Once people complete their legendary sets and get all required marks there is no real value in loot for running svardborg anymore actually. Especially with the trial being uncomparably harder than demogorgon or castle never which can be completed now by nearly any group and still can still be farmed to get these quite good rings +5 or jackpot like shard of orcus wand.
Consider putting something worthy into these chests or else it will be a dead instance in the future and those who will come to farm weapons or new class if this weapon will still be relevant then will have problems farming these weapons because most just finished it and there is no real reason to come back there once done.
I did 2 runs last weekend one with the alliance and one with a zerg channel. They failed. Groups get worse even now.
I ll run with you if you tell me whats up with the HAMSTER . It is bugging me. Seriously. ( on my DC , any time )
The guys building groups finishing in 6 minutes are mostly done. I did not have time to grind like this and I did not want to spent all day begging for someone to invite my CW. I unlock it with my DC, so I will have the free choice on groups in a few weeks. If you are struggling with your DC, you either have bad groups or not the optimal build for SVH. We can pm online. With 2 DCs we have done 50% of the heavy lifting forming a decent SVH group.^^
I started running it this weekend and i did 5 runs. 4 where okay. I usually do it with my alliance / guild . They are really good at it. And i am learning really fast. I focused on getting my weapons first and i had a little problem in losing my first 49 runic pieces the first time on a silly upgrade i did not want in the first place. P.S . I really want to know what exactly does an orange HAMSTER word means. I was not on the forums for a period of time and when i got back : Everyone are suddenly using it and it is driving me nuts.
To the topic though: I strongly dislike the way they have implemented this mod. They are taking grind to ever-worsening levels. These 'ideas' include:
1) The box-in-a-box at the end of a successful FBI run:
- Basically, you need to grind for an Ancient Runic Key (2000 Voninblood and 10 Ten Town Supplies) to open the end chest.
- In the end chest is another 'lock-box style' chest, which gives you a *chance* to get the relic gear. I have run about 15 FBI and have not one relic piece drop yet. I do not know if my RNG is that bad compared to others, but I read someone did 50+ FBI runs to get a single piece of the wrong type.
- Considering each FBI run is around 30-40 min, this equates to about 25 hours of actual game time of essentially no reward. This is a pathetic reward for players.
2) Restoring relic gear:
- Once you are 'lucky enough' to receive a relic drop (or really, a 'badge of (dis)honor' to wear a piece saying that you grinded like a HAMSTER in Cryptic's wheel of fortune) then you have to restore it
- For a Head, Arm or Leg piece, this requires 25? lanolin per piece and 7000 VB (I only have the shoes so far, which requires 25 lanolin); the Chest piece requires 40 pieces of Lanolin (so I've heard)
- So roughly about 115 pieces of lanolin. Considering lanolin drop approximately every 10 Big Heroic Encounters, at a rate of completion being around 6-10 minutes, then thats 1-1.5 hours per lanolin. So perhaps about 30-40 hours of game time per small piece, and 40-60 hours for the chest piece. In total, perhaps about 120-180 hours. Of actual, real-life-hour grinding.
- Or perhaps you could just buy lanolin for 25-30k AD a pop - of which getting that AD by grinding is a full day's of refining for dailies.
3) Restoring relic artifact wepaons:
- For each main and offhand, you require a HAMSTER-load of Voninblood (around 50k), 20 lanolin per piece, 20 turtle moults, and a few epic drops from BHE in the different SKT zones. Depending on how quickly you farm VB, and your lanolin/turtle mount drops, you are still looking at around 50+ hours of game time per piece.
4) Upgrading relic artifact weapons
- Upgrading each level requires marks from the Svardborg run: Rare, Epic and Superior marks - 5 of each per item.
- Grinding for the rare and epic marks requires completing 10 successful mSVA at a minimum (that's if no Superior Marks drop - but you actually want these in the long run). Each chest requires grinding to achieve 'faction support' to open the chest with the corresponding mark (e.g. Arcane Brotherhood (dailies) for the Mark of Ild, Elk Tribe (fishing) for the Marks of Stig, and Storm Giants (Heroic Encounters) for the Mark of Uvar).
- The worst is trying to achieve 10 superior marks of each to upgrade the artifacts from Epic to Legendary. At an approximate drop rate of 1 in 6 runs, this will require about 180 successful mSVA runs, give or take depending on your RNG. Considering the 'best' times are around 5 minutes (and these groups have probably finished getting their Superior Marks and won't be coming back), this still would have taken them about 15 hours of continuous running of the Master Svardborg content. Well HAMSTER me dead. Now that these players have finished grinding, the players still left to grind the mSVA for Superior Marks are not as near BiS as those first groups, so runs may take anywhere from 7 minutes (still a good run, IMO) to about 12 minutes (standard) to perhaps close to 20 minutes for poor (but successful!) runs. This blows up the grind to 35+ hours of continuous grind for standard runs, but longer and longer for less well built groups.
