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Help on playing sw fury (pc)

arcanjo86arcanjo86 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,093 Arc User
edited August 2016 in The Nine Hells
recently changed from damnation to fury, but cant seem to survive much on bryn shander dailies after the changes(used to have puppet to tank for me), please help.
Post edited by arcanjo86 on


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    whyratwhyrat Member Posts: 51 Arc User
    What item level? Have you tried a defender companion? What's your build / stats (power, crit, arm pen, etc). What's your life steal?

    If you can't stay alive, slot a defensive power (shadow walk / prince of hell / infernal spheres / warding curse / dark prayers / blades of vanquished armies / etc) and see if any of those work for you.

    If you're lacking damage to kill fast enough, what encounters are you using? Fiery Bolt is really a go-to as a high damage lead in. On crit with decent power and dmg buffs, it can kill some of the low HP mobs (e.g. goblin archers) so you don't have to worry about taking that damage. To u then can choose to follow up with some control (Hadar grasp / arms of hadar) or more damage, depending on the specific spawn and how you do dmg-wise.

    I've found a fiery bolt + one other AoE will finish a spin if both crit. If one doesn't there's only the "big" mobs left to deal with, who are around half health.
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    whyratwhyrat Member Posts: 51 Arc User
    Forgot to add, borrowed time is currently bugged. If you rely on that for healing, you may need to try something else.
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    hadestemplar#9918 hadestemplar Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,177 Arc User
    arcanjo86 said:

    recently changed from damnation to fury, but cant seem to survive much on bryn shander dailies after the changes(used to have puppet to tank for me), please help.

    Write your stats> life steal chances by percentage, def, power. crit. Also most important stuff write what paragon path u choose.
    Because Hellbringer and Soulbinder gameplay slightly different.
    Anyway, as @whyrat wrote, take Tank type companion instead healer.

    As for encounters, well its depend of your build and gameplay style.
    For example, @whyrat suggested use Prince of hell class feature, however he forgot that feature is for hellbringer only.
    So if u are soulbinder
    Class features: Borrowed Time + All-Consuming Curse.
    Encounters: SS + fiery bolt + x

    x= optional by situation and your own gameplay.
    Arm of hadar for Aoe CC + dps.
    Killing flame + murderous flames - for dps + aoe,
    Hadar grasp = for strong single target CC + debuff.
    Warlock bargain = dps + life draining + 15% incoming hit redirecting to WB affected enemy.

    Daily powers: immolation souls/Brood of Hadar, + accursed soul(panic button)
    Accursed soul use when u are in trouble to drain HP. But once u start drain, use shadow slip to break animation and escape incoming hits.

    Hellbringer - with HB is tricky, Pillar of Power is good boost. But make u easy mark.

    So more like:
    Class features: No Pity, No Mercy + All-Consuming Curse or Prince of hell.
    Encounters: Pillar of Power + BoVa + x

    x= optional by situation and your own gameplay.
    Vampiric embrace - to restore HP.
    fiery bolt - for aoe DPS
    DT - for dps obvious
    Arm of hadar - for aoe CC + dps.
    Hadar graps = single target DoT + CC.
    Killing flame + muderous flames feat- strong single target dps + aoe.

    DAily powers:
    Gate of hell + accursed soul

    BoVa is to back up your Pillar of Power. But if u stay more in long range. Then u can change to anything. But thats also mean u will not use Pillar of Power in full his capability
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