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Shadow Wolf Drops Been Lucky For You?

So, I was grouping with 3 buddies last night grinding the CTA: Pit Fight hoping to get the Shadow Wolf drop. One buddy gets it on his 2nd run. We can't believe it. My next buddy gets his about an hour later. Then lastly, I get mine the next hour. Are we lucky SOB's or what?! Have the RNG Gods been good to anyone else?


  • frostreever#9329 frostreever Member Posts: 269 Arc User
    edited August 2016
    Not sure.
    I bought mine.
    Very next run, it drops.
    A couples later, back on the same toon, drops again.

    And then stopped running for the night.

    Seems higher than the Devourer for sure.
    Post edited by frostreever#9329 on
  • lexakrteklexakrtek Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited August 2016
    I play pit fight 70 times and i still dont have shadow wolf is it very annoying
    Post edited by lexakrtek on
  • I got it on my second run with my CW, but have yet to see again, even with my GF, who I have done a load of run throughs with
  • lordmaniklordmanik Member Posts: 141 Arc User
    Do u get it at the end or during the pit fight?
  • sockmunkeysockmunkey Member Posts: 4,622 Arc User
    lordmanik said:

    Do u get it at the end or during the pit fight?

    The drop rate is really low. But if you get lucky enough to get one, it will be in the chest.
  • buckeyestar#6353 buckeyestar Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    I got one in my 2nd run, couldn't believe it. Haven't seen one since, dozens of runs later.
  • viralcore123#7456 viralcore123 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    Did about 50 runs till now - no pet to be seen. RNGsus really hates me.
  • bomber#0573 bomber Member Posts: 156 Arc User
    Lol, I had 40+ runs on the last CTA without seeing the Intellect Devourer companion drop for me. This time around at about 20 runs without even a glance at a Shadow Wolf mount I broke down and bought one off the tradehouse. Lol the roll of the RNG has been terrible at best for me.
  • frostreever#9329 frostreever Member Posts: 269 Arc User
    On that note, I have two for trade if anyone is interested.
    Looking for purses or bags.
  • mossy#5930 mossy Member Posts: 121 Arc User
    For me getting mine took some work....probably around 60 or so attempts. Not as bad as trying to get Monster Hunter rare drops on that game by any stretch (-seriously some of those drop rates will make you question your sanity) To be "fair" though in that game you have unlimited attempts that aren't on a weekend timer.

    I wonder what the wolfs random drop rate is? I may try for another one for my Sons Character though I may be pushing my luck, lol!
  • asmodeoussasmodeouss Member Posts: 54 Arc User
    Ten runs a day across 5 characters I got one to drop. What kind of insignia bonus does it give? Not sure if i want to keep or sell
    I Dropped out of school but i never leave the hall. I grab kids, drag 'em in between the walls. They call me the ghost of the badlands, but i'm really just a killer with big hands.
  • mossy#5930 mossy Member Posts: 121 Arc User
    Ones barbed the others open, so you can mix insignias for effect; currently my insignias just give me health when I deflect....forget what it's called exactly

    Also bumps up your mount speed from stock/starter horses but it doesn't offer the 1K armor pen bump the shop version does.

