sunshine: 16000 IL
Casual Dailies
and for your info players already get base tenacity for free in pvp even wearing no tenacity gear
dude even pve players have multiple armor sets and gear "clogging" up space if you are hard up for a few inv slots and a "dedicated player" get some bag space
and for your info players already get base tenacity for free in pvp even wearing no tenacity gear
you would still need different gear sets for pvp vs pve this is not lord of the rings here its not one gear set to rule them all .... your build would still need to be tweaked in dual spec pvp vs pve mode
so you/ players would still lose matches even with all the base tenacity vs other player cause your gear/build is not optimal
I think your suggestion is just a lazy fix and players would still get rolled with thier pve power selection and build and then be unable to blame tenacity anymore it would still be a slaughter fest
and none of this matters unless all guild boons/potions are stripped from pvp and or base loadsouts are given to everyone thus removing diversity and no "bad build/power" choices can be made while still allowwing gear progresstion and pvp gear as rewards giving a few % boost in stats no more
PS4 characters:
Brie Liadon, Shotgun Wizard
Disposable Hero, Kidney removal technician
Valorous Cake, Armored pastry defender
Ginger Christ needs no introductions
adding this everfrost item 30% resist just trivialized end game content as well cause it stacks with other everfrost resist getting 60% resist
"Free" Tenacity will not make PVE gear or builds work in PVP.
You can clear pve content in pvp gear, just not at most optimum levels. You sure as hell can't be competitive in pvp with pve gear and builds (at least not dps classes).
The other aspects (proper PVP build, guild boons, ...) remain real issues however.
umm you do need a full set or at least 3/4 with the 50k hit point armor and 2 tenacity rings
The thing is, most dedicated pvp'ers have max tenacity so this idea wouldn't negatively impact on matches between these players, it would however change the dynamic against newer players or those who like to 'dip in and out'. A positive from this would be that newer players and pvp 'part-timers' would be more inclined to queue. This would be a net benefit to the existing pvp community because more people queuing / getting into pvp means more matches and less 100 - 0 boring camp-fests.
Dedicated players would still win the majority of matches simply through better tactical understanding, but their opponents would've had a fighting chance and probably got some enjoyment out of the process.
Xael De Armadeon: DC
Xane De Armadeon: CW
Zen De Armadeon: OP
Zohar De Armadeon: TR
Chrion De Armadeon: SW
Gosti Big Belly: GWF
Barney McRustbucket: GF
Lt. Thackeray: HR
Lucius De Armadeon: BD
Member of Casual Dailies - XBox
2 times in 3 weeks? Someone else recently said they queue for ages without any popping. In my experience the queue pops every couple of minutes. Waiting 5 minutes for the queue to pop is a rare case; it usually pops in under 3. I therefore had little trouble getting all my pvp gear and glory quite fast. Maybe very few players pvp in your geographical location? I'm in Europe.
Aelan Icebleed (CW)
> People have incentive to play now, but they're not. It is almost completely impossible to earn enuff glory for the current PvP gear unless you are in a PvP guild. If you are not in one of those guilds, you are likely never going to win enuff to "earn" that gear.
People who refuse to play tried it once without any tenacity and got rolled, ask around. It's fairly easy to grind for glory too, all you need to do is make sure your gear is at least decent, maybe use a glory booster, and pot up. There is no sense in not giving yourself every advantage available especially if you're running alone. You might also benefit from bringing a friend or two, even just one other person can turn things around in your favor.
PS4 characters:
Brie Liadon, Shotgun Wizard
Disposable Hero, Kidney removal technician
Valorous Cake, Armored pastry defender
Ginger Christ needs no introductions
if you have a better idea how to do it, i am sure the dev will be happy to hear.
so far only PVP set manage to do it. black ice, relic or frostborn are complete fail
A better solution that does not involve developer intervention is incredibly simple, all it involves is a bit of reading. Players informing themselves of what to expect in a typical PvP match in regards to Tenacity, buffs, and gear helps said players tremendously and gives them an edge. If more people were willing to read about this sort of thing before diving in and then complaining when they get melted, our PvP community would be far more competitive and flourish despite the flaws of the system. A PvP environment devoid of unknown factors, no incentives to continue playing, and the same strategies over and over will stagnate quickly. Our current environment is entertaining because you don't know what you're going to be facing in the next match, it could be a well oiled engine of death with sword arms, hopeless noobs, or even a random group of people who play well and employ an actual strategy. Reducing player input to choosing powers is ridiculous.
PS4 characters:
Brie Liadon, Shotgun Wizard
Disposable Hero, Kidney removal technician
Valorous Cake, Armored pastry defender
Ginger Christ needs no introductions
The "will my team mates and/or opponents be geared properly" is not something I consider entertaining, but rather a factor that makes me think twice about queueing up at all.
Removing the gear gap still wouldn't remove character builds in terms of feats, and weapon/armor enchants, so we would still have that.
Currently, absolutely no amount of advice or research can make a new player competitive, or even slightly useful, in PvP.
This means that Cryptic is alienating potential players who are looking for a game to PvP in.
Neverwinter has the best combat mechanic out of all multiplayer games I've played in a very long time, and wasting that on a stubborn "we have to suck your bank account dry before you can compete, or you have to grind for several months before getting to do what they want to do" attitude towards new and returning players, is imo no longer sustainable for the game.
I don't agree that boons should be taken out of the equation, though, but it should add towards a slight stat increase, as proposed by several people already, instead of giving the full amount from each boon.
Maybe not against an entire team of maxed out people, but that's an extreme example. We use a great deal of extreme examples around here I've noticed.
PS4 characters:
Brie Liadon, Shotgun Wizard
Disposable Hero, Kidney removal technician
Valorous Cake, Armored pastry defender
Ginger Christ needs no introductions
OP - Sunshine: 16000 IL
Casual Dailies
OP - Sunshine: 16000 IL
Casual Dailies
@sundance777 said
"They are giving everyone 30% frost resist so we might as well get tenacity too
The point is 'why should survivability be based on how much pvp you play?'.
This alienates non-dedicated players and scares off new people from enjoying this aspect of the game - which has the knock-on effect of (further) reducing the amount of people that play it.
As I said, it would have no effect on matches between dedicated players but would reduce the amount of 1-shot campfests that new players currently experience.
Xael De Armadeon: DC
Xane De Armadeon: CW
Zen De Armadeon: OP
Zohar De Armadeon: TR
Chrion De Armadeon: SW
Gosti Big Belly: GWF
Barney McRustbucket: GF
Lt. Thackeray: HR
Lucius De Armadeon: BD
Member of Casual Dailies - XBox
PS4 characters:
Brie Liadon, Shotgun Wizard
Disposable Hero, Kidney removal technician
Valorous Cake, Armored pastry defender
Ginger Christ needs no introductions
If we remove tenacity there will only be those maxed out chars killing low IL players while someone with mediocre IL who bothers getting PvP equip will outperform an endgame PvE player now.