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New player - How is SW?



  • fernuufernuu Member Posts: 453 Arc User

    Companions like: 3 epic archons (fire, air, earth) and a cambion mage plus Erinnye for +20% crityeverity.
    Or fire + air archon+ siege master at epic, plus those two above.
    These threads are nothing more than oppinions and that´s the only objective statement you can find in the forum anyway. I would not take everything for 100%.
    If a top warlock deals heavy number with his gear, a low level warlock may suck with that build, I always would suggest to make up your own oppinion, that´s the best advice from my side.
    HB is fun, more fun than SB atm, true, maybe due to the fact that lot´s of player are fed up spamming SS all time :)
    In about 6 month you may be bored spamming Hellishrebuke 24/7, who knows

    It's all true. But it's apply to all classes, not only SW :) 2.4k GWF/CW/HR =/= 3.2k GWF/CW/HR :)

    Mod 10:
    [Combat (Self)] Critical Hit! Your Killing Flames deals 16636893 (1009292) Fire Damage to Ethraniev Marrowslake.

    Mod 9:
    [Combat (Self)] Your Murderous Flames deals 376274433 (18876929) Fire Damage to Red Tiamat Head.
  • russ4ua17#7677 russ4ua17 Member Posts: 59 Arc User
    I went back to SB Fury last night. Significant dps increase but the soul scorch mechanics... when I used to be in love with SB, my comp gift was taking me to 108% crit. Since the update, sudden rings (on PS4) only buff you so long as the tooltip states- 6-10 out of every 30 seconds. So, ditched suddens for power/crit and I'm at 78% crit chance. When Soul Scorch fails to crit, it stops stacking the crazy damage. In order to make SB Fury shine, I'd need to rework my gear to reach 100% crit chance again. That's too much AD and too much PITA. I know it would be insane damage but I'm just struggling to put myself through the hassle.

    In regard to companions- we don't have Cambius Mage. I'm using Dancing Blade, Siege Master, Air and Fire Archons with Con Artist summoned. Prolly break down and buy Erinyes/drop Fire Archon.
  • schietindebuxschietindebux Member Posts: 4,292 Arc User

    I went back to SB Fury last night. Significant dps increase but the soul scorch mechanics... when I used to be in love with SB, my comp gift was taking me to 108% crit. Since the update, sudden rings (on PS4) only buff you so long as the tooltip states- 6-10 out of every 30 seconds. So, ditched suddens for power/crit and I'm at 78% crit chance. When Soul Scorch fails to crit, it stops stacking the crazy damage. In order to make SB Fury shine, I'd need to rework my gear to reach 100% crit chance again. That's too much AD and too much PITA. I know it would be insane damage but I'm just struggling to put myself through the hassle.

    In regard to companions- we don't have Cambius Mage. I'm using Dancing Blade, Siege Master, Air and Fire Archons with Con Artist summoned. Prolly break down and buy Erinyes/drop Fire Archon.

    Rings of rising accuracy works too, ring+4 using 3 rank 12 bondings spends 10% critchance, the companions only should stay alive and be tanky enough, even my blinkdog gets 10 stacks, but zenlock is muich faster doing so
  • russ4ua17#7677 russ4ua17 Member Posts: 59 Arc User
    Thinking of going Band of Loathing x3 with azure enchants. Would net me almost 12k crit at the cost of 4k power. Thoughts?
  • bcbudz#8834 bcbudz Member Posts: 37 Arc User
    edited October 2016

    i wouldn't advise starting a sw these days as they have been nerfed into nothingness. besides the fact that if we want to be top dps sw we had to go out of our way and learn to play in a melee way instead of casting and keeping our distance like our class is supposed to be, then there have been some other major changes regarding our survivability on hb path which is pretty non existent with 7-8k lifesteal and not able to take aoe at all and also the slow encounters are driving me crazy... in dungeons i have often problems when trying to perform a combo and put down the pillar then slam them with arms of hadar, i get hit with the aoe from mobs and sometimes die before i get to do anything...

    i think sw needs a new nerf to be brought back to being top dps casters not medium/low dps melee class. it's been utterly destroyed in my opinnion,

    EXACTLY Utter Garbage class now, after spending $3200 in Zen to build my char, it's now so HAMSTER that no one in my guild wants to run CN with me now and I'm the GM. I lost over 100 million damage all because some HAMSTER sitting at a desk decided it's a good idea to HAMSTER over players who invested alot of money in their Characters. Feels like theft.
  • fernuufernuu Member Posts: 453 Arc User
    Let me guess. You used to play as SB Damnation.

