Call me Andy (or Strum, or Spider-Man)! Follow Neverwinter on Twitter: NeverwinterGame Like Neverwinter on Facebook: Neverwinter Follow me on Twitter: StrumSlinger
Some welcome fixes on this one. More BS fog adjustments and some fixes for the empowerment issues on relic gear that now might make people actually want to farm them, among many others.
Unfortunately, it seems we will have no fix for combatant's maneuver insignia bonus at the moment
santralafaxMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 2,896Arc User
I appreciate the number of fixes, however Tenser's Disk has been needing some love for some time. The spacebar animation no longer works and (much worse) the disk when displayed can root the character throughout a PVP match. Both of these issues are well-documented.
I appreciate the number of fixes, however Tenser's Disk has been needing some love for some time. The spacebar animation no longer works and (much worse) the disk when displayed can root the character throughout a PVP match. Both of these issues are well-documented.
I reported this at least two times already. As you say, spacebar animation doesn't work for me anymore and sometimes makes my char be completely unable to move, making me have to change char and go back again to be able to move again. And it's not just the disk, the epic griffon shows as a legendary griffon when I mount it and when it stays still, it does weird movements back and foward. And this has been going on for too long.
Archaeologist's Trowel: This item now requires both "Secrets of Ostorian Relics" and "Restore Bryn Shander's Economy" to purchase.
This is mad, guys...really. I've no words. I still don't understand why all these increasing gates. I don't think that such choice pushes people to buy zen or makes the game more engaging. It's just a waste of time for the players with no fun or challenge. The campaign is quite long as it is and without this change. It's not for me, because I already have everything I need.
And it's not needed due to a more important reason: my overall experience with the purple trowel/Archaeologist's Trowel is very poor. Purple relics are so rare that there are NO BIG differences between a common trowel and the purple one (tested on my alts after many excavations): both are enabled to find common, green and blu relics, my alt SW found 3 blu relics in a row with the common trowel: never happened with the purple trowel on my DC. The real difference is made by 1 piece of frostborn set and the remoraz companion (quantity) and not by quality (i.e the RNG - purple trowel or Archaeologist's Trowel). I suggest to not buy the purple trowel/Archaeologist's Trowel: zen or resources wasted. If you have tarmalune, all you need is 1 piece of frostborn set and a common trowel. If you have enough AD, then buy the remorhaz companion.
I really want to play the game, but you guys behyond the fence, should uninstall all this craziness on your side. Instead, I want more NPGs like Caliban: good job!
Post edited by rapo973 on
Oltreverso guild leader Maga Othelma - DC | Svalvolo - SW | Dente Avvelenato- GWF
Last task of Elemental Evil - Spinward rise still gives 1 less scriptures, the boon cannot be unlocked. (Maybe due to previous progress or something else?)
Sigh, still no fix for UI scaling breaking display of Underdark and DR champaign windows . Oh well, i'll survive, annoying as it is.
Paingiver is not an acurratte or Useful measure of your actual sustained damage output, (i.e DPS), in various ways it lies. For a true idea use ACT. Link below:
Last task of Elemental Evil - Spinward rise still gives 1 less scriptures, the boon cannot be unlocked. (Maybe due to previous progress or something else?)
I have same issue, I posted a ticket and SGM told me that he don´t know how to fix it. But there is a way you can buy 5000 ZEN and get last Twisted Scripture from Spinward Rise. Easy, better not fixing this and wait while players get crazy and buy it from Zen shop.
So several UI fixes but not one that will address the issue of drop down selections in most of the Option UI.....Once again yet another bug that surfaced with implementation of Alliances goes unchallenged.
Shared bank account will only let me purchase up to 88, yet the new description says 96. And yes, I have scrolled the window to make sure I didn't miss anything. So is the description still wrong, or is there a bug with the purchasing of the shared bank accounts?
Last task of Elemental Evil - Spinward rise still gives 1 less scriptures, the boon cannot be unlocked. (Maybe due to previous progress or something else?)
I have same issue, I posted a ticket and SGM told me that he don´t know how to fix it. But there is a way you can buy 5000 ZEN and get last Twisted Scripture from Spinward Rise. Easy, better not fixing this and wait while players get crazy and buy it from Zen shop.