    'Course the shop version is an epic & 35 bucks

    Hope that sorta answers your question, not entirely certain as I only know enough about this game to be certain that I have a loose grasp on it at best, lol.
  • xxxorcistxxxorcist Member Posts: 51 Arc User
    It did not come with an insignia so that you would have to equip from what you have. It is Uncommon so it does not offer mount powers or increased speed like the epic mounts. You can, of course, purchase the epic version in the Zen store, which gives you the 110% speed increase and the +2000 Armor Penetration.
  • cynicalxcon#7767 cynicalxcon Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited August 2016
    823 medallions 7 hours farming currently no drop yet. Ugh.
  • cynicalxcon#7767 cynicalxcon Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    1:53 am est. 11h 5m left on event ps4. Farming for almost 8 hours nearly 900 medallions no mount drop yet. I have no life and I am determined to get it.
  • cynicalxcon#7767 cynicalxcon Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    1000 medallions, 3am. No mount drop yet. 9-10 hour farm. Straight no stopping except for bathroom breaks. And no mount. Wow.
  • demonangel2011#0873 demonangel2011 Member Posts: 49 Arc User
    I played 173 times before I got the shadow wolf, I kept count by keeping all my dye packs I got, I was not happy but at least I finally got it
  • manson13xmanson13x Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    I farmed all weekend and it never dropped. Oh well.
  • ravenskyaravenskya Member Posts: 1,891 Arc User
    Between my characters ran it 70+ times, no wolf for me. A friend ran it 50+ times in one day and no wolf... then another friend gets on and gets it on his 4th or 5th run. In our entire group of friends it seems that only one of us will get the drop for each CTA. I did manage to pick up the fancy horse from Tymora's over the weekend though in the auction house for only 15K AD. Maybe in a few weeks I'll get my wolf that way.
    Founding Member of "Wrong Side of the Stronghold"
    Ravenskya - TR / Krisha Chaos - OP / Waffles - GF / Dex Domitor - HR
    Becky the trendy GWF - GWF / Too Toasty - SW / Falcor - DC / Morrigan - CW / Sir Didymus - OP

  • mebengalsfan#9264 mebengalsfan Member Posts: 3,169 Arc User
    Roughly 8 hours in there total now and not a single drop wolf for me. I got 1 rank six cruel enchantment and that has been my best drop yet. Normally I get rank 4 cruel enchantments.

    I like that they don't drop regularly but I believe that some characters are luckier than others in various aspects in the game. Though it seems as if my character has minimal luck as nothing has gone my way in the game now for quite a few days. Kinda annoying, normally it would be 1or 2 days of bad luck and than I would get some good luck for a day or two. Lately, it seems my main has nothing but bad luck.

    In the past 2 weeks I have gotten mostly professional packs out of my lockboxes. Leveling past 70, last 3 levels I got 1 rank 5 enchantement, WTF is that HAMSTER. Running the event I get mostly (90% of the time) rank 4 enchantments.

    Mean while my guild mate received his fifth elemental weapon pack, another artifact belt, a PP for each level on two toons, etc... I'm like cool for him. Kinda disappointing for me as I have had pretty bad luck most of the time playing. I mean most of my professional due to all the profession pack are purple and I got multiple copies of them. Many copies of the items to improve quality also purple level. Plenty of material as well.

    I'm about ready to call it quits on my DC and go play another character all together.
  • ravenskyaravenskya Member Posts: 1,891 Arc User
    @Mebengalsfan - you and I are clearly on the same lucky streak... and I'm trying on my TR, Healadin, SW and Cleric... Professions packs, low level enchants and nothing good out of the CTAs yet. I really wanted that wolf too, it was going to be for my HR or SW.
    Founding Member of "Wrong Side of the Stronghold"
    Ravenskya - TR / Krisha Chaos - OP / Waffles - GF / Dex Domitor - HR
    Becky the trendy GWF - GWF / Too Toasty - SW / Falcor - DC / Morrigan - CW / Sir Didymus - OP

  • mebengalsfan#9264 mebengalsfan Member Posts: 3,169 Arc User
    ravenskya said:

    @Mebengalsfan - you and I are clearly on the same lucky streak... and I'm trying on my TR, Healadin, SW and Cleric... Professions packs, low level enchants and nothing good out of the CTAs yet. I really wanted that wolf too, it was going to be for my HR or SW.

    Four hours of farming this morning on my last trip through I got one. I'm like OMG, I finally got one. I than logged out. That took 4 hours away from running my dailies but now I got the Shadow Wolf style added to my mount collection. LOL...
  • ravenskyaravenskya Member Posts: 1,891 Arc User
    Well then you win - suffering at work as it ends, so I'm officially without one.
    Founding Member of "Wrong Side of the Stronghold"
    Ravenskya - TR / Krisha Chaos - OP / Waffles - GF / Dex Domitor - HR
    Becky the trendy GWF - GWF / Too Toasty - SW / Falcor - DC / Morrigan - CW / Sir Didymus - OP

  • mebengalsfan#9264 mebengalsfan Member Posts: 3,169 Arc User
    ravenskya said:

    Well then you win - suffering at work as it ends, so I'm officially without one.

