Since the changes were made to dungeon chests so that you MUST expend a key to "see" and automatically take what is in said chest, I wanted to share my experiences of the loot table: are both the Epic and Legendary Key chests in FBI. Let me know what you think or if you've had similar experiences, thanks!
On ambush rings: "How would you like PVE if all the mobs were invisible?"
3 of them. Wish i had a picture to post here.. but i did not take it, when i got that.
If they increase the drops, even just a small amount, the casuals will barely notice and the dedicated folks will get everything they need. Not exactly a bad thing, except that those dedicated players are usually the money spenders too, and you need to keep them challenged and interested.
Suffice to say, I've run FBI enough now that I know every battle, every boss tell, every mod that we will encounter....and other than the helmet I got on the first run, I have not gotten a single relic drop at all. I have the mats from chests to restore every piece, but I simply can't get them to drop.
My opinion has always been, add tokens to the chests and keep the drop rate. That way, you know how many times you have to run something and RNG is taken out of it a bit. You should not have to run something more than, say, 50 times max to get everything you want out of it. Repetition is not content.....
Loots been terrible especially FBI and MSVA for me. The others are like nothings changed at all. Some people are making a killing over and over since key changes were implemented whilst others are sitting there grinding their teeth watching the same people over and over get epic and legendary drops and have to congratulate them again and again. I whole heartedly agree fishing is where its at for AD.
[]Full Metal Witch[]
4149 TiL
Guild: (X1) The Legendary Outlaws
"The Best of the Best"
"Nobody does it better"
#TLO BiS dps wizard.
1/3 run a piece.
Thing is about FBI, once you get the relic armor, it is not worth farming for stuff, unless you can get it done within 20-25min. Otherwise it's just too long for a high chance of Bind on Account/Character items with some sellable stuff... It still is worth running though if you don't have the set pieces, even though it can be brutal when it takes 100 runs to get it all...
If you're after the rings, Msva is a better option...