I love the style and thought put into this game. However the longer I have been playing I noticed it is built towards a grind post 70 to keep us busy until the next release. In a sense, it is like a glorified phone game app after 70.
Pre-70 the missions are fairly entertaining. The reward is new zones to conquer and of course xp. The dungeons even drop new gear at times as we level.
What I am starting to feel we are missing post 70 is mission immersion. The number of quests and side quests for river zone is actually very low (most are go kill x enemies) They make up for this lack of mission variety by creating the perfect grind environment (dig sites, 3 dungeons, and HEs which are farmable.)
River District is actually a well thought out zone as far as geography and design (though I wish there were side gates between each area). I understand it is not a leveling zone. However you could easily set up contacts in each faction area that give a string of fun missions that lead to a reward of some type (supply chest currency for items similar to trade bar/ event shop)
I know this isnt ESO or Skyrim. D&D was my first dice and board game in the early 1980s. I loved going on missions that were imaginative. Thats what sold me. Neverwinter Nights and other similar games had it right on PC. MMO is a different world and we all know a money making business model is important.
So what am I asking for? In the future, a few more mission strings that are enjoyable, little less grind, a litte better reward system for epic dungeons. Just small tweaks on the scale.
> They just gave us one with Shroud of Souls.
Good to hear, Im on console so I havent seen it yet. I thought it was just loadouts and a SH update. Is it a new zone with well written mission arcs? I love anything written by RA Salvatore
The quest line is relatively short. New zone, but once you're done with the story, you can't access it again. The last part of the line, fighting Morlanth, is repeatable if you happen to get a key to re-access the Shard of Night.
Dig sites were the closest to that, but are very obvious
That's likely the primary reason why everything feels so different in the levelling zones. They were designed more in the vein of a single-player story game. The dungeons, maybe even the skirmishes, were there to be played with a group of friends, but there wasn't the MMO consideration of how to keep players coming back day after day. Game elements where NW was praised for being so different from other MMOs existed because it was developed as a different type of game and then converted to an MMO after a lot of it was already built.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
My point is i agree that would be awesome but it would bring loong breaks to the game itself and that isn't good at all
Of course a lot of changes can be made, take Underdark/Maze campaing for an example, there's a good storyline and well made quests; Yes believe that we should be ablle to run it with no 5/10/15 dailys quest lines to hold us, but we need some farming for boons, rings or weapons to keep the players in the game...
I think the idea in River District was, to give you your weapon set with almost no effort since you would be farming boons, i dont think is was a bad desing at all, i think it was a well made module, the only, let's say loose part was the skirmish... that should have been presented in the story to make sense...
I think that if they bring the 2 conscepts toguether would be perfect !
I mean the same kind of quality quest line from Underdark/Maze and Shroud of Souls, presenting the skirmish/dungeon during the campaing (like Underdark) in a well build zone like River District, plus given us the option to grind for boons end equipment later (after the quest line) would be awesome...
btw the new (or revamped) dungeon should be unlocked just after the quest line, to end it... boons should not be a requirement to enter like SOMI does...
Sorry for the bad english and for the long text ...