I really do think that Cryptic has lost their way in making enjoyable content. The content in this module is nothing but grind. Once you take that away, there will be nothing left. If there are no rewards in mSVA after the grind is completed there is no reason to run it. It will die an inevitable natural death. And I, for one, think that perhaps that is the way the game is headed, unless they *do* something about it.
so if i say HAMSTER this ... oh this is amazing . XD
The reward system from SVA is a terrible idea since we already had a perfectly workable way to upgrade artifact gear. There was no reason to change it and even if there were, it should have been done a with a seals system that rewards for grind in addition to the RNG sometimes giving the player something nice.
It seems like ever since mod 6 the decision have always been made by asking, "What's the worst possible idea?" running with it and then adding new ways to beat us over the head with the RNG and taking up our inventory space.
I started really late.
As a DC i did around 7 runs of MSVA so far and around 10 FBI.
I restored both of my weapons and got my main to purple. And i was really lucky to get a legendary ring of Helling ? ( i am not sure i spelled this correctly )
I still need at least 3 more runs to upgrade the secondary weapon.
After it ? I have no idea what i am supposed to do .
No armor for me yet as well.
But i do plan to help anyone in need of a DC in the FBI or MSVA.
Just cos i see a lot of people are struggling.
As it is a friend farmed FBI, got the BOP +5 ring with power, and crit and I farmed POM and got the BOA ring of rising precision +5. POM ring can be sent to other chars, has more stats and drops from a skirmish with no min IL. Find the failure.
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, Life is but a dream.
( jk )
But seriously it is still ongoing . I get invited a lot from the moment i started it.
I feel like a little kid that just woken up to find X mas gifts .
Rubbing my hands with greed and waiting for all the invites.
IN the trial party chat : do not stand on runes we have the annointed army.
I wont pretend, that there are no bugs, exploits, etc. I shake my head every time, when PW tries to sell me something that was WAI for years as a bug or a exploit (leadership or dungeon chests, anyone?). But what I really cant wrap my head around is players, who try to blame and shame other players or the community for using a perfectly legal skill, bc they deem them OP or broken.
AFAIK you have a MOF rene CW. One of the most powerful buff builds in game. Do you respec or stop playing the char, when you think it is OP? Would you stop playing a GWF, bc his dmg is to high, until it gets nerfed?
Lets see, bondings are OP, AA is OP, buff stacking is OP, AP gain is OP... so everyone playing eSVH and winning does not deserve loot, bc at least one of the 10 players has bondings, is a tank, a DC... Seriously, if you see someone using a bug, report him, if you have to, and good luck finding a party after that, but if you dont like a legit mechanic, ask for changes and dont blame ppl for using it.
FOR me is funny player to ask for better loots when we all know that everyone can loot with this bug which ofcourse is not the player fault.
LETS go to other category bug. FReeze a boss and reenter the boss arena after wipe. fbi has bad loot sometimes and medium rank 8 enchants.
I WANT to go here for fun first. 2nd to get and relic gear maybe i will restore. 3rd if drop and rank 8 enchant even better.
EVERytime will be someone to start talking about the bug. question why to bug drufi ?
answer is : i dont want lose my time. AND i start to wondering why these guys come here in first place?
TO end this there is no medium. IS you are playing the game ( refering to drufi type bugs) or you exploit.
Ofcourse cryptic shouldnt let those black holes but community what does about this encouraging?
I agree in that the loot, frankly, sucks. As the owner of multiple good +5 rings myself, the "chance" of +5 rings are not worth running once you're weapon is powered up. And the Valhalla set doesn't count as good loot either...
I wonder what's going to happen to teams when AA gets hit with the nerfbat. Double bubble teams?
Isn't that why my OP daily got nerfed into a hella short version of KV? That's some HAMSTER that they half HAMSTER nerf one thing that's "gamebreaking" and leave something that does the same for another class.
To stay on topic. In all of the runs i did so far, there was no exploitation of bugs.
We went in, we killed it legit and got chests.
Everyone are talking about nerfing AA , but to be honest i love that skill.
When they bring it down people will just use something else.
Double bubble, or some other way of finishing it.
It is how it goes.
By this community in this 4 years there was no skill that did not need a nerf a change or removal.
I still need to figure out what i need to say to get a SQUIRREL ....
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, Life is but a dream.
Nothing would change and we would move on. Some people would rage quit , some would stay.
For me.. i have to say , my DC is my main char.
I have her from beta. And hell would freeze over before i quit playing her.
I fear solo players like myself without the support of a high level guild and the players without bonding stones and/or Item levels just high enough to enter will not be able to find parties capable of completing FBI or Msva. They will be left without the best items the game offers. Furthering the gap between the haves and have-nots.
Children of the Fey (RELEASED) - NW-DKSSAPFPF
Buried Under Blacklake (WIP) - NW-DEDV2PAEP
The Redcap Rebels (WIP) - NW-DO23AFHFH
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