    Mod 10:
    [Combat (Self)] Critical Hit! Your Killing Flames deals 16636893 (1009292) Fire Damage to Ethraniev Marrowslake.

    Mod 9:
    [Combat (Self)] Your Murderous Flames deals 376274433 (18876929) Fire Damage to Red Tiamat Head.
  • nubmaker#5754 nubmaker Member Posts: 39 Arc User
    Lol..probably fernuu...i am actually happy with most of the changes, minus the changes to tt. I feel i have more varied options on what stats i can stack effectively in defensive spots. Wooo, halfing warlock with 32 percent deflect and 37 percent lifesteal unbuffed with no stronghold boons and at a measly 2.9k ...i am tank lock :)
  • nubmaker#5754 nubmaker Member Posts: 39 Arc User
    Damnation locks are finally shown that they were not good at the class.
  • bcbudz#8834 bcbudz Member Posts: 37 Arc User
    edited October 2016
    LOL. Of course I played damnation. It was the obvious choice. Secondly in any mmo except this game now magic is always top dps. Fernuu for the record I'm running your build on PS4 and coming in 4 out of 5 on CN is a HAMSTER joke. I agree your build is the best there is ATM but that should only solidify the sad state the actual class is in at the moment.
  • fernuufernuu Member Posts: 453 Arc User
    You need to get used to it. And learn class actually. The puppet did all the job for you so you got lazy with actuall SW mechanics in previous mods.
    And it wasn't obvious choice. SB Fury was much more superior than Damnation. But it also required knowing class and mechanics. Take your time, get used to it and you will see that only few CWs and GWFs will be able to outdps you from time to time.

    Mod 10:
    [Combat (Self)] Critical Hit! Your Killing Flames deals 16636893 (1009292) Fire Damage to Ethraniev Marrowslake.

    Mod 9:
    [Combat (Self)] Your Murderous Flames deals 376274433 (18876929) Fire Damage to Red Tiamat Head.
  • d4rkh0rs3d4rkh0rs3 Member Posts: 382 Arc User

    I feel @fernuu is correct in his assessment. If you better understand class mechanics and know when party buffs are at their peak, you may do much better. In the past, the puppet did this for you (and nearly everyone else) autonomously.

    Many experienced SWs knew these changes would affect the majority of SW damnation players. The time has come to wean yourself off the puppet teet. The good news is, after a short assessment on xbox, the SW is a lot of fun to play and highly competitive in PvE thanks to community input and @amenar's hard work.

    Also keep in mind not all dungeons cater to SW strengths--SWs are much better in EToS compared to CN.
  • thevaliant#9250 thevaliant Member Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited October 2016
    So with the latest changes on 10.5 is SW still able to compete for top DPS position?
  • schietindebuxschietindebux Member Posts: 4,292 Arc User
    edited October 2016
    fernuu said:

    You need to get used to it. And learn class actually. The puppet did all the job for you so you got lazy with actuall SW mechanics in previous mods.
    And it wasn't obvious choice. SB Fury was much more superior than Damnation. But it also required knowing class and mechanics. Take your time, get used to it and you will see that only few CWs and GWFs will be able to outdps you from time to time.

    Gameplay of HB-fury is no mystery , or am I wrong?
    Pillar, AoH, Kf or Firy bold, chain TT and spamm HR as much as possible. Allways run ACC , second feature is FoE (FBI/Bosses) normally.
    Running everything but FBI I would switch for ACC+NPNM doing trash.