Thank you - I don't think that the boon would worth it to buy a pack for 5000 only for the last boon (not even sure if it would worth it for the whole campaign).
so i tried the new dungeon FBI (fangbreaker island) and i can say, gj dev's its a real challenge just what we needed
first run 4k gwf...3.8k gwf...4k dc...3.5k tr... 3.1k hr (me).....failed on first fight quite after we died over 5 times on first mob (their was no tanks for over 40 minutes so we went without one ... a bad decision but at least we all learned the first fight)
second run 3.8k op...3.9k dc...4.1k tr...4.2k gwf... 3.1k hr (me)... died several times on first boss we quite after die'ing so much (run lasted 30 minutes)
third run 4k gf...3.5k dc...3.9k hr...3.7k tr... 3.1l hr (me) went into the run and after 90 minutes failed the second boss and quite the run
well as you can see i kept making it further in the dungeon, but that is probably cause i was getting good people and making better groups. grants we failed in each of these.
ok so i think this dungeon was built for 4k players not 3.1k players. cause no one wants to invite me and i have to make my own groups. and when i do my group run takes hours long. not sure how people do this run in 30 minutes because i spent 90 minutes and only made it to second boss. didn't even kill him literally group didn't have tie to do the run. and the turtle dragon one shot everyone as well which was funny to see. those stacks or whatever it gets to increase its damage. but as i said thank you dev's we needed a challenge.
dev's though i am happy you made a good challenge. i want to say that if the group requirement is high people don't want to run low item lvl players.
ex edemo- requires 2.5k...players have to be 3k to get into premade group tiamat- requires 2k...players have to be 2.5 to get into a premade group FBI- requires 3.1... players normally looking for 3.5 or almost 4k players. and cause this dungeon is so new their are almost no people trying to get into a premade. tomorrow probably more people will be doing FBI. well basically people want to run with strong people to make the run faster and easier. but this run is so hard it actually feels like i need 3.5k item lvl.
the enemies hit hard take a lot of damage and theirs that one orc that calls in more enemies and if you don't stop him you haven't to deal with a ton of giants. giants are big strong enemies that are immune to control. i can understand making bosses and some mini bosses immune to control, but why the common enemies. i guess cause their giants.i try to stun then with my hr trapper skills and i get hit. lose 70 percent of my health with buffs from a healer and tank. when alone does about 110% of my health.
the first boss was a nice exp. lets just say i did something dumb for fun, i tried to solo him, he killed me in about 1 minute after i ran out of dodges. and when i couldn't dodge his attacks he hit me for 150k damage (melee swipe, so i understand why it hit so hard) out of 100k health; so way over kill, and that was solo so no buffs from teammates. with buffs from teammates that annoying quills aoe attack would hit me for 8k damage when i dodge it and when i didn't dodge it, i would lose about 60% of my health (if i remember correctly)
turtle dragon boss was a nice fight to do but haven't beat it yet. in an above post i say the third run and my teams item lvl. well we were doing scant damage to it. i think 1 bar was going down every 3-5 minutes (this i am not sure as i wasn't paying attention as i was trying to learn boss attacks and mechanics and patterns)
i think the only group that would have any actual trouble doing this run would be a op tank dc buff/debuff healer SW (support healer) dps and 2 strong dps classes (preferably a cw be one of the 2 strong or an hr trapper, even though control is almost useless now still helps to have it, and any other range dps class) reason why i say range dps class... the tr's or any melee dps build was die'ing the most in my runs. even the trapper he 3.9k would die more then me (i was too scared to get up in the fight and die and waist players time reviving me...i started using buffs and stayed at range with my hr trapper)
ok so i think this dungeon was built for 4k players not 3.1k players. cause no one wants to invite me and i have to make my own groups. and when i do my group run takes hours long. not sure how people do this run in 30 minutes because i spent 90 minutes and only made it to second boss. didn't even kill him literally group didn't have tie to do the run. and the turtle dragon one shot everyone as well which was funny to see. those stacks or whatever it gets to increase its damage. but as i said thank you dev's we needed a challenge.
dev's though i am happy you made a good challenge. i want to say that if the group requirement is high people don't want to run low item lvl players.
ex edemo- requires 2.5k...players have to be 3k to get into premade group tiamat- requires 2k...players have to be 2.5 to get into a premade group FBI- requires 3.1... players normally looking for 3.5 or almost 4k players. and cause this dungeon is so new their are almost no people trying to get into a premade. tomorrow probably more people will be doing FBI. well basically people want to run with strong people to make the run faster and easier. but this run is so hard it actually feels like i need 3.5k item lvl.
the enemies hit hard take a lot of damage and theirs that one orc that calls in more enemies and if you don't stop him you haven't to deal with a ton of giants. giants are big strong enemies that are immune to control. i can understand making bosses and some mini bosses immune to control, but why the common enemies. i guess cause their giants.i try to stun then with my hr trapper skills and i get hit. lose 70 percent of my health with buffs from a healer and tank. when alone does about 110% of my health.
