After 10-13 Svardborg victories with chests unlocked, every player is going to be at a point where he/she can refine his relic weapon to maxed level 59 and will have no use at all for blue or purple marks from chests. From what I've observed in drops, you can expect about 1 orange mark (out of the 30 needed) from every 4 victories in Master's Svardborg. That means 120 runs. That means 360 keys after we're forced to accept whatever garbage loot the chests give out. That's IF - and it's a bif IF - we get an even distribution of orange marks so the RNG doesn't stick us with 25 of one, 3 of the second and 2 of the third (by the distribution of purple marks I get from the Dread Ring this does not seem unlikely). That's 120 runs for the final increment of stats form relic weapons.
So we need several things here:
1) 1 legendary dragon key should open all three chests from a victory instead of 3 chests = 3 keys.
2) A choice between the chest's normal loot with blue and purple marks or some campaign currency that can go to buying the orange mark of the player's choice - say 4 chests per 1 mark. Or seals. 400 Protector's seals = choice of orange mark, 800 elemental seals, 1200 adventurer's seals, 300 seals of triumph for pvpers who'd rather not be bothered with PVE grinds.
3) A vendor to turn in orange marks for the player's choice of another - since for some reason the marks can't just be bought from the frakking campaign store or wondrous bazaar in some way that isn't designed to frustrate and waste the time of players.
4) Reduction in amount of frakking fish required to gain a reward. We hate fishing. It doesn't belong in the game. Act accordingly.
Token systems always beats classic RNG for me. At least you'll end up getting your items eventually. I personally do not mind the overflow Marks though. I will use them for ALTs that cannot get into mSVA yet.
I'm more concerned honestly with the seemingly absolute mandatory requirement for GFs and DCs. While I'm happy for those DCs and GFs that have been neglected for so long...very happy for them actually as they really deserve would be nice if there was an alternative.
Currently, every group is basically waiting for tanks and DCs unless you are lucky enough to be in a great channel or guild.
Maybe thats just me, cause I don't have 2-3 hours to wait in a group waiting for a DC/GF.
feanor70118Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,170Arc User
The chests are fine you know, they lowered the price of legendary dragon key
Translation: they lowered they price by 20 per cent right after they made plans to require every player who wants to max out the new weapons to buy about 45 of them if that player doesn't wish to grind for three+ hours/day.
and you can keep on opening chests for free if you continue to do campaign or only open with campaign, its not that you are required to do all of this, like you wrote ~120 runs in one shot.
Translation: You can grind for about three hours/day with excruciatingly boring fishing and HEs.
Theres both free and bought options, and the free option is game content which is diverse (though not entirely fun for everyone) but lets you take breaks from grinding the same trial to do something else, nor is it that demanding. getting 10 of each superior mark only requries you to get 10 rep of each faction. Thats 10 days of dailies, a mix of weeklys and HEs, and fishing/treasure hunting. All these things can be easily gained over a month or so.
The legendary version are only slightly better than 59, and they are not required for any content. So why the rush to get it? All I hear from the OP is that they are salty they havent gotten it within a week.
I've only been doing a few whenever I get on, and Ive got 2/3/3 superiors already. It's nothing like the linu favor's grind.
The only suggestion I would endorse, is to be able to trade 2 types of the same superior marks for 1 of the other ones.
The chests are fine you know, they lowered the price of legendary dragon key
Translation: they lowered they price by 20 per cent right after they made plans to require every player who wants to max out the new weapons to buy about 45 of them if that player doesn't wish to grind for three+ hours/day.
and you can keep on opening chests for free if you continue to do campaign or only open with campaign, its not that you are required to do all of this, like you wrote ~120 runs in one shot.
Translation: You can grind for about three hours/day with excruciatingly boring fishing and HEs.
Way to miss the point completely.
Translation: Give me everything here and now, and for free.
Im sorry man this isnt going to work this way.
Actually, what I suggested was a way for players to get their orange marks as part of a reward-for-grind system. You obviously didn't bother to read it, or if you did, you didn't understand it it. So, decalring victory and walking away like an eight year old is not convincing.
