I can remember the 2x exp event. Grinding to hit the lvl 70 mark and get that item lvl 2k gear score so you run some of the end game stuff. The excitement builds up and you finally reach the goals you set out to do only to find out that you can't even get a group together to run endgame material (especially if you are dps). I read the chat log and it's 3k geared people looking for NDEMO???? I'm scratching my wondering now why are they looking for NDEMO? Then you have nearly 4k geared people looking for MDEMO. The same thing applies for CN also or ELOL. Now FBI and Svardborg are special cases where the GS is high and that's perfectly fine. But here's my gripe per se. The dungeons that are 2k and 2.5k the lower geared players who are trying to work our way towards the better gear and equipment so we can raise are GS are getting left out..... I mean let's not fool ourselves here. If a 3.5k dps is looking for a quick gold NDEMO run and I'm at 2.3k looking for a gold NDEMO run also who's going to get action the 3.5k dps... CN lol oh CN I've yet to step foot in that place even with two other 3k dps in the group. The tanks and healers didn't want to run simply because I didn't have a 3k GS lmao. So how are you expected to get anywhere endgame related if you can't run endgame material? I've ran Thrones and Prophecy only God knows how many times.

Shadow Pixies

> As a player of a 14.7k IL DC On occasion I'm more than happy to run with lower IL people provided they aren't rude or demand to be carried. I realize I'm probably the exception to the rule, but I like helping people get geared and I enjoy actually getting to know and making friends with people I play with regularly.
> Sure, it doesn't always work out and I know it's caused problems for me in the past where people 'assume' i'm some snob just because I only run with my friends but, to me personality means more than Item Level.
> The main reason I don't public queue isn't because I don't want to run with lower IL people, it's because I don't want to subject myself to the random rude people that sometimes show up in those queues and decide to direct their ire at me or my friends I'm likely public queuing with.
> Call me an Idealist if you want but I don't like when people get singled out or segregated from doing something fun because of some arbitrary and unnecessary imposition that someone who likely doesn't know what they are doing decides it is mandatory.
> In short- find a guild you can make friends in.
I completely understand the demanding to be carried part or rude gamers. I also like to help other people if I can. It makes it sketchy at times when running a p.u.g. I play to try to have fun not be subjected to some other gamers expectations. And I have a found a guild albeit a small but, it works and I'm happy so I guess all in all it works out.