The change to ITC is super bad. Making it trigger things that can be triggered by encounters is all well and good, but in doing so you have made ITC follow the same rules as other Encounter powers, i.e. it cannot be activated during ANY other animation. (a.k.a global cooldown)
Without the ability to activate ITC during a Duelist Flurry, or during the activation of any other ability you are really hurting the survivability of TR's in all aspects of gameplay. It is especially important to be able to activate ITC during Duelist Flurry, when we are flurrying we are stuck to the target at melee range. We are super squishy, we are a melee class and we have an ability that sticks us to our target... every boss aoe attack in the game is a dreadful nightmare now.
Please oh please oh please find a way to make ITC usable in the same way as before. Hell you can take away its ability to trigger effects that trigger on encounter use, I dont remember anyone ever asking for that.. so ya know.. dont fix what aint broke? cuz ya done broke it.
Neverwinter Module 6: The only MMO expansion in the history of MMO's to remove more content than it added.
The Holy Crusaders guild leader ♚ Mod 10 PVE Destroyer GWF guide ♚ Founding member of the Relentless Alliance
I mean, Astral Shield can't trigger diddly squat, and that's a little limiting for DCs who slot it, but also... sensible?
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
Where is the sarcasm smiley?
Please change it back to the way it was before. What we have now is NOT an improvement.
The same with the delay in smoke bomb, elven batte allows enemy players to skip completely the AoE because the daze effect triggers later. SB should work as dazing strike, CCing instantly, with an obvious sound/animation so a proper skilled player can run/block/dodge on time to avoid it.
What is the reason behind those long activation delays in TR powers?
Out of everything about it being changed.. the immediacy of use is the worst. It was on everyone's bar for a reason.
But now.. I've learned to depend on it less, time it properly, I use it to trigger Overcharge Weapon, then roll to target with ITC and Overcharge both ready to go I unload. It actually works nice.
How about you just adapt and learn to dodge or position yourself better? and yes. I do use Duelist Flurry.
― Clint Eastwood, Heartbreak Ridge
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