And what I've suggested is still more work than simply buying the marks you needed from the AH and wondrous bazaar like you could for your previous two or three sets of artifact weapons. So, yes, it does work that way and has until now.
feanor70118Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,170Arc User
Really? A random distribution of orange marks from about ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY REPETITIONS OF THE SAME CONTENT given every once in a while just to get the last tiny, tiny fraction of the weapons' stats is fair? I'm not sure you understand what that word means.
I will never understand why you people argue in favor of badly designed and tedious system rather than something more sensible. Is it OCD? Some other form of masochism?
Having done a few runs (probably about 30) I've gotten 2/2/1 superior marks, so I'm 1/6 of the way to getting all the marks needed with my current RNG (about 180 estimated runs at this stage).
The runs aren't that bad with the proper group set up, and becomes more of a challenge to see how quickly we can get through it, which in itself is slightly more fun.
I am worried though about what will happen once most people have achieved their legendary weapons - the rewards are practically useless for anything else besides upgrading the relic weapon set. Unless you want to grind for alts, but that seems like added pain for me especially with the requirements to restore weapons in the first place.
I would happily accept a token reward system - it might mean less runs if your RNG is particularly bad. But the longevity of the trial ends with the weapon set. There should be another incentive to continue the trial once the weapon sets are completed. Not sure if the Horn of Valhalla drops here - I have seen the belt, amulet and friend rune drop though.
I would like to see a vendor that exchanges superior marks for another. This fish grind is killing me, so I ended up buying the keys. I will grind for the other factions support though, because doing the daily SOMI quests and BHE are at least tolerable. But because I don't mind grinding for the other factions, it means I only really need 10 Legendary Dragon Keys to open up the Elk Tribe (fishing) chests to pick up the Superior Stig marks when they drop, if I bypass completely the fishing grind (probably less, as I still complete the Fish Fry daily and get some fish/maps from that). 10 keys is 600 zen (510 with 15% off coupons or 255,000AD) which is worth the time and boredom saved trying to fish all that, IMO.
Personally, I'd very much like it if there were another way of getting the marks other than the dungeon. I've been trying to get into a group for weeks now, but to no avail. Put them in the Wondrous Bazaar or the Trade bar store. Or at least unbind them so people who don't need any more can sell them to people like me who don't have all that much time to play every single day.
I have done ca. 30 runs and I have 2 superior marks. A guild mate complained, that he did get no marks in two runs in a row...way to go RNG. If this keeps going I will need 450 runs. Excluding the time spent searching for a group, farming etc and with a average time of 10 minutes for the run and reque it will take me 75 h to get the legendary weapons.
I know, that RNG is a HAMSTER, but something like a upgrade of 5 purple marks should be implemented. I would have to spent millions of AD, but I would at last have a realistic chance to get this done.
Chars: CW, DC, GF, GWF, HR and TR.
forumnamesuxsMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 490Arc User
@feanor70118 Allright, your question about my statement is fair, and I will respond to it in more mature manner than my previous post.
First: There is no reason to spend 360 keys on this, since you can peek and decline the chest contents, like with any other dungeon/skirmish/raid chest, except DR lairs, so you only have to spend 30 keys per weapon piece, assuming you only do Master Svardborg, and only take contents when the chest is containing a mark you need.
Second: It's not that I don't have faith in the forums, this is a matter of picking your battles. The drop rate on these mark, are the most reasonable of any other sought after item in this game, by far, and I say this even if I don't get them nearly as often as others from my guild, or maybe they just play it more than I do.
Third: The fish. I don't think I read your first post well enough last time, because I can't recall seeing that. This I will fight for. The return rate on fish, is abysmal, and the absolute main reason I HATE this fishing piece of HAMSTER bull HAMSTER. Fishing for an hour, to only be left with half a campaign reward point, is so insanely frustrating I don't even know how to express it properly.
Lastly, I do agree with a lot of what you and others say here, especially with the longevity of the raid. Heck, making the marks unbound would probably fix that, at least for a while, if not permanently. Iirc, there's no vblood reward from Svardborg. If so, that should probably be changed. However, if they decide to keep marks locked behind Master Svardborg victories for a couple mods, and then make them more publicly available, that'd be fine too. The weapons are excellent at purple quality, and further upgrades would for me, only be about personal satisfaction of having completed something, which in this case I see no point in losing any sleep over.
