Now I cannot really get footage of this, and it cannot be shown in a still image. So I am hoping someone will know where I am coming from or understands. While I was running some dungeons on my Paladin I noticed that it was much more difficult to gain divinity. I then noticed that my divinity is draining while I am on combat. This only happens in combat and while the encounter [Bond of Virtue] is active. Ive turned off this encounter and noticed that my divinity was no longer being drained. Now I have a sneaking suspicion that it may have to do with vengeful judge combination. But I personally have not tested this, however I know for a fact that Bond of Virtue is draining divinity usage. If someone can check up on this and see if its happening to them or not, that would be great!
![:) :)](
Now, if Bond of Virtue is causing this, I'm going to assume that this is a bug, and it needs attention by ARC devs. OP Healadins are already having problems getting into groups being lower on the scale of wanted classes, this only amplifies the problem.
Here is a thread I posted a couple of weeks ago describing the same issue.
I only notice the drain when other people are within your Bond's range. If no one is in range, the Divine Energy bar doesn't drain at all. It only seems to drain if 1 or more people are within your BoV range.
I posted it here so it would get more attention by DEVs.
By that I mean have a person or two to help, run through turning on/off all auras etc to see if any of them are a part of the equation. If you can find that it's a combination of 2+ factors or even that it's just BV by itself being in range of players would help. Also, think about posting a short video of it happening whilst your chat window is on 'log' so they can see nothing is registering.
See if it drains faster when more people are in range, how about if they have aggro from enemies, taking/not taking damage etc.
These things should provide them with sufficient detail and hopefully get them working on it sooner rather than later.
Xael De Armadeon: DC
Xane De Armadeon: CW
Zen De Armadeon: OP
Zohar De Armadeon: TR
Chrion De Armadeon: SW
Gosti Big Belly: GWF
Barney McRustbucket: GF
Lt. Thackeray: HR
Lucius De Armadeon: BD
Member of Casual Dailies - XBox
game - Human/real life - ???
OP 18k+ Devotion/Justice - Light
Bug is still occuring on PS4.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
Oh.... This is speculative, but if you're a PS4 player, I have a feeling we PS4 (and possibly XBONE) players get MOD11 on April 11th.
I've come to this conclusion by the simple fact that there is nothing in our Event calendar beyond the April 9th events.... the last time we saw a gap like that in the event calendar, was just before MOD 10.5 was released for us.