the first boss was a nice exp. lets just say i did something dumb for fun, i tried to solo him, he killed me in about 1 minute after i ran out of dodges. and when i couldn't dodge his attacks he hit me for 150k damage (melee swipe, so i understand why it hit so hard) out of 100k health; so way over kill, and that was solo so no buffs from teammates. with buffs from teammates that annoying quills aoe attack would hit me for 8k damage when i dodge it and when i didn't dodge it, i would lose about 60% of my health (if i remember correctly)
turtle dragon boss was a nice fight to do but haven't beat it yet. in an above post i say the third run and my teams item lvl. well we were doing scant damage to it. i think 1 bar was going down every 3-5 minutes (this i am not sure as i wasn't paying attention as i was trying to learn boss attacks and mechanics and patterns)
i think the only group that would have any actual trouble doing this run would be a op tank dc buff/debuff healer SW (support healer) dps and 2 strong dps classes (preferably a cw be one of the 2 strong or an hr trapper, even though control is almost useless now still helps to have it, and any other range dps class) reason why i say range dps class... the tr's or any melee dps build was die'ing the most in my runs. even the trapper he 3.9k would die more then me (i was too scared to get up in the fight and die and waist players time reviving me...i started using buffs and stayed at range with my hr trapper)
just my opinion of course =D
this came out a lot longer then expected so sorry
one of 2 options really 1) make the que requirement 3.5k item lvl (seriously don't do this as getting 3k is easy, but getting any higher is a pain and then this dungeon will have no one farm it) 2) weaken the overall enemies by a certain margin (0 10 20 30 % i don't know i am just giving my honest opinion on this topic for what its worth) the dungeon is 3.1 but seriously it feel like a 3.5 or harder dungeon. and as i said i love the challenge but taking 90 minutes to get to the second of 3 bosses is crazy. i heard it takes an hour with a good group, so i guess my groups are just not good.
i heard people complain about this dungeon but never really got it cause i haven't done it yet. also in a side note if you are still reading the hr 3.9k used foxes shift and died. i thought it was patched but guess not (second boss)
any one know why neverwinter gateway is down? says its undergoing maintenance, but i dint see any path notes on it. been down all day today and yesterday i think.
any one know why neverwinter gateway is down? says its undergoing maintenance, but i dint see any path notes on it. been down all day today and yesterday i think.
There's a thread for this. Official word is "It's down, and we can't be bothered to fix it until at least Tuesday, so deal with it and give us your money!"
and how can i get 28% resi with out pay a AD or money?
5% from potion 2% from guild buff food 8% from relic boots (when you restore them and empower them to tier 3) 2% from second boon 2% from fourth boon 3% from everfrost armor kit (can apply one to undercoat and one to trousers) 2% from undercoat (blue) 3% from undercoat (purple) 2% from trousers (blue) 3% from trousers (purple) 3% from makos ring
you can get the entire list above without spending any ad or money
tarmalune vendor has- (tier 3) 5% from coat 4% from bracers
zen store has- (tier 3) 4% from hood 4% from boots
I still don't understand why all these increasing gates. I don't think that such choice pushes people to buy zen or makes the game more engaging. It's just a waste of time for the players with no fun or challenge. The campaign is quite long as it is and without this change.
It's not for me, because I already have everything I need.
And it's not needed due to a more important reason: my overall experience with the purple trowel/Archaeologist's Trowel is very poor.
Purple relics are so rare that there are NO BIG differences between a common trowel and the purple one (tested on my alts after many excavations): both are enabled to find common, green and blu relics, my alt SW found 3 blu relics in a row with the common trowel: never happened with the purple trowel on my DC. The real difference is made by 1 piece of frostborn set and the remoraz companion (quantity) and not by quality (i.e the RNG - purple trowel or Archaeologist's Trowel).
I suggest to not buy the purple trowel/Archaeologist's Trowel: zen or resources wasted. If you have tarmalune, all you need is 1 piece of frostborn set and a common trowel. If you have enough AD, then buy the remorhaz companion.
I really want to play the game, but you guys behyond the fence, should uninstall all this craziness on your side.
Instead, I want more NPGs like Caliban: good job!
Oltreverso guild leader
Maga Othelma - DC | Svalvolo - SW | Dente Avvelenato- GWF
Well of Dragons now appears after Dread Ring in the campaign list.
