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  • mossy#5930 mossy Member Posts: 121 Arc User
    edited September 2016
    Good advice

    If you guys are referring to Miller when your talking about valor & battlefields; I brought that on not him by talking about what perspective I see gaming in.

    It's something complex & variable from person to person. For me this game is casual, I think of my old friends & the experience I had with them.

    For some folks it's obviously more important. I get that. I played collegiate sports (well, sport, I ran track) & have been very competitive in the past from hobbies to business....driven I suppose. I get the importance of play & giving it your all, but the real world comes first for me.

    They guy trying to complain about morals of a free ride & demanding one logs out would IMO be a much more terrible person than even a true leach if they saw their kid fall down some steps & start to cry with a tweaked looking arm, or Isay they start to gasp & have severe asthma & food allergies...

    Daddy will get your epy pin buddy...just let him log off first

    For the record I'm not worked up; I'd gladly buy Miller his beverage of choice at a VFW if we ran into one another.

    Logging out during an emergency....sorry that will never be on my priority list.

    Said it before & will say it again.....family first. As well as the real life factors like employers that directly effect them
    Post edited by mossy#5930 on
  • cdnmouse82#1071 cdnmouse82 Member Posts: 9 Arc User

    Yeah sometimes ppl have stuff come up suddenly, especially if you have kids!

    This as well as wife agro do happen to me. But if I have to drop out, I usually at least say something to the group.

  • armadeonxarmadeonx Member Posts: 4,952 Arc User
    People often turn these type of threads into arguments or ways of putting other people down. It may give a little ego boost but really doesn't advance the topic.

    Yes RL stuff does come up and when it's important (e.g. NOT "oh I forgot to make my coffee") then you are going to just drop the controller. Fair enough. However it's also fair that if you're not back in a few minutes that the game auto-replaces you.
    Please Do Not Feed The Trolls

    Xael De Armadeon: DC
    Xane De Armadeon: CW
    Zen De Armadeon: OP
    Zohar De Armadeon: TR
    Chrion De Armadeon: SW
    Gosti Big Belly: GWF
    Barney McRustbucket: GF
    Lt. Thackeray: HR
    Lucius De Armadeon: BD

    Member of Casual Dailies - XBox
  • cdnmouse82#1071 cdnmouse82 Member Posts: 9 Arc User

    Yes RL stuff does come up and when it's important (e.g. NOT "oh I forgot to make my coffee") then you are going to just drop the controller. Fair enough. However it's also fair that if you're not back in a few minutes that the game auto-replaces you.
    That would be a good mechanic to input.

  • mebengalsfan#9264 mebengalsfan Member Posts: 3,169 Arc User
    Report them. This way they get added to your ignore list and hopefully you never run with them again.

    Also if they are a repeat offender they may get some type of punishment or a short term ban.

    That is how I would run the support side for player grieving, especially if I get multiple request of the same player.

  • mossy#5930 mossy Member Posts: 121 Arc User
    edited September 2016
    I agree, between trying to play with groups you know or blocking those you don't want to play with, it should help the overall experience greatly.

    You could always block their messaging option on PSN if you know their gamer tag.

    Reporting is good too, but if you expect any punishment to come out of it on their side, the report should be accompanied with video. The share button makes that very easy (well at least the archiving of their behavior....how you could attach that to a report, I'm not entirely certain

    Otherwise you run the risk of organized clans false reporting/witch hunting folks. Or the guy who goes AFK rarely getting gossiped over & brought down by a series of false reports brought on by pack mentality
    Post edited by mossy#5930 on
  • mrrkmiller#5591 mrrkmiller Member Posts: 108 Arc User

    Good advice

    If you guys are referring to Miller when your talking about valor & battlefields; I brought that on not him by talking about what perspective I see gaming in.

    It's something complex & variable from person to person. For me this game is casual, I think of my old friends & the experience I had with them.

    For some folks it's obviously more important. I get that. I played collegiate sports (well, sport, I ran track) & have been very competitive in the past from hobbies to business....driven I suppose. I get the importance of play & giving it your all, but the real world comes first for me.

    They guy trying to complain about morals of a free ride & demanding one logs out would IMO be a much more terrible person than even a true leach if they saw their kid fall down some steps & start to cry with a tweaked looking arm, or Isay they start to gasp & have severe asthma & food allergies...

    Daddy will get your epy pin buddy...just let him log off first

    For the record I'm not worked up; I'd gladly buy Miller his beverage of choice at a VFW if we ran into one another.

    Logging out during an emergency....sorry that will never be on my priority list.

    Said it before & will say it again.....family first. As well as the real life factors like employers that directly effect them

    Jesus, little over board on the situation of the type of emergency. If your kid is falling down the stairs that often, you may need some parenting skills. The conversation is about casually walking away and not saying anything. Not your kid gets shot by a loaded gun? Dude use common sense. Your either a troll or a child. What parent would just let their kid fall down the stairs? You went to the extreme when it was not necessary. Of course fcking drop everything for something that terrible. I am talking about your kids sneezes and a booger comes out. Oh my god drop everything my kid is going to die becasue a booger is hanging out. Hell if you have a child that young and it is just you, maybe you should pay attention to them instead of a stupid game!!! SMH
  • mrrkmiller#5591 mrrkmiller Member Posts: 108 Arc User

    Report them. This way they get added to your ignore list and hopefully you never run with them again.