It's a game. Don't forget to have fun with it, even if it means you have to delay, or even forfeit, your BiS status.
Wolves, big as a horse! I need new pants!
feanor70118Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,170Arc User
Allright, your question about my statement is fair, and I will respond to it in more mature manner than my previous post. First: There is no reason to spend 360 keys on this, since you can peek and decline the chest contents, like with any other dungeon/skirmish/raid chest, except DR lairs, so you only have to spend 30 keys per weapon piece, assuming you only do Master Svardborg, and only take contents when the chest is containing a mark you need.
Sure. until they "secure the key system," i.e. put up a giant paywall and take away the option to decline loot without spending a key.
Second: It's not that I don't have faith in the forums, this is a matter of picking your battles. The drop rate on these mark, are the most reasonable of any other sought after item in this game, by far, and I say this even if I don't get them nearly as often as others from my guild, or maybe they just play it more than I do.
Then apparently you think it's reasonable to take away the final refinement requirements for artifact weapons from the wondrous bazaar and auction house where they've been for TWO YEARS and replace them with a requirement to run the same content 120-180 times. I don't.
beckylunaticMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 14,231Arc User
Then apparently you think it's reasonable to take away the final refinement requirements for artifact weapons from the wondrous bazaar and auction house where they've been for TWO YEARS and replace them with a requirement to run the same content 120-180 times. I don't.
They're not gated behind the WB at all.
You needed marks of power, union, stability for artifact equipment upgrades, and no marks of potency at all. So your sources are Dread Ring lairs, invoke boxes, and potentially lockboxes. I'd say an average of ten runs of a DR lair should net you an epic mark, and since they can be soloed in a matter of minutes, it would not be that hard to collect the needed items.
Then apparently you think it's reasonable to take away the final refinement requirements for artifact weapons from the wondrous bazaar and auction house where they've been for TWO YEARS and replace them with a requirement to run the same content 120-180 times. I don't.
They're not gated behind the WB at all.
To be fair, @feanor70118 did not say they were gated behind the WB or the AH, just that they were available there as an alternative to farming them for those who could afford it, could not face the grind or had less than average luck with NW RNG drops. With the new refinement requirements for the relic gear, farming the content is the ONLY way to get them. If you are one of the players that RNGesus has turned his/her/its back on, then as it stands you can never fully refine the new gear.
beckylunaticMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 14,231Arc User
To be fair, @feanor70118 did not say they were gated behind the WB or the AH, just that they were available there as an alternative to farming them for those who could afford it, could not face the grind or had less than average luck with NW RNG drops. With the new refinement requirements for the relic gear, farming the content is the ONLY way to get them. If you are one of the players that RNGesus has turned his/her/its back on, then as it stands you can never fully refine the new gear.
Then apparently you think it's reasonable to take away the final refinement requirements for artifact weapons from the wondrous bazaar and auction house where they've been for TWO YEARS and replace them with a requirement to run the same content 120-180 times. I don't.
He didn't use the word gated, but I somewhat confusing used it as shorthand for "what you need to engage with to get the stuff you need to do the other stuff". It seemed pretty obvious to me that he was confusing types of marks and thinking that artifact weapon upgrades require Potency (primarily directly bought via WB), which is the only kind they don't use.
The WB doesn't factor into artifact equipment upgrades at all.
The chests are fine you know, they lowered the price of legendary dragon key and you can keep on opening chests for free if you continue to do campaign or only open with campaign, its not that you are required to do all of this, like you wrote ~120 runs in one shot. I bought 60 keys during sale but key value to drop value ratio already became very poor, I pick it with campaign only now anyway cause after so many runs all I'm left to seek in this place are legendary marks. I know people who got very good greater ostorian rings of dod, even two of them, but I'm not in this RNGesus-favored ones.
What I'm worried about is what is there to seek in msvard once you completed your weapon sets?
Actually the price never dropped because they didn't implement the keys changes.
