I've been looking at the stats, but the Collections page only shows the Relic Armor at Tier2. From that I would have to guess, based on the greaves, that unempowered boots are not as powerful as Adamant. Is that correct?
Has anyone vivified their gear yet? If so, does it require empowerment, or is it 100% better than existing armors, Everfrost resistance notwithstanding?
I just got a pair of Relic Raid greaves, and am going back and forth on restoring them. I'd have to buy at least half the lanolin, and don't want to waste the funds on inferior gear. (My intent to blow voninblod on empowerment is 0).
In a normal day's play atm. - 2 dungeons, 2 skirmishes, dailies, BHEs, and eSVA runs - My armor will need a top up from tier 2 to 3 at some point. That's about 4000 blod per day I think.
Easy to the point of not even noticing at the moment, everything you do in the new zones, from fishing to questing gives you blod, but afterwards... Getting your blod per day will become yet another daily. Worse if you have the 4 piece set. Also remembering the set bonus is mod-specific, so umbral gear's lack of set-bonus won't matter either, post mod 10.
I think the devs walked a fairly fine line with the new gear, they obviously wanted to create something to compete with the masterwork armor, but easier to get for the free to play guys and the new players, without making the masterwork gear redundant. Which they have in fact, achieved. Well done devs. Don't say that very often lol.
And I'm sorry to hear vivified still needs to be fed. I thought the point of vivified was to resolve the blood munching--not just extra stats.
SW Vivified Raid Chest Tier 3 -
SW Umbral Raid Helmet -
SW Vivified Raid Helmet Tier 3 -
That's all I can post. Sorry, I don't have vivified and masterwork gear on my alts.
Hælja, Swordmaster Conqueror Guardian Fighter of Thieves World
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, Life is but a dream.
Xael De Armadeon: DC
Xane De Armadeon: CW
Zen De Armadeon: OP
Zohar De Armadeon: TR
Chrion De Armadeon: SW
Gosti Big Belly: GWF
Barney McRustbucket: GF
Lt. Thackeray: HR
Lucius De Armadeon: BD
Member of Casual Dailies - XBox
Both my chest and feet now are rock bottom empty of blod. They still remain slightly better stat-wise than my umbral hands and head and I decided I could live with the unempowered vivified versions.
I wish there were some kind of blod-pack available on the AH, to empower the armor without having to grind for hours. If I am gonna grind, I'd prefer to choose the kind of grinding, rather than be locked into endless loops of cold run, or lonely wood.
I remember one thing about mod 3 that eased the pain of feeding your armor black ice, kessels gave decent amounts of raw black ice, and professions refined it.
We need a similar profession for mod 10. Plus tasks, mass gather volinblod, and mass refine.
To answer the OP, there is a reason why some classes would chase Relic Armor. Some classes, like CW or GWF, can find the Power/Crit/Defense armors with relative ease. However, other classes, like Conqueror GFs, don't have many Armor options with Power/Crit/Defense. The Relic Raid armors give these classes an option for the Power/Crit/Defense stat combo. It probably does. However, in my experience, the Permafrost buff icon disappears if you die. Which tends to happen every now or then in endgame content (and doubly so as a tank who uses KV).
You can mitigate this slightly by having multiple copies of the Permafrost thing.
According to one of the preview patches, Relics will yield more Voninblod, so perhaps the cost will be "sustainable"... eventually...
If the complaint about farming is for lanolin, then this is how I look at it. How much will it cost, and how much of a stat bonus will I receive. Lanolin is purchasable, so if you don't feel like farming, you can always just buy it with AD. For the boots and the gloves, it requires 25 lanolin. Which if you just purchased them all for let's say 20k each, that is 500k AD.
Ranking up a R11 radiant to rank 12. First you need to buy or farm the stuff to get it ready to upgrade. Then you need the 4 (i think)superior marks which idk about PC but are generally over 70k each on ps4. But let's say they are 70k. That's 280k just for those. Then you need to buy wards for your 3% success rate. So there's a chance that you might spend less. But if you do, it will be less than 200k. Now let's look at the stat difference. R11-r12 is a 150 power difference. With the provided comparison to umbrel gear you gain over 900 power, 6000 hp. For less than 200k more. But you lose crit. Even then, it's a 682 offensive stat bonus. And if you just do the new content that they make, then voninblod won't be an issue. Why ask for new content if you're just not going to do it?
Hælja, Swordmaster Conqueror Guardian Fighter of Thieves World
Edit...Mispoke on 10%bonus...touche @kallephi#0836