Thank you...from all the new players in my guild who were getting their faces stomped.
Looking for reviews (will trade)!
For all the spider-haters out there
(Maybe due to previous progress or something else?)
By chance the company will not translate over?
first run
4k gwf...3.8k gwf...4k dc...3.5k tr... 3.1k hr (me).....failed on first fight quite after we died over 5 times on first mob (their was no tanks for over 40 minutes so we went without one ... a bad decision but at least we all learned the first fight)
second run
3.8k op...3.9k dc...4.1k tr...4.2k gwf... 3.1k hr (me)... died several times on first boss we quite after die'ing so much (run lasted 30 minutes)
third run
4k gf...3.5k dc...3.9k hr...3.7k tr... 3.1l hr (me) went into the run and after 90 minutes failed the second boss and quite the run
well as you can see i kept making it further in the dungeon, but that is probably cause i was getting good people and making better groups. grants we failed in each of these.
dev's though i am happy you made a good challenge. i want to say that if the group requirement is high people don't want to run low item lvl players.
edemo- requires 2.5k...players have to be 3k to get into premade group
tiamat- requires 2k...players have to be 2.5 to get into a premade group
FBI- requires 3.1... players normally looking for 3.5 or almost 4k players. and cause this dungeon is so new their are almost no people trying to get into a premade. tomorrow probably more people will be doing FBI. well basically people want to run with strong people to make the run faster and easier. but this run is so hard it actually feels like i need 3.5k item lvl.
the enemies hit hard take a lot of damage and theirs that one orc that calls in more enemies and if you don't stop him you haven't to deal with a ton of giants.
giants are big strong enemies that are immune to control. i can understand making bosses and some mini bosses immune to control, but why the common enemies. i guess cause their giants.i try to stun then with my hr trapper skills and i get hit. lose 70 percent of my health with buffs from a healer and tank. when alone does about 110% of my health.
the first boss was a nice exp. lets just say i did something dumb for fun, i tried to solo him, he killed me in about 1 minute after i ran out of dodges. and when i couldn't dodge his attacks he hit me for 150k damage (melee swipe, so i understand why it hit so hard) out of 100k health; so way over kill, and that was solo so no buffs from teammates. with buffs from teammates that annoying quills aoe attack would hit me for 8k damage when i dodge it and when i didn't dodge it, i would lose about 60% of my health (if i remember correctly)
turtle dragon boss was a nice fight to do but haven't beat it yet. in an above post i say the third run and my teams item lvl.
well we were doing scant damage to it. i think 1 bar was going down every 3-5 minutes (this i am not sure as i wasn't paying attention as i was trying to learn boss attacks and mechanics and patterns)
i think the only group that would have any actual trouble doing this run would be a
op tank
dc buff/debuff healer
SW (support healer) dps
and 2 strong dps classes (preferably a cw be one of the 2 strong or an hr trapper, even though control is almost useless now still helps to have it, and any other range dps class) reason why i say range dps class... the tr's or any melee dps build was die'ing the most in my runs. even the trapper he 3.9k would die more then me (i was too scared to get up in the fight and die and waist players time reviving me...i started using buffs and stayed at range with my hr trapper)
just my opinion of course =D
this came out a lot longer then expected so sorry
1) make the que requirement 3.5k item lvl (seriously don't do this as getting 3k is easy, but getting any higher is a pain and then this dungeon will have no one farm it)
2) weaken the overall enemies by a certain margin (0 10 20 30 % i don't know i am just giving my honest opinion on this topic for what its worth) the dungeon is 3.1 but seriously it feel like a 3.5 or harder dungeon. and as i said i love the challenge but taking 90 minutes to get to the second of 3 bosses is crazy. i heard it takes an hour with a good group, so i guess my groups are just not good.
i heard people complain about this dungeon but never really got it cause i haven't done it yet.
also in a side note if you are still reading the hr 3.9k used foxes shift and died. i thought it was patched but guess not (second boss)
Taylor DC/DO & AC Buff/Debuff - Guild Gutbusters Brigade - PVE
2% from guild buff food
8% from relic boots (when you restore them and empower them to tier 3)
2% from second boon
2% from fourth boon
3% from everfrost armor kit (can apply one to undercoat and one to trousers)
2% from undercoat (blue) 3% from undercoat (purple)
2% from trousers (blue) 3% from trousers (purple)
3% from makos ring
you can get the entire list above without spending any ad or money
tarmalune vendor has- (tier 3)
5% from coat
4% from bracers
zen store has- (tier 3)
4% from hood
4% from boots