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Speaking of Portebello's anyone play the original D&D board game?

I remember being in the 6th grade. And secretly hearing about a group of friends that would play this very underground fantasy game. And that it was the coolest thing ever, like beyond anyone's imagination! I was fortunate enough to be invited in to play alongside these 6th grade adventurers. It was so exciting, using your imagination while the Dungeon Master narrates the story, rolling those dice and being able to hand paint your little character. Great memories.


  • darkandsinfuldarkandsinful Member Posts: 44 Arc User
    well back in the day only devil worshipers played DnD
  • thesophmorejohnthesophmorejohn Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    I never had the pleasure but I always wanted to play it like that. I started playing D & D when the 3rd edition just came out. We used legos and other things as avatars and for us that was a lot of fun.
  • zebularzebular Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 15,270 Community Moderator
    I started D&D in first edition and have played off and on since I was like 15 years old. I've been DMing the Forgotten Realms since 1993. I've played many different table-top and board role-playing games over the years.
  • xxxorcistxxxorcist Member Posts: 51 Arc User
    Hey Zebular. Must be awesome to be working with a gaming company that was part of your childhood. Keep up the great work!
  • frostreever#9329 frostreever Member Posts: 269 Arc User

    well back in the day only devil worshipers played DnD

    I remember those rumors.
    In fact my (then Bible thumping) mother found my book collection of ADnD on my shelf when I was a teen, she wanted to burn the lot. When I explained there was some $500 worth of books there she backed off but made me swear to never play the game in her house.

    Anyway, yeah, DnD was awesome. I liked 2nd the best and in fact have every core and optional book put out for that edition on my gaming bookcase even now.
    Takes up nearly two whole shelves.
    Only battle tech competes for shelf space.

    My hope is that when my son is old enough, he'll be into it and we can dust off those tomes of memories.
  • darkandsinfuldarkandsinful Member Posts: 44 Arc User
    oh yeah DnD was up there with ouija boards, it was such a big issue, thats the reason they took out demons and devils just called them a different name. i even remember a movie with tom hanks Mazes and monsters, about a dilusional guy supposedly based on a real life events.

    I started playing when oriental adventures came out, loved my asian dwarf
  • frostreever#9329 frostreever Member Posts: 269 Arc User
    Fav character, and still have his sheet, was my half dragon invoker that could wield a Katana while wearing elven chain mail.
    Loved the spells and powers books, and books of its ilk.

    Took some convincing for my childhood dm too allow it.
    And man, did she play my taboo and talismans amazing me hard-core.

    Man, the good ole days.

    My wife keeps telling me I should find a gaming group.
    And neverwinter is making it tempting.
  • darkandsinfuldarkandsinful Member Posts: 44 Arc User
    not sure if your area has it, but meetup has those groups in my area
  • ravenskyaravenskya Member Posts: 1,891 Arc User
    2ed was my favorite - I know it was complicated but at the same time it made so much sense. And the ability to multiclass/dual class added extra flavor.

    I wish I had friends up here that played - maybe it's being a female, but using meetup to go to a strangers house for DnD just seems scary.
    Founding Member of "Wrong Side of the Stronghold"
    Ravenskya - TR / Krisha Chaos - OP / Waffles - GF / Dex Domitor - HR
    Becky the trendy GWF - GWF / Too Toasty - SW / Falcor - DC / Morrigan - CW / Sir Didymus - OP

  • frostreever#9329 frostreever Member Posts: 269 Arc User
    edited September 2016
    ravenskya said:

    2ed was my favorite - I know it was complicated but at the same time it made so much sense. And the ability to multiclass/dual class added extra flavor.

    I wish I had friends up here that played - maybe it's being a female, but using meetup to go to a strangers house for DnD just seems scary.

    Yeah, I wouldn't do that even as a bearded, tattooed, motorcycle riding, concealed carrying dude.
    So no blame there.

    I know some areas there are public meet ups at game stores.
    The ones that still support that anyway.

    And yeah, 2nd was and will always be, the best.
    Given the option, that's the version I'd play.

