which the next HAMSTER that will make the SW?
I heard that will nerf the tyranical ,
it is true?
really tried to spoil the class, but it does not completely destroyed
why not delete such class soon?
much easier.
launch an item to exchange class, so we will change to gwf or any other class that does not hinder the administrators of the game.
And if that happens nerf, seriously think about stopping playing ..
something that already should have done in the past nerf
They nerf and fix things without checking if the nerf/fix is going to maintain that class at the same level as the others.
This game is full of bugs, full of unbalanced stuff.
I know SW and GWF were ruling the game, and now it's just GWF. But I didn't want to be the best, actually, I was angry to run with TRs doing HAMSTER dps, not because they are bad, but because this game is completely full of unfair and unbalanced stuff.
I still play, yes. The game is fun after all. It's not the creator's fault that the devs are not doing what they are supposed to do...
Hælja, Swordmaster Conqueror Guardian Fighter of Thieves World
And that's what I'm saying. I was happy with my powerful character? Yes. But I say that all classes should be powerful and do equal dps.
Hælja, Swordmaster Conqueror Guardian Fighter of Thieves World
There are more classes that perform pretty good, not only GWF and SW. I met Hunter that topped those edemo/Tiamat runs easily, maybe bugged?
And I also did some runs in FBI with pretty good Hunter, dealing huge damage.
I met enough CW´s till now to state that this class with maxed gear can even do same or better than a GWF... Desintegrate average damage 600k+ in FBI.
Warlock definitely doesn´t belong in that group any longer, till things get balanced again.
50% dps loss is a big loss.
It is my my life style, my doctrine and my state of mind,
You fight well, but without focus and discipline, you will fall.
More threads by me / Click on it
My Support Warlock/Temptation Thread
<CO docs> .: Petco :. // Base DPS Sheet (needs revision) // PSA on Power Activation Delay
- Themed Tanks // Misc Build Dump // Ayonachan's Gift Horse (stat data)
- Be safe and have fun, champs - for science!
Hælja, Swordmaster Conqueror Guardian Fighter of Thieves World
I'm judging from various epic trials + dungeons, not a single one. I know that a party composition can change things. So I'm comparing 2 very good players with the same ilvl and player capabilities, with a GF in the group, going to the same head, in the same party,, getting the same buffs. That's what I tried to say.
I don't make comparisons in just one run or one dungeon/trial. I'm talking about a lot of different runs with the same people.
Yeah, we dont belong to that group any longer =/ Well, I'm still playing my class, it's fun anyway
Hælja, Swordmaster Conqueror Guardian Fighter of Thieves World
Given the fact our personal DPS isn't so awesome right now with the TC change/fix/nerf, I'm leaning toward the party buff and Dark Revelry honestly...
However it is worth testing of course!
Apart from that you are right.
Warlock= striker
Warlock should be top dps.
I can confirm: The class reached the bottom and get' s beaten by every GWF, Hunter, CW, TR, GF with a DPS build.
You can't compensate a 40 (SB) to 60% (HB) damage loss.
There are no buffs/debuffs the sw has atm which would justify taking a buffsw over any other buffer in the game atm
Infernal wrath , dark revelry and if you are HB PoP on top.
You can go for Dread theft wich debuffs for another 20% and boost the "real dps classes" quite ok for 8 seconds.
Building a warlock and focussing exclusively on dps will lead to nowhere atm, since we are no striker any more.
All we can do is sit and wait, or play another class, since there is no compensation for this rubbish fix/nerf.
I would prefer a build like this one:
Over that one, dealing maybe 15% more dps but still sucking compared to striker classes , apart from the fact taht I would go for Soulbinder due to IS (the old SS-spammer-build) if I intend to try myself as striker in mod 10.5:
I was never a fan of duck in plate, to me it was always a cop out (something that avoids dealing with a problem in an appropriate way) and something to give the players in order to compensate for effectively butchering Tyrranical threat (rip). In all seriousness, no other daily could compete with it, so I understood the frustration of players. What I would like to see from the devs regarding this issue (and this may seem like asking for too much) is to apologize fro what has been an occuring trend for for about 6 modules. They have not been paying attention to sw for 6 modules. TC was gutted, ls was gutted to nothing, when attempting to
"balance the class", certain class features were gutted. The only thing sw (which was created and intended to be a top striker class) has to offer are a few mediocre buffs which imo look fairly silly when used ingame. PoP is something which looks like it should belong to a tanker, because tanks would usually stand in one place or walk in circles attracting mobs, while buffing the party as well. For a striker class with probably the most mobility in the game, it is pretty much PoP weighing them down as a result of gaining the most buffs effectively by standing in a circle (or a plate as Etelgrin said) looking like a duck on plate, ready to be eaten.
First of all I want to congratullations of my frends and my acount frends with 10 year of exeming playing game "Neverwinter".\
Only one mistake that I can reolage please see and fix one bog when one person can defeat all anemeas/
best regards
Warlock can't adapt to a 50% damageloss.
Hælja, Swordmaster Conqueror Guardian Fighter of Thieves World
Every time they idiot-proof something...they make better idiots.