This bug has been reported before (in the
Storm King's Thunder Owlbear Patch Notes: NW.65.20160906b.8 thread).
Players who had a [Medal of Heroism] in their Bank or Shared Bank prior to the Medal's conversion to a currency are affected.
How to replicate:
1. Place a Medal of Heroism in the Bank or Shared Bank.
2. Attempt to remove the Medal of Heroism from the Bank or Shared Bank.
Observed result:
1. Nothing happens. The Medal of Heroism remains stuck in the Bank or Shared Bank.
Expected result:
1. The Medal of Heroism is removed from the Bank or Shared Bank and placed in the character's currency bag.
Proposed quick-fix:
1. Make the Medal of Heroism discardable. That way we could free up the bank slot by discarding the stuck Medal of Heroism.
This bug should be addressed in the Sea of Moving Ice release. I don't know what platform you're on, so you may be waiting for the fix for some time, but until then, customer service probably wouldn't be able to do anything for you anyway.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia