As the title says, but let's go into more details.
T1/T2 dungeons: Every single one of these dungeons will guarantee you a drop of gear. And not just that, you can choose which piece you want. Everyone is happy with it. If you want to take it step further you can empower it through Black Ice Shaping profession and make the gear Elemental (T2 gear only)
Then we have the Relic gear. There is no reason to gate the non BIS gear behind an RNG. The gear is already old. With the module 10.5 the Relic gear became inferior to the now BIS Vivified gear.
Furthermore, the Relic gear that drops (currently a chance), and let us say you got the drop you needed (also another chance), needs to be restored to be usable and needs to be empowered to keep it BIS.
To summarize, we had a chance of a chance (I feel so stupid when I have to say that) to get the gear. We then had to restore it to use it. Then we needed to vivify it to make it BIS. And after that, to keep it BIS, we needed to empower it daily. I do hope you all see the design flaw here.
So what needs to change?
Gear drop must be a guarantee in FBI. Also, we need to have a choice of the piece of gear we want (Assault or Raid). You have already gated us behind mind-numbing grind to get the ingredients to restore it and we have a grind for AoS (Assault on Svardborg) to vivify it and we also must farm relics to keep it BIS, making the gating behind an RNG in an RNG pointless.
What will we accomplish?
People will finally have a reason to run FBI daily. Currently, I'll take a wild guess and say 95%, people are running it ONLY to unlock Master Assault on Svardborg. So make this dungeon worth running more then once.
@mimicking#6533 and I'll tag our CM because this needs to get through
@nitocris83 . Make this case for us please.
EDIT: 24 now
Hælja, Swordmaster Conqueror Guardian Fighter of Thieves World
So why would anyone bother running SVA to vivify the relic gear that never drops for items from SVA that never drops when you have to grind a HAMSTER load in SOMI just to use the SVA chests,and only a Moron is going to buy a 100 or more legendary dragon keys to get items they DONT want every time...
I would and many would as well buy keys if it was a definate superior mark each time in Svardborg ,and same goes for FBI if it was a definate choice of relic gear i would buy a key for that ...but never for a slim chance to get the wrong item!!
I hate HEs so I guess I didn't run enough of them to get relic boots to drop despite doing several hundred over a few months. I've done FBI and I've just gotten the same rings I could have gotten from SVA for my time. I got 1 hat to drop and 1 chest piece (The wrong chest piece) to drop out of all the runs I've been able to do. Judging from my supply of rings I've hoarded it's been at least 30 times and the majority drop I got was weapon transmutes that I could have gotten from CN.
I'll never retrace my steps.
Some of my best friends are Imaginary.