    Complicated or not, it was the best.
    No other edition, that I've experienced, had wizard duels, or restricted class / race combos that made sense.
    Or sword duels. Epic level rule for massive battles. Effective and sensible critical hit system. And the cool character point system.
    Paragon levels that were worth playing. And of course true dweomer spells.
  • mossy#5930 mossy Member Posts: 121 Arc User
    My parents were fine with D&D....

    But man did my Mom freak out when I started playing Rifts (to this date STILL my favorite pen & paper RPG) by Pallidium games.

    I blame the publisher & their warning on page 1.....seriously that's all they had on the first page just this big warning about the occult, drug references, adult content, etc...

    That said; she didn't stop me from playing it in total,just made sure my rear was in a pew with her come Sunday & forbade it under her roof.

    Thankfully her reach did not extend out into the garage or patio...that was strictly Dad land. Even talked him into playing with us once, lol.
  • darkandsinfuldarkandsinful Member Posts: 44 Arc User
    i loved ravenloft when it came out.

    as for meetup the ones in my area do it at local places. rent out areas and stuff or back of comic book stores
  • wormdaddy24601wormdaddy24601 Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited September 2016
    December 30th, 1983. My step brother got the red-box D&D set from his dad. By the end of the day we thought we knew all the rules, had made characters, used crayons to color in the numbers on the dice that were included (still have a couple), and were flipping for who would be the first DM. I have always rolled dice with family, and friends we invited in who essentially became family. Our core group (which for a while now has included my 21 year old son) played in June and sadly my step brother moved to Boston shortly after. Sucks. I know there are ways to play from across the country, but some of our group are pretty set in the way they like to game.

    It would be exhausting and boring for me to list all the games we played over the years, but I gotta say that I really feel 5th edition D&D may be the best iteration of the game yet. I thought 2nd edition went off the rails. What I love about 5th is that it is very rules light, but not to the extent that you feel left hanging when you are trying to figure out how to do something. As an adult with very little time to roll dice with friends, even when they are in town, I liked that it was so quick and easy to get started with the game even the first couple of times playing. It feels a lot like playing D&D and AD&D did when I was a teenager. 2nd edition now would feel like homework, and as the DM I don't need more of that.

    Just before we started with 5th, we were playing Warhammer Fantasy (3rd edition), which is really fun and very unique, but boy was it rules and accessory heavy. It was refreshing when we jumped to 5th.

    We played all our RPGs for years without any kind of grid or map with figures, so I tend not to think of D&D as a board game. When I read the title of the thread I thought the OP was talking about a board game from tsr called "Dungeon!". It was a dungeon crawl board game with randomized encounters, simplified combat, and a hand full of characters to choose from. It was essentially a gateway drug for D&D, though a decade later when Rogue came out I could see this game as a foundation for that too.
    Here is a link to the version we played

    I loved it when I was 8 or 9 and it opened some big doors for me, though I wonder if it would hold up if played now. I recall the Purple Ooze being a player killer, but it has been a minute since I even thought about it.

    I am fortunate in that if I wanted to there are half a dozen game shops that have back rooms that rent out for a few bucks. They are clean, safe, have a nice big table and good lighting, and a couple serve beer too (though I no longer partake). I know that there are open calls for players every so often at these shops.

    On to the DM event-
    I will say I did a lot of laughing when I first saw this event and have been just loving it. When I saw my first Gelatinous Cube I think I squealed like a little girl (I am neither of those things), and every time my son came upstairs (he plays WoW but not Neverwinter) I had to show him the part in the forest when the DM uses dice for goblins and orcs. We laughed so loud my wife came out and shushed us (rightly so, it was like 1:30 am). Last night I got my first pewter golem companion, though from where I don't know, and when it continued to be a little figurine on a stand when I left the tavern I almost did a spit take. So much old school geekery went into making this. I am eager for the second week to start so I get to see more silliness.
  • xxxorcistxxxorcist Member Posts: 51 Arc User
    Thanks for sharing a few memories wormdaddy. A few cool stories you have there. And grats on your golem companion.
  • drathmor#2709 drathmor Member Posts: 113 Arc User
    my mom always called it devil worship but yea we still played it anyway with friends over at their house whos parents werent as brainwashed as mine were
  • nightbare#9304 nightbare Member Posts: 30 Arc User
    i got the golem as well.... how rare is it, ive seen very few
  • frostreever#9329 frostreever Member Posts: 269 Arc User
    Side note, at least one beholder bank has been found.
    On the auction with a 22mil buyout with a bid of 5mil and change....
  • mebengalsfan#9264 mebengalsfan Member Posts: 3,169 Arc User

