My Opinion:I feel that Arc/Cryptic/God should make it against the Game's Terms Of Service Agreement for guilds to charge players ANYTHING to join.
Reason:There is a certain guild that has been charging a $35(US) Stronghold Starter Pack to join thier guild for quite a while now.
There are more than one guild doing this!
And, the "fee" is different for all of them.
I only listed the worst one!
Well, with it being only one guild, at a time, doing it, the claims of "They are scammers! They let me in. Got my pack, and kicked me out! I contacted support and they said they couldn't do anything." weren't so common.
However, now that guilds can join an Alliance of Thirteen guilds, and we are seeing EACH ONE in each alliance charging that "fee", the claims of "scamming" are much more frequent.
I can almost gaurentee that many of those "victims" quit the game after such "nice" treatment of Customer Support.
Conclusion:Arc/Cryptic/God didn't seem to mind players buying those packs (Money in the Pocket!) and getting "scammed" when it was only losing a few players due to only one main guild doing this.
However, now that a total of Thirteen guilds (Per Alliance) will be doing this, and driving away many more customers because they DO NOT punish these guilds for this type of "scam", they should change the TOS to include "charging to join" as being against the rules.
Otherwise, what will happen for Arc/Cryptic/God when only one alliance remains, and they have nobody left to "charge" anymore because everybody else has quit due to so much bad "word-of-mouth advertising" ?
Again, this is only my, personal, opinion.
Please, if you reply to this DO NOT name any Player, Nor Guild, by name.
That is against Forum Rules!
Have A Nice Day!
I DO NOT include "guild raffles" in this. As those are voluntary, and a good way for guilds to grow.
¤¤¤ Wyld Pyrates ¤¤¤
Mature, Respectful, Committed, and SOCIAL Players...
...who have a major ARRRRRRsenal!
PSN : Ace-Wyld ¤¤¤ FaceBook : Ace Wyld
YouTube : Ace Wyld (NWO Guild Feature Videos Coming Soon)
You are focused on one alliance. There are more than those 13 guilds that charge some sort of join fee. I'm not sure where you are seeing these unsupported claims you made of the increase in "They're Scammers" complaints. If customer service does, they will or will not deal with it as they see fit.
Them saying it is against the rules once proves that somewhere in their hearts they know it is a bad practice.
But, you are correct.
The only way we will see a change at this point is if they get enough reports, get tired of giving the same "sorry, we can't do anything about it" excuse, and lose enough players...well, one can only hope they see the error of their ways before the game is gone completely, for all of us, and Arc/Cryptic/God too.
I really enjoy playing this game.
It is, by far, the best MMO I have ever played on a console.
Between my two accounts (I made a new PSN account due to hating the name of my last one.) I have spent well over $600(US) on this game, and this coming payday I plan to drop at least another $125(US) on it.
I only fear that short-sightedness, and a temporarily full wallet will lead to the game's permanent demise.
¤¤¤ Wyld Pyrates ¤¤¤
Mature, Respectful, Committed, and SOCIAL Players...
...who have a major ARRRRRRsenal!
Check Us Out At: www.Pyrates.Boards.Net
PSN : Ace-Wyld ¤¤¤ FaceBook : Ace WyldYouTube : Ace Wyld (NWO Guild Feature Videos Coming Soon)
Any of my comments not posted in orange are based on my own personal opinion and not official.
Any messages written in orange are official moderation messages. Signature images are now fixed!