I'm really disappointed in the armor transmute sets that are being sold in the Maze Engine Campaign Store.
1. These were supposed to be unlocks and reclaimable for free after the initial cost. They aren't. Buy one of the sets for 4000, 5000 or 6000 Alliance Supplies. Try to claim it a second time. Sorry, you don't have enough Alliance Supplies.
2. They're Bind to Account, but they are class-specific. There's nothing in the items' names or descriptions that indicates each pack only works for a specific class. There are other packs in the game that give you items tailored for your class. These don't. If you buy the Elemental Fire pack on an Oathbound Paladin and transfer it to your Control Wizard, when your Control Wizard opens the pack, he or she receives unusable Oathbound Paladin transmutes.
Also, every single item ought to be tagged with a free appearance change considering that's all they're good for and the amount of work involved in obtaining them, but many are not.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
However, I have noticed discrepancies in the tradebar store, where the HR Sinister weapons don't have a free appearance change, yet the same ones for the other classes do.
None of the sets for HR, GF or GWF appeal to me (didn't like any of them back then either), but there are a few that I like for TR.
The most important thing in life is to be yourself. Unless you can be Batman. Always be Batman.
Like Dragonflight and Underdark gear, you can view and purchase gear for any class, so (in my specific case), I could unlock the Warlock Hammerstone Transmute on my DC, and transfer the box onto my warlock to use.
Maybe I need to review the store interface again. Unlock the reclaim and then be able to buy a box for any class? Not so intuitive.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
It's stuff like this, simple things that had to be implemented int eh most confusing, time hungry way possible, that makes players lose trust.
And it is absolutely correct that there was no way we were testing the unlocks on preview. Nobody is going to grind out the same thing twice over to make sure that it works the way we think it should, though apparently we ought to be doing just that.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
It was always our intention that the armor purchases in the Maze Engine were class-specific. Our goal was that you could use your main character to get boxes for your other characters, not that purchasing one armor set for one class would unlock them all. Each of the boxes says that it unlocks that specific box as a reclaimable once it's opened. I'm sorry if I said things that made this unclear, it's on me to make sure that something like that is clearer in the future.
That being said, I can see where everyone is confused regarding whether or not the packs are unlocked per class or if purchasing one unlocks all other boxes for all other classes. We'll put in a text change that makes sure it's clearer that the buying and unlocking the boxes only unlocks armor for that specific class and not the same armor for other classes.
... Just kidding.
Our current plan is that we will make purchasing one armor package unlock that same armor package for all classes. If you buy and open the Elemental Air Armor Package for an Oathbound Paladin, you can reclaim the Elemental Air Armor Package for all other classes, free of charge, and transfer them to your other characters. You'll have to do this by going to the other armor section on the Gauntlgrym Supplier.
I can't give a definitive time regarding when this change will be pushed to the live servers, but I will give you all updates if anything regarding this plan has to change course.
Thank you all for your feedback!
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
Can you PLEASE make these items free appearance change while you are at it? These items were designed as transmutes, and should be a free transmute. 5k AD on top of the quest grind to get them seems unreasonable. Won't affect everyone, but some people (new players especially), this will stop them from getting it.
PLEASE!!!! Add Draconic Templar Gear!!! There are other missing sets, but this gear I would give my left arm for especially. It kills me every time I go on preview and see my toon with it there.
Thank you.