The lockbox pack is likely now enormously more expensive than buying a crafted elemental weapon set (which, yes you can), as the RP to get from rank 1-35 is pretty trivial.dupeks said:If you have money laying around, you can also buy the Elemental Artifact Weapon Choice Pack (under Miscellaneous - Uncategorized) in the Auction House. It drops in some lockboxes so is available, and prices ought to start dropping as people start moving towards the the relic weps.
I can't for the love of me remember whether the professions tasks for crafting the ele weps are live yet, but that was also part of the plan. So it's possible to go the professions/crafting route too, or just pick them up off of the AH once folks start posting them (if they haven't already). Again, I think that if you aren't a BiS DPS class it might be more effective to spend your time grinding out AD through various content and then just suck it up and pay for the weps rather than grinding out motes (which give you very little side-benefit unless you have a bunch of util enchants etc.)
I have mostly noticed this in the spot between initial camp and where Press Gang starts. The other location seems to be working sometimes, but I haven't watched it as much.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
Edit: Okay, the swear filter on this site is hypersensitive. It'll censor even a very mild British expletive... Alright then.
Runic weapons from the newest module will be the absolute best thing available, but they take a lot of stuff to restore them. It's sort of your call if you want an intermediate upgrade with Twisted or not.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
But yeah for PvE and most PvP, Earthen is trash.
That said, I think that once people start crafting them the prices on the AH should become reasonable (i.e. you're better off doing content to get AD to buy the wep than spending time farming motes). I guess we'll see if that pans out.
And I agree the merchant HEs get bugged...
Edit: I concur, for a CW Twisted is the way to go for DPS. Possibly drowned if you are PvP. Or Burning if you are running a full support build to speed up your daily for Combustive Action. Unless you are already set with most of your campaigns / boons, I would recommend grabbing one of the "current" weps rather than aiming for the new relic stuff (which will be very expensive to arrive at).
Hmmm, I was looking for something a little less grindy than the new weapons but idk. I might have to. I never run pvp, I'm a pure pve type.
I can't for the love of me remember whether the professions tasks for crafting the ele weps are live yet, but that was also part of the plan. So it's possible to go the professions/crafting route too, or just pick them up off of the AH once folks start posting them (if they haven't already). Again, I think that if you aren't a BiS DPS class it might be more effective to spend your time grinding out AD through various content and then just suck it up and pay for the weps rather than grinding out motes (which give you very little side-benefit unless you have a bunch of util enchants etc.)
Oh boy do I miss the gateway. Browsing the AH was so helpful and easy. Such a damn shame that they did away with it.
This is not saying the weapons I use are better or worse, this is just how it works for me. My main Llorna Zorg is a CW and she is equipped with Burning Orb and Burning Talisman. Only my first two characters have their artifact weapons up to purple rank. After that, I started buying all the rest Ensorcelled Mullhorand weapons.
It is too much of a grind (in my opinion) for those extra few points of damage you will get from an artifact weapon. The EM weapons cost a bit but a lot less in the long run considering the RP. I just made my 7th character, another CW and he is running the EM orb and talisman.
The only reason I am in Reclamation Rock is to finish up the campaign and claim my boons. As for the bugs, I don't know if they ever fixed the Downed Shore mine, I ran into a big bug in Goldseeker's Folly. Not only would my companion randomly vanish, so did most of the enemies. i ended up making a video demo and sent it to them.
Thanks for the offer, but I think I'll go with the idea of simply buying one of the sets, probably the Burning one. I didn't know you could craft them, but as all three of my characters are way to low level in Artificing to make it, it'll be speedier to simply grind out the AD. Just checked them on the AH and the Burning set is not that expensive, ma grab it before refinement weekend and work on it then.
@beckylunatic @dupeks Thank you for your help
You can fix the encounter by dragging a group of enemies through the merchants in order to get the merchants back to their spawn point.
It'll take a few tries to learn where the merchants need to be, but once you know the spot, it's real easy to fix.
So, as a long time rec rock farmer, for the love of god, please don't kill the regular enemies I'm using to try and fix the HE.