Theres both free and bought options, and the free option is game content which is diverse (though not entirely fun for everyone) but lets you take breaks from grinding the same trial to do something else, nor is it that demanding. getting 10 of each superior mark only requries you to get 10 rep of each faction. Thats 10 days of dailies, a mix of weeklys and HEs, and fishing/treasure hunting. All these things can be easily gained over a month or so.
The legendary version are only slightly better than 59, and they are not required for any content. So why the rush to get it? All I hear from the OP is that they are salty they havent gotten it within a week.
I've only been doing a few whenever I get on, and Ive got 2/3/3 superiors already. It's nothing like the linu favor's grind.
The only suggestion I would endorse, is to be able to trade 2 types of the same superior marks for 1 of the other ones.
There are a limited number of players that will bother grinding this so the rush is to get to legendary before it's impossible to get a passable group together.
Unlocked SVA 6 days after release. in 3 days I had MH to Legendary and Offhand To max Epic (ready to restore to legendary). It's now been 2 weeks working on marks for my Offhand, ONLY looting orange superior marks. I'm still 5-5-0. This GRIIIIIIIIIND...
I'm lucky if I get more than a couple of eSVA in a day, haven't had an orange drop over the weekend...still need 4 uvars to to get even one upgraded. At this rate, unless our guild alotts one day a week to eSVA runs, a lot of ppl aren't ever gonna get them.
Same deal with the +5 rings, and the fbi relic pieces. I can fight any enemy in neverwinter, but the rng. There should be an alternate method to grind this stuff, even if it's a choice of x piece after x runs.
No idea what my toon is now.
forumnamesuxsMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 490Arc User
I get a few runs each week, mostly because I don't like begging. As For FBI, I did get a few campaign keys for my GF, but kept getting garbage, so now I only run it to get friends in to mSVA, and can't quite understand people who actually bothered with the HAMSTER they pulled on the double RNG on the chest, combined with the really really really really terrible drop rates on relic gear, and to be honest, I am a little annoyed at those who did. Here's why: Everyone agreed it was a HAMSTER move, both voninblood and double RNG, but kept running it, making it look like a huge success amongst the player base. If we actually used our consumer power, and avoided that place like the HAMSTER hole that it is, they'd be forced to take out the double RNG, and maybe even that HAMSTER voninblood HAMSTER. But no, we have to grind for BiS gear, and hate it, like idiots. No offense ment, I guess it's only human nature to aim for the best, no matter the cost.
- Guildmate made 103 Runs for his last legendary mark - Mate from FL made 150 runs, 3/3/2 ( Yes....thats really all he got..) - Another Guildmate made 160 runs and got all marks he needed
And one of my best buddies quitted this game after he made:
- 458 runs in eDemo, no legendary ring - 168 MSVA, 4/3/1 legendary marks - 800 lockboxes, no legendary - 93 FBI runs, still 1 set piece missing
Now he rage quitted this game, cuzz this RNG suxx. And tbh: I understand him.
I think the idea to change 2 legendary marks for 1 mark you need is a great idea. Can be done in FBI too, i geuss. I did 37 MSVA runs and got 2/1/2 marks and no legandary ring. Thats not funny anaymore, its just dumb grinding...
After 10-13 Svardborg victories with chests unlocked, every player is going to be at a point where he/she can refine his relic weapon to maxed level 59 and will have no use at all for blue or purple marks from chests. From what I've observed in drops, you can expect about 1 orange mark (out of the 30 needed) from every 4 victories in Master's Svardborg. That means 120 runs. That means 360 keys after we're forced to accept whatever garbage loot the chests give out. That's IF - and it's a bif IF - we get an even distribution of orange marks so the RNG doesn't stick us with 25 of one, 3 of the second and 2 of the third (by the distribution of purple marks I get from the Dread Ring this does not seem unlikely). That's 120 runs for the final increment of stats form relic weapons.
So we need several things here:
1) 1 legendary dragon key should open all three chests from a victory instead of 3 chests = 3 keys.
2) A choice between the chest's normal loot with blue and purple marks or some campaign currency that can go to buying the orange mark of the player's choice - say 4 chests per 1 mark. Or seals. 400 Protector's seals = choice of orange mark, 800 elemental seals, 1200 adventurer's seals, 300 seals of triumph for pvpers who'd rather not be bothered with PVE grinds.
