Here is some math and other observation around the legendary mount you could in theory receive from this week's Portobello Artificier's Workshop event dungeon.
Facts of the matter: the dungeon drops Beholder Personal Tank mount, lootable from the flying beholder, as well as event-theme Portobello's Mitre headwear in the reward dungeon. As of this moment, AH has 10 mounts and around 500 mitres for sale. It also took me 33 runs to get the mitre from the reward chest. That gives, under obvious assumptions, a drop rate of 1:1650. I should be able to make more accurate estimate once I see a few more mitres drop in the chest.
Other interesting stats: average dungeon run time is ~8.5 min with a PUG, shortest run time from queueing to next queueing I've observed so far was around 6:15 min (with exactly 1:00 min spent in cut scenes). This, together with the mount drop rate estimate and its current price of 12.5M AD gives an approximate return of investment around 53.5K AD per hour, though you chance of actually getting the mount if farming 2 hours a day for the next 20 days is about 1:8.
P.S. Almost forgot, the floating beholder NPC seems to be bugged: half of the time, if you wait for others to finish looting, it won't even let you loot it, and sometimes when you loot it it would give you nothing - not even trash food. So try to be the first one looting it, it may (or may not) increase your chances.
if that's so then the drop rate is MUCH MUCH worse than last year. I haven't seen a single notification go by and I see notifications go by enmasse for legendary drops from keys. I suspect MANY more dungeons are being run than keys opened. last year it was a steady stream of notifications.
I thought it didn't start dropping til next week. The ones on ah are from last time
That's a good point. I've just checked with a couple of folks who listed their mount on AH and they have confirmed that this is a drop from the current event.
P.S. Price is down to 10.5m AD, getting closer to the 8.2 m AD for the cheapest legendary mount over there.
Escalating the unable to interact with Beholder sometimes. PC reported the same issue and we looked into it thoroughly but were unable to repro it. It's maddening :-/
I have been farming the workshop since last year with no luck at all. Never bother me since I am farming with friends. Yesterday one of the new guys we recruit in our Guild walked in the shop for the first time ever. He loot the tank and got it. There was a silence in the room from all of us leaders since we know how long( last year and the year before) we have been farming non stop to only get food or a hat. Is this fair? Am I been crazy here ? This is just wrong. The worst part about it is that the new guild member told us he has barely time to play and didn't know if he was going to continue playing because of family matters. Is this even fair? I love neverwinter but moments like this just makes me want to stop playing all together. Am I been wrong to make this comment?
I have been farming the workshop since last year with no luck at all. Never bother me since I am farming with friends. Yesterday one of the new guys we recruit in our Guild walked in the shop for the first time ever. He loot the tank and got it. There was a silence in the room from all of us leaders since we know how long( last year and the year before) we have been farming non stop to only get food or a hat. Is this fair? Am I been crazy here ? This is just wrong. The worst part about it is that the new guild member told us he has barely time to play and didn't know if he was going to continue playing because of family matters. Is this even fair? I love neverwinter but moments like this just makes me want to stop playing all together. Am I been wrong to make this comment?
Always remember...LIFE'S NOT FAIR!
Do you play the game to have fun, get online and do things with friends; or to go, "Oh looky, I got the Lengendary Flaming Unicorn that Poops Rainbow Stars. Ain't I special."
Thousands of people don't get the tank everyday either. So many things in this game are just the latest thing that will be out of date in a couple of months when the new latest thing comes around. People take games way to seriously and I have to wonder how they handle problems in real life.
If this upsets you this much, maybe you should stop playing all together, or at lead take a break.
I have been farming it non stop I have done aprox 900 runs give or take 50 haven't gotten it yet. But lots of brutals ect.. I'll farm till I get it no complaints other then when the beholder doesn't let you focus on it seems to be happening more and more ... best of luck everyone
I have been farming the workshop since last year with no luck at all. Never bother me since I am farming with friends. Yesterday one of the new guys we recruit in our Guild walked in the shop for the first time ever. He loot the tank and got it. There was a silence in the room from all of us leaders since we know how long( last year and the year before) we have been farming non stop to only get food or a hat. Is this fair? Am I been crazy here ? This is just wrong. The worst part about it is that the new guild member told us he has barely time to play and didn't know if he was going to continue playing because of family matters. Is this even fair? I love neverwinter but moments like this just makes me want to stop playing all together. Am I been wrong to make this comment?