    Also if they are a repeat offender they may get some type of punishment or a short term ban.

    That is how I would run the support side for player grieving, especially if I get multiple request of the same player.

  • mossy#5930 mossy Member Posts: 121 Arc User
    edited September 2016
    Neither a troll or a child, Miller.

    Settle down; its an opinion about a game. Insults & claiming to have a clue over others personal life without walking in their shoes is uncalled for. Your accusations about me are so off base its ridiculous.

    That's the problem with assumptions, especially when you want to attach some sort of punishment to it. They can be wrong & then the wrong people can get grief over it, losing access to a game that though free to play, can be invested in.

    My kids aren't infants, as referenced earlier if you were paying any attention...they are teenagers. That said, anyone who has children of that age knows they can just as easily have something go haywire or do something I'm going to have to go AFK for. Also I mentioned my Wife & her need of something as a reason to go afk, so no Im not alone....again, as mentioned earlier.

    So if there is an emergency and I go afk, what then?

    People notice that; & as some of this forum is the player base & represents the degree of "forgiveness" (or lack there of) of the gaming community.....Id be reported & perhaps lose gaming access.

    As much of a deal that's made by some folks when theirs maintenance going on & we all lose access....how about some understanding or at least less pitchfork & torches
    Post edited by mossy#5930 on
  • mebengalsfan#9264 mebengalsfan Member Posts: 3,169 Arc User

    Neither a troll or a child, Miller.

    Settle down; its an opinion about a game. Insults & claiming to have a clue over others personal life without walking in their shoes is uncalled for. Your accusations about me are so off base its ridiculous.

    That's the problem with assumptions, especially when you want to attach some sort of punishment to it. They can be wrong & then the wrong people can get grief over it, losing access to a game that though free to play, can be invested in.

    My kids aren't infants, as referenced earlier if you were paying any attention...they are teenagers. That said, anyone who has children of that age knows they can just as easily have something go haywire or do something I'm going to have to go AFK for. Also I mentioned my Wife & her need of something as a reason to go afk, so no Im not alone....again, as mentioned earlier.

    So if there is an emergency and I go afk, what then?

    People notice that; & as some of this forum is the player base & represents the degree of "forgiveness" (or lack there of) of the gaming community.....Id be reported & perhaps lose gaming access.

    As much of a deal that's made by some folks when theirs maintenance going on & we all lose access....how about some understanding or at least less pitchfork & torches

    I admit I have gone AFK a few times. Family life happens and I try to get back on ASAP. If I have a guild buddy in there, I ask them to let the group know and I do the same for them. But if I'm alone, it happens. If I think I will be away longer than the que, I simply abandon the que, takes all but a few seconds.

    If an emergency does come up and I'm in the middle of something, guess what I will simply drop the controller, power down my TV, which also powers down my PS4 for me at least, and I'm out taking care of business. What happens in NW at that time, well I don't know nor do I care as I have family or work things to resolve.
  • drathmor#2709 drathmor Member Posts: 113 Arc User

    Meh. Its so easy i don't even care. Maybe they suddenly had to take a #2 or the wife got all mad at them for gaming nonstop lol. Stuff happens

    I normally don't do this, but yesterday right when an event started I needed to take care of my dogs, so I left my character there. I made it back in time for the 2nd and last boss and was 2nd in DPS. The event is very easy unless you get a bunch of level 15 in there.

    One thing I will state though, I have yet to see a shadow wolf drop for me or my guild mate. We ran the event 2 straight hours each night and neither one of us got a shadow wolf. Yet I hear others are averaging a shadow wolf once an hour or so.

    i have farmed hours a day for days on all the events and have yet to see any of the mounts or companions drop. the RNG on here is far worse than DC in my opinion
  • drathmor#2709 drathmor Member Posts: 113 Arc User
    edited September 2016

    excuses. if you can't take the time to turn off your game you are a TRUE leech. it takes zero time to turn off the set.

    I dont' care about your excuses. play the game if you are in game. if you are not playing the game then QUIT. no excuses.

    getting this upset about a video game and especially a event instance isnt good for you nor is it anyone business what others are doing if your getting upset by something another player is doing it is entirely in your control to leave the situation it is not however to judge them you dont know what they are dealing with at that moment the sooner people learn they cant control the actions of others the better off they will feel. please dont bother coming back with some retort of then they should bla bla bla I could care less about what you think they should do. you can only control your own actions thats the facts beyond that there is nothing else.. noone likes to feel like they are doing every thing for someone with out respect (I.E Moochers) but nothing anyone cries about it wont change the situation

    P.S im not telling you how to play just explaining the facts if you feel the need to continue to be upset at the situation that is entirely up to you feel free to be as entitled as you wish i am just offering a real life perspective
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