3) A vendor to turn in orange marks for the player's choice of another - since for some reason the marks can't just be bought from the frakking campaign store or wondrous bazaar in some way that isn't designed to frustrate and waste the time of players.
4) Reduction in amount of frakking fish required to gain a reward. We hate fishing. It doesn't belong in the game. Act accordingly.
I agree with number 1, 3 and specially number 4 since all I can get from 60 bottles is 2 reputation..meh, that's a lot of fishing/treasure chests
But I don't agree with number 2. Any 1.6k toon could buy orange marks to upgrade BIS weapon to legendary by just running ELOL and KR..or even a 2.5k toon running CN/ETOS, even worse, farming seals of adventurer in Cloak Tower, no please, not fair.
Ly'saaera, Hellbringer Fury Scourge Warlock of Thieves World Hælja, Swordmaster Conqueror Guardian Fighter of Thieves World
If we actually used our consumer power, and avoided that place like the HAMSTER hole that it is, they'd be forced to take out the double RNG.
There have been a noticable amount of people giving up and becoming less active because of the new place, but its not as much to do with the marks but more about being able to get a group for it.
RNG is Cryptastic. It's what they're getting known for. If they don't improve this grind, I don't have much hope of achieving legendary relics or even the everfrost gear before the next mod.
Currently, every group is basically waiting for tanks and DCs unless you are lucky enough to be in a great channel or guild.
Maybe thats just me, cause I don't have 2-3 hours to wait in a group waiting for a DC/GF.
Translation: You can grind for about three hours/day with excruciatingly boring fishing and HEs.
Way to miss the point completely.
Theres both free and bought options, and the free option is game content which is diverse (though not entirely fun for everyone) but lets you take breaks from grinding the same trial to do something else, nor is it that demanding. getting 10 of each superior mark only requries you to get 10 rep of each faction. Thats 10 days of dailies, a mix of weeklys and HEs, and fishing/treasure hunting. All these things can be easily gained over a month or so.
The legendary version are only slightly better than 59, and they are not required for any content. So why the rush to get it? All I hear from the OP is that they are salty they havent gotten it within a week.
I've only been doing a few whenever I get on, and Ive got 2/3/3 superiors already. It's nothing like the linu favor's grind.
The only suggestion I would endorse, is to be able to trade 2 types of the same superior marks for 1 of the other ones.
and also the featured satirical comedic adventure "A Call for Heroes".
And what I've suggested is still more work than simply buying the marks you needed from the AH and wondrous bazaar like you could for your previous two or three sets of artifact weapons. So, yes, it does work that way and has until now.
I will never understand why you people argue in favor of badly designed and tedious system rather than something more sensible. Is it OCD? Some other form of masochism?
The runs aren't that bad with the proper group set up, and becomes more of a challenge to see how quickly we can get through it, which in itself is slightly more fun.
I am worried though about what will happen once most people have achieved their legendary weapons - the rewards are practically useless for anything else besides upgrading the relic weapon set. Unless you want to grind for alts, but that seems like added pain for me especially with the requirements to restore weapons in the first place.
I would happily accept a token reward system - it might mean less runs if your RNG is particularly bad. But the longevity of the trial ends with the weapon set. There should be another incentive to continue the trial once the weapon sets are completed. Not sure if the Horn of Valhalla drops here - I have seen the belt, amulet and friend rune drop though.
I would like to see a vendor that exchanges superior marks for another. This fish grind is killing me, so I ended up buying the keys. I will grind for the other factions support though, because doing the daily SOMI quests and BHE are at least tolerable. But because I don't mind grinding for the other factions, it means I only really need 10 Legendary Dragon Keys to open up the Elk Tribe (fishing) chests to pick up the Superior Stig marks when they drop, if I bypass completely the fishing grind (probably less, as I still complete the Fish Fry daily and get some fish/maps from that). 10 keys is 600 zen (510 with 15% off coupons or 255,000AD) which is worth the time and boredom saved trying to fish all that, IMO.
I know, that RNG is a HAMSTER, but something like a upgrade of 5 purple marks should be implemented. I would have to spent millions of AD, but I would at last have a realistic chance to get this done.