I agree with the general sentiment that the lottery reward model chosen for this event isn't the best. I suppose it may have ben done so to save a couple of days of dev/test time by not doing a new tradeable event currency which you would grind for or buy from AH and then, once you amassed 10m AD worth of it, you would trade it for the mount.
Off-topic: the event has it's fun moments - like those funny campaign and gear comments devs put in, but there isn't really any loot to rationally grind for a typical endgamer - for 20+ days. So, quiet times're ahead - with my daily playing time down to 30-60 min - quick run of River District daily and a maybe a couple of IG runs - that's it until the 2xRP or the next mod arrives. Perhaps I'll finally get that last WoD boon.
yeah, I am not farming this event hard. I'm doing a round or two every few days. I'd have to feel like I had a chance at it to farm it and since I haven't seen a single beholder tank notification go by in my playtime.. I really don't feel like I have a chance at it lol. I wanted to farm for the wand but I'm having a hard time doing it. it's just sooo boring and pointless. at least make r5's more regular right?
drop rate has definitely increased. I'm seeing as many beholder notifications go by as other legendary things. I think it was only dropping by accident last week.
We're back to the circular argument of whether people understand the way these events work along with managing your own expectations over drop rates.
Stuff like the Beholder Tank are Jackpot prizes. If you're farming this event with any degree of expectation (rather than extreme hope) of hitting the big prize, you are most likely to be disappointed.
Most events like this are easy for end game players, and that's because they are generic. This means that anyone can win the jackpot.
Once again, its back to the lottery analogy. The lotto company won't give you the jackpot just because you bought ten thousand tickets and didn't win. They won't make the jackpot easier to win either, or it stops being special.
Jackpot prizes won by new players with L40 or whatever characters are a chance for them to flog the prize on the AH and make millions. Just like in real lotteries or raffles.
There IS a way to get a Beholder Tank without farming Portobello or dropping lucky on Glorious Resurgence. Since the last Portobellos Game finished, I'm fairly confident that there has rarely, if ever, NOT been one or more for sale on the AH.
So if you want to farm for a Beholder Tank, or any other Jackpot prize, you are statistically far, far, more likely to get it by farming AD, even though that will likely take much longer.
P.S. Price is down to 10.5m AD, getting closer to the 8.2 m AD for the cheapest legendary mount over there.
Do you play the game to have fun, get online and do things with friends; or to go, "Oh looky, I got the Lengendary Flaming Unicorn that Poops Rainbow Stars. Ain't I special."
Thousands of people don't get the tank everyday either. So many things in this game are just the latest thing that will be out of date in a couple of months when the new latest thing comes around. People take games way to seriously and I have to wonder how they handle problems in real life.
If this upsets you this much, maybe you should stop playing all together, or at lead take a break.
Off-topic: the event has it's fun moments - like those funny campaign and gear comments devs put in, but there isn't really any loot to rationally grind for a typical endgamer - for 20+ days. So, quiet times're ahead - with my daily playing time down to 30-60 min - quick run of River District daily and a maybe a couple of IG runs - that's it until the 2xRP or the next mod arrives. Perhaps I'll finally get that last WoD boon.
Stuff like the Beholder Tank are Jackpot prizes. If you're farming this event with any degree of expectation (rather than extreme hope) of hitting the big prize, you are most likely to be disappointed.
Most events like this are easy for end game players, and that's because they are generic.
This means that anyone can win the jackpot.
Once again, its back to the lottery analogy. The lotto company won't give you the jackpot just because you bought ten thousand tickets and didn't win. They won't make the jackpot easier to win either, or it stops being special.
Jackpot prizes won by new players with L40 or whatever characters are a chance for them to flog the prize on the AH and make millions. Just like in real lotteries or raffles.
There IS a way to get a Beholder Tank without farming Portobello or dropping lucky on Glorious Resurgence.
Since the last Portobellos Game finished, I'm fairly confident that there has rarely, if ever, NOT been one or more for sale on the AH.
So if you want to farm for a Beholder Tank, or any other Jackpot prize, you are statistically far, far, more likely to get it by farming AD, even though that will likely take much longer.