    The difference in damage some do recognized may be caused by other factors like low crit or low buff groups ?
    Warlocks shine in buffer parties and suck in no buff parties.
    I do not know how informed average DC´or GF´s or CW´s are on PS4? In case they allways use the wrong encounter/buffs and builds the outcome for a warlock is pretty bad.
    But I can assure everyone, no matter if you run HB or SB, warlock can be top dps and all warlocks I did meet so far with my GF in FBI were top dps (most HB), my own SB warlock got beaten by 1 GWF, 2 CW´s and 1 Hunter at BIS apart from fernuu, one CW with HV set at same IL 3.3/3.4 did also better (Apanachi or Apachi .. like that).
    But those are simply top player, like you will allways meet. Player you look at the gear and think " How could this be, he´s running that bufferset with 80kHP, I suck...." :)
  • fernuufernuu Member Posts: 453 Arc User
    Gameplay is no mystery. But I met some 3.5k SWs that for example don't use Curse :D

    Mod 10:
    [Combat (Self)] Critical Hit! Your Killing Flames deals 16636893 (1009292) Fire Damage to Ethraniev Marrowslake.

    Mod 9:
    [Combat (Self)] Your Murderous Flames deals 376274433 (18876929) Fire Damage to Red Tiamat Head.
  • dandello#8818 dandello Member Posts: 38 Arc User
    edited October 2016
    Lol @fernuu everytime I see that I cringe. I don't understand how people don't get that concept, even if they were Damnation before mod10.
  • hadestemplar#9918 hadestemplar Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,184 Arc User
    edited October 2016
    And the thread about damnation keep going.. Some still angry that damnation got fixed<<, others complain and claims that its now total <font color="orange">HAMSTER. But these guys simply forgot that damnation was not ment to be hight dps in first place.. Its high dps where due bad/wrong intereaction betwen buffs.
    But lot of hot headed suckers don't get that thye had high dps only because exploited game error/glitch/bug. And now its fixed, and build/guides based on that glitch now are total useless..

    One thing I don't get, what the point is to race in term of paingiving/execution? Isisn't dungeons are team run?
    Most of time when I went to dungeons with premades/randoms, I see bunch of hot headed suckers, who rush to hit highest paingiver numbers, regardless that due his blind rushing he provoke monster, get agro and party die.
    I have seen lot of time, sw, cw, gwf,hr who blindly rush to largest group of monsters or blindly rush to face boss, hit couple encouters, and high ground dead after couple slaps. All efforst just for moment of epic awesomeness and higher dps numbers....

    My opinion and suggestion to all warlocks, don't be hot head suckers. Have warlock build which fit your gameplay, have fun, you will not get better reward in epic dungeons if you cause more damage.

    And if you want/insist to participate in paingiver/executioner racing,, go eDungeon solo......

    And on topic, warlocks are ok. if stuff between your pc and chair is broken, than no one can help.
    “The masses have never thirsted after truth. Whoever can supply them with illusions is easily their master; whoever attempts to destroy their illusions is always their victim.
    Gustave Le Bon.

  • schietindebuxschietindebux Member Posts: 4,292 Arc User
    edited October 2016
    Damn I forgot Curse...
    Being Hellbringer you even do not have to spamm TAB any more, no Soulscorch --> no Curseconsum.
    WC last pretty long, you only should refresh it from time to time. HB is a Curse-friendly setup :)
    Beside that you normally spamm TT all time anyway wich replaces WC, TT+WC are not additive, as far as I know.
    Only setup wich needs to refresh WC on a TT´d target is --> SB Fury "SS spammer".
    HB nearly doesn´t use Hadar grasp, Wraith Shadow or Vampric embrance... at least those who want to do the right thing.
    Post edited by schietindebux on
  • fernuufernuu Member Posts: 453 Arc User
    Yeah but if you use FB, it's nice to curse 3 targets.
    If you use TC on main mob, cast 3x curse on other targets.

    Mod 10:
    [Combat (Self)] Critical Hit! Your Killing Flames deals 16636893 (1009292) Fire Damage to Ethraniev Marrowslake.