Allright, your question about my statement is fair, and I will respond to it in more mature manner than my previous post.
First: There is no reason to spend 360 keys on this, since you can peek and decline the chest contents, like with any other dungeon/skirmish/raid chest, except DR lairs, so you only have to spend 30 keys per weapon piece, assuming you only do Master Svardborg, and only take contents when the chest is containing a mark you need.
Second: It's not that I don't have faith in the forums, this is a matter of picking your battles. The drop rate on these mark, are the most reasonable of any other sought after item in this game, by far, and I say this even if I don't get them nearly as often as others from my guild, or maybe they just play it more than I do.
Third: The fish. I don't think I read your first post well enough last time, because I can't recall seeing that. This I will fight for. The return rate on fish, is abysmal, and the absolute main reason I HATE this fishing piece of HAMSTER bull HAMSTER.
Fishing for an hour, to only be left with half a campaign reward point, is so insanely frustrating I don't even know how to express it properly.
Lastly, I do agree with a lot of what you and others say here, especially with the longevity of the raid. Heck, making the marks unbound would probably fix that, at least for a while, if not permanently. Iirc, there's no vblood reward from Svardborg. If so, that should probably be changed.
However, if they decide to keep marks locked behind Master Svardborg victories for a couple mods, and then make them more publicly available, that'd be fine too. The weapons are excellent at purple quality, and further upgrades would for me, only be about personal satisfaction of having completed something, which in this case I see no point in losing any sleep over.
It's a game. Don't forget to have fun with it, even if it means you have to delay, or even forfeit, your BiS status.
You needed marks of power, union, stability for artifact equipment upgrades, and no marks of potency at all. So your sources are Dread Ring lairs, invoke boxes, and potentially lockboxes. I'd say an average of ten runs of a DR lair should net you an epic mark, and since they can be soloed in a matter of minutes, it would not be that hard to collect the needed items.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
The WB doesn't factor into artifact equipment upgrades at all.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
Same deal with the +5 rings, and the fbi relic pieces. I can fight any enemy in neverwinter, but the rng. There should be an alternate method to grind this stuff, even if it's a choice of x piece after x runs.
As For FBI, I did get a few campaign keys for my GF, but kept getting garbage, so now I only run it to get friends in to mSVA, and can't quite understand people who actually bothered with the HAMSTER they pulled on the double RNG on the chest, combined with the really really really really terrible drop rates on relic gear, and to be honest, I am a little annoyed at those who did.
Here's why:
Everyone agreed it was a HAMSTER move, both voninblood and double RNG, but kept running it, making it look like a huge success amongst the player base.
If we actually used our consumer power, and avoided that place like the HAMSTER hole that it is, they'd be forced to take out the double RNG, and maybe even that HAMSTER voninblood HAMSTER. But no, we have to grind for BiS gear, and hate it, like idiots.
No offense ment, I guess it's only human nature to aim for the best, no matter the cost.
- Guildmate made 103 Runs for his last legendary mark
- Mate from FL made 150 runs, 3/3/2 ( Yes....thats really all he got..)
- Another Guildmate made 160 runs and got all marks he needed
And one of my best buddies quitted this game after he made:
- 458 runs in eDemo, no legendary ring
- 168 MSVA, 4/3/1 legendary marks
- 800 lockboxes, no legendary
- 93 FBI runs, still 1 set piece missing
Now he rage quitted this game, cuzz this RNG suxx. And tbh: I understand him.
I think the idea to change 2 legendary marks for 1 mark you need is a great idea. Can be done in FBI too, i geuss.
I did 37 MSVA runs and got 2/1/2 marks and no legandary ring. Thats not funny anaymore, its just dumb grinding...
But I don't agree with number 2. Any 1.6k toon could buy orange marks to upgrade BIS weapon to legendary by just running ELOL and KR..or even a 2.5k toon running CN/ETOS, even worse, farming seals of adventurer in Cloak Tower, no please, not fair.
Hælja, Swordmaster Conqueror Guardian Fighter of Thieves World
and also the featured satirical comedic adventure "A Call for Heroes".