    December 30th, 1983. My step brother got the red-box D&D set from his dad. By the end of the day we thought we knew all the rules, had made characters, used crayons to color in the numbers on the dice that were included (still have a couple), and were flipping for who would be the first DM. I have always rolled dice with family, and friends we invited in who essentially became family. Our core group (which for a while now has included my 21 year old son) played in June and sadly my step brother moved to Boston shortly after. Sucks. I know there are ways to play from across the country, but some of our group are pretty set in the way they like to game.

    It would be exhausting and boring for me to list all the games we played over the years, but I gotta say that I really feel 5th edition D&D may be the best iteration of the game yet. I thought 2nd edition went off the rails. What I love about 5th is that it is very rules light, but not to the extent that you feel left hanging when you are trying to figure out how to do something. As an adult with very little time to roll dice with friends, even when they are in town, I liked that it was so quick and easy to get started with the game even the first couple of times playing. It feels a lot like playing D&D and AD&D did when I was a teenager. 2nd edition now would feel like homework, and as the DM I don't need more of that.

    Just before we started with 5th, we were playing Warhammer Fantasy (3rd edition), which is really fun and very unique, but boy was it rules and accessory heavy. It was refreshing when we jumped to 5th.

    We played all our RPGs for years without any kind of grid or map with figures, so I tend not to think of D&D as a board game. When I read the title of the thread I thought the OP was talking about a board game from tsr called "Dungeon!". It was a dungeon crawl board game with randomized encounters, simplified combat, and a hand full of characters to choose from. It was essentially a gateway drug for D&D, though a decade later when Rogue came out I could see this game as a foundation for that too.
    Here is a link to the version we played

    I loved it when I was 8 or 9 and it opened some big doors for me, though I wonder if it would hold up if played now. I recall the Purple Ooze being a player killer, but it has been a minute since I even thought about it.

    I am fortunate in that if I wanted to there are half a dozen game shops that have back rooms that rent out for a few bucks. They are clean, safe, have a nice big table and good lighting, and a couple serve beer too (though I no longer partake). I know that there are open calls for players every so often at these shops.

    On to the DM event-
    I will say I did a lot of laughing when I first saw this event and have been just loving it. When I saw my first Gelatinous Cube I think I squealed like a little girl (I am neither of those things), and every time my son came upstairs (he plays WoW but not Neverwinter) I had to show him the part in the forest when the DM uses dice for goblins and orcs. We laughed so loud my wife came out and shushed us (rightly so, it was like 1:30 am). Last night I got my first pewter golem companion, though from where I don't know, and when it continued to be a little figurine on a stand when I left the tavern I almost did a spit take. So much old school geekery went into making this. I am eager for the second week to start so I get to see more silliness.

    2nd edition was my favorite with all the additional rule book to expand on classes, powers, traits, etc.. many players I talk to rarely knew about these extra rules. It was not long before 3e dropped that 2e had them. 3e and 3.5e move from the good old days of THAC0, AKA To Hit Armor Class Zero. LOL...
  • mossy#5930 mossy Member Posts: 121 Arc User
    I once wanted to change the name of my clan from the Left*Overs to the "THAC0 wack0s" but it was just an RPG, not D&D & some guild members didn't get the reference.

    Been thinking about taking the Left*Overs approach to gaming (super friendly, casual & laid back) out of attic storage & starting it up here. Lol, who knows, if I do maybe I'll rename it to T.W.

    2nd edition was my first "Advanced" edition as well. Still love the old monstrous manual that was like a trapper keeper full of awesome.

    I remember the Displacer Beast on the cover looking especially cool. My sons been gaming on 4rth edition at his game club & I wanted to show him a Displacer Beast thinking it would look seriously cool & impress him....lol, the illustration looked more like a sick cat than anything else.

    Needless to say he wasn't as impressed as I was back 30 years or so.
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