I beg to differ that pallies need damage nerf.You just have to find suitable build if you want to be a paingiver.I have a pally friend who do as much damage as 3k+ warlocks in CN.I dont know if there is some glitch or someoverpowered interaction between feats/skills/bonuses but all depends on how much do you know about your class and get the best of it.
I beg to differ that pallies need damage nerf.You just have to find suitable build if you want to be a paingiver.I have a pally friend who do as much damage as 3k+ warlocks in CN.I dont know if there is some glitch or someoverpowered interaction between feats/skills/bonuses but all depends on how much do you know about your class and get the best of it.
Or.....the SW plays bad?
This is really funny. 1000 times better than the 25 wotever dps class tiamat runs . Thumbs up!
I beg to differ that pallies need damage nerf.You just have to find suitable build if you want to be a paingiver.I have a pally friend who do as much damage as 3k+ warlocks in CN.I dont know if there is some glitch or someoverpowered interaction between feats/skills/bonuses but all depends on how much do you know about your class and get the best of it.
Paingiver counts the damage the paladin takes from mechanics like divine protector as damage dealt, there is no such thing as a high dps pally, just a pally that has absorbed a lot of damage.
darkstarcrashMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,382Arc User
I was laughing the whole time.
Apparently the Justice feat "Radiant Champion" (increased movement and recharge speed when near at least 2 allies) stacks -- so everyone was running faster than epic mounts.
Many deaths from running off the cliffs.
instynctiveMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,885Arc User
I don't always watch gameplay vids.. but when I do..
I crashed on that 25 GWF run so I didn't get to record it but i'd be happy to do another one just to record it.
darkstarcrashMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,382Arc User
One thing I noticed was that I had very little lag, even though you could see from the video that there was plenty of Prism procs. The devs really did fix that issue.
In fact, I get more lag with a "normal" Tiamat run: maybe due to the CW AoE effects?
In fact, I get more lag with a "normal" Tiamat run: maybe due to the CW AoE effects?
@darkstarcrash Some people say the particle effects from Icy Terrain utterly destroys their performance. Doesn't seem like a universal issue, so just some graphics cards?
why you didnt go with owlbear cub ( the only way a paladin can do high amounts damage) and seraphim feat for power increase?
I was using Owlbear cub but im not sure about