    Mod 9:
    [Combat (Self)] Your Murderous Flames deals 376274433 (18876929) Fire Damage to Red Tiamat Head.
  • hadestemplar#9918 hadestemplar Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,184 Arc User
    fernuu said:

    Yeah but if you use FB, it's nice to curse 3 targets.
    If you use TC on main mob, cast 3x curse on other targets.

    TC + ACC feature and you have lot of lesser curses around.
    “The masses have never thirsted after truth. Whoever can supply them with illusions is easily their master; whoever attempts to destroy their illusions is always their victim.
    Gustave Le Bon.

  • fernuufernuu Member Posts: 453 Arc User
    LC doesn't increase damage, only acts to curse consume/effect.

    Mod 10:
    [Combat (Self)] Critical Hit! Your Killing Flames deals 16636893 (1009292) Fire Damage to Ethraniev Marrowslake.

    Mod 9:
    [Combat (Self)] Your Murderous Flames deals 376274433 (18876929) Fire Damage to Red Tiamat Head.
  • hadestemplar#9918 hadestemplar Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,184 Arc User
    fernuu said:

    LC doesn't increase damage, only acts to curse consume/effect.

    Haven't wrote line that combo goes well if you use fiery bolt or Curse bite.
    “The masses have never thirsted after truth. Whoever can supply them with illusions is easily their master; whoever attempts to destroy their illusions is always their victim.
    Gustave Le Bon.

  • russ4ua17#7677 russ4ua17 Member Posts: 59 Arc User
    edited October 2016
    fernuu said:

    LC doesn't increase damage, only acts to curse consume/effect.

    Does the feat (Infernal Wrath) not work?
  • fernuufernuu Member Posts: 453 Arc User
    edited October 2016
    It works (well, it's debuff not buff but works anyway). I'm talking about base 20% from Warlock's Curse and 10% from Brutal Curse.

    Mod 10:
    [Combat (Self)] Critical Hit! Your Killing Flames deals 16636893 (1009292) Fire Damage to Ethraniev Marrowslake.

    Mod 9:
    [Combat (Self)] Your Murderous Flames deals 376274433 (18876929) Fire Damage to Red Tiamat Head.
  • schietindebuxschietindebux Member Posts: 4,292 Arc User
    Anyone knows if TT and WC work together? Do you deal 20% more damage to a TC´d target?
  • flowcytoflowcyto Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 196 Arc User
    edited November 2016
    They mentioned while patching in the shard for mod10 that TC and WC's dmg bonuses won't stack on the same target. Quick testing on live confirms that for me (~37-39k FB crits w/ TC alone and w/ WC + TC on the same target- no difference there).

    edit: vv yeah meant TC alone
    Post edited by flowcyto on
    <CO docs> .: Petco :. // Base DPS Sheet (needs revision) // PSA on Power Activation Delay
    - Themed Tanks // Misc Build Dump // Ayonachan's Gift Horse (stat data)
    - Be safe and have fun, champs - for science!
  • schietindebuxschietindebux Member Posts: 4,292 Arc User
    flowcyto said:

    They mentioned while patching in the shard for mod10 that TC and WC's dmg bonuses won't stack on the same target. Quick testing on live confirms that for me (~37-39k FB crits w/ WC alone and w/ WC + TC on the same target- no difference there).

    I am sure you ment TC alone and TC+WC, right?
  • russ4ua17#7677 russ4ua17 Member Posts: 59 Arc User
    fernuu said:

    It works (well, it's debuff not buff but works anyway). I'm talking about base 20% from Warlock's Curse and 10% from Brutal Curse.

    Ty. Mind explaiming why you like Hell Touched better?
  • xs13redxs13red Member Posts: 82 Arc User
    When foes deal Damage to you they become Helltouched for 10 seconds. Foes who are Helltouched take 2/4/6/8/10% more Damage from you.
  • stuff.

    Discussing a feat path isn't allowed? I love the build and I'm sticking with it, even if it has 'Hamster' damage but even I'll admit not only is it weaker but it offers nothing special either.

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