    But that was 4 hours of farming without doing anything else. I was averaging around 12-15 events an hour. That is between 45-60 events.

    Odds are probably higher than 1:100 as I also did 2 hours of farming it each night from Thursday to Sunday.
  • ravenskyaravenskya Member Posts: 1,891 Arc User
    Yes, but I will stare longingly as you run by me in the enclave on your shadow wolf...
    Founding Member of "Wrong Side of the Stronghold"
    Ravenskya - TR / Krisha Chaos - OP / Waffles - GF / Dex Domitor - HR
    Becky the trendy GWF - GWF / Too Toasty - SW / Falcor - DC / Morrigan - CW / Sir Didymus - OP

  • damontar#5477 damontar Member Posts: 134 Arc User
    rng is a *************** and *******er so needless to say that with grinding 7 hours a day during each day of the event has done nothing for me other than gain a few lvls and a few stones.. No Mount drop here.. But one guy/gal that just sat up top "Leeching" wouldnt stop running his/her mouth about getting one for sitting there. Sitting there!!! 0 dmg 0heals 0 everything and yet cranks out a mount.. and he/she isnt the only one that has done that and got one.. rng is truely the enemy of hard working adventures..
  • ravenskyaravenskya Member Posts: 1,891 Arc User
    IMO if you are 0's across the board you should get nothing from any dungeon/skirmish. The chest at the end should morph into a mimic if you have the audacity to try to get it (mimic for you and you alone).

    But that's just my opinion.

    If I have to go afk (dog trying to consume the cat, cat trying to vomit on the bed spread, ghetto neighbors ringing the wrong doorbell) I EXPECT to get nothing. I hate that RNG seems to reward the lazy - but not those committed to the game/the grind etc.
    Founding Member of "Wrong Side of the Stronghold"
    Ravenskya - TR / Krisha Chaos - OP / Waffles - GF / Dex Domitor - HR
    Becky the trendy GWF - GWF / Too Toasty - SW / Falcor - DC / Morrigan - CW / Sir Didymus - OP

  • mossy#5930 mossy Member Posts: 121 Arc User
    Well said ravenskya, I would be completely on board with that solution; it sidesteps other issues like folks getting DC'd last minute & replaced with a guy who shows up end fight yet still pulls the golden wonka ticket.

    I'm not going to lie, a few times in many a game I've been afk, but honestly who hasn't.

    It's not like I'm Superman in his chamber of solitude & removed of more important stimuli/circumstances. I also paid the exact same thing for my game as the complainers & understand their complaint & am willing to take a lump for it & get goose egg for reward.

    That said leaches are opportunist in behavior & well practiced at taking advantage of rules. I suspect they would find a way to get hit enough to collect, it's only a short time less than their treasure collecting to jump down trade hits, etc.

    Or they could even wander out at match start hit something & die on purpose. I'm not sure if game code can solve what comes down to (when done on purpose & repeatedly) bad behavior.

    That's more of a sociological fix. Know em enough to identify them then block em. Spread word to your friends, don't stay in their lobbies, don't buy from them.

    Then again they could always just change their name....not sure if you can ever escape bad apples unless theirs just no more room left in the cart because it's full of near & dears or at least known entities.

    Pubs have always been a no mans land, not that there aren't good folks there too....but it's like the Wild West, lol.
  • animereaper40#6124 animereaper40 Member Posts: 167 Arc User
    i ran almost 2 days straight never got it :( rng gods hate me lol but least got tons of ad so wasnt all that bad

    IGN:Jekyll-GF-il 1890
    IGN:Jenkins:DC-buff/debuff-il 2020
    IGN:Ham Solo-OP Tank-il 1850
    IGN:Barney Fife-HR
  • drathmor#2709 drathmor Member Posts: 113 Arc User
    ran both events over 40 times and not a single brain dog dropped nor wolf I dont believe they exists until i see something drop for my self that HAMSTER is just a myth
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