For a couple months now, I've kept my Legendary Dragon Keys in a shared bank slot, so that I can withdraw a single key near the end of a dungeon/skirmish from any character when needed. Since the update to keys, putting them in a different inventory tab, I cannot withdraw from the bank or even move them anymore, so now I have a bunch of dragon keys stuck in my shared bank, unable to use them. Attempting to withdraw them does nothing; the option is not greyed out, but simply nothing happens. All of the other slots seem to be greyed out when I try to drag them to a different spot in the bank. It's like we're not supposed to have account-bound keys shared between accounts anymore, and because they managed to stay in this spot they're not allowed to be ("owned" keys were moved to keys tab by a script), I'm blocked from accessing them at all now.
I tried to make a support ticket, but only eventually got a response that I can make a thread about it in the forums. Support said they will not help me, but I can make a bug report if I want someone to fix it, except because I don't "own" the keys, they don't show up in a menu listing of items to create reports for. So I was told, acknowledging that support tickets aren't allowed for items in shared bank slots, that my only option is to complain in the forums and hope developers eventually see it.
I know it sounds cynical, but thinking it over from a couple different standpoints, I'm really thinking I should just cut my losses at this point and get over it. Maybe I'll use up the rest of my keys from the campaign currency I got in the winter festival, and maybe I'll stay or maybe I'll give up after that, I haven't decided yet. Maybe I'll just sit on the remaining VIP days and sell whatever I get from lockboxes without ever playing, I don't know. It was fun healing people in CN speed runs (more so before mod6, but whatever), but I still haven't had enough time to unlock fangbreaker island. By now, with the key changes what they are, and all my dragon keys gone, I'm probably too hopelessly behind to get anything from it, and from what I've seen in chests the odds aren't any better. Couple new things you can find, but just as many worthless chests.
From a developer's/coder's perspective, I think this type of glitch is really fundamental to how the game works. In the past, it was always impossible to put professions or currency items in the bank slots because they were effectively a different type of item altogether. That's the same for keys now, and none of the developers ever foresaw these other types of items being stored in bank slots. So I'm guessing it's a real mess to try and clean up that could realistically require rewriting a lot of the underlying code from the ground up.
I would speculate that with the immense pressure the developers no doubt had to push this update out NOW - no matter what the community thinks, and brace for hate and backlash, they had to come up with something quickly to make fewer paying customers ragequit over it. To keep the game's item schema and referential integrity intact, they simply ran a script to move any keys from inventories and personal banks to the key section of their backpacks, but in their haste the developers didn't think about keys in shared/guild banks. With the major changes already behind them for a few days now, it's too late to roll back the changes - not to mention they'd never get authorization to roll it back in the first place - so I think the devs are stuck maybe figuring out some way to change something fundamental about how the game has worked for years with regards to different inventories, just to appease a few players that got doubly burned by their latest pay2play update. From a profit standpoint, that could maybe clean up a few people's accounts, for presumably a lot of effort, or they can just have customer support tell affected players to buy more keys; you have to buy a lot of keys now anyway, after all, and the game is known for its bugs, so a few people just have to buy a little extra to compensate for bugs. Or those couple people might leave over this, but they knew they were going to lose players anyway, which is fine if the ones who stay spend more money to make up for it.
From a business perspective, not worth the developers' man-hours to fix it for maybe a few hundred players. They'll just cut their losses. Maybe the affected players will stay (and buy more keys) or maybe they'll go, but not enough money in paying developers to fix such a mess just so a few extra shafted players don't quit, especially when metrics for quitting over this would've been unpredictable enough to make this an insignificant blip.
Personally, I bought some of these keys during a sale because I heard a rumor that this change was going to happen, and thought I should plan ahead. Now I have 1 less shared bank slot than I did before, and a bunch of keys I paid for are permanently locked away. Lesson learned: Never EVER spend money on this game to plan for the future. Just like with lockbox keys before, if you buy items in this game planning ahead, your money will inevitably be wasted. That's what I get. To add insult to injury, because it's not a hard enough lesson on its own, I'm not even allowed to submit a proper bug report, and customer support tells me to go away. All I have left to do is soapbox in the company's own official forums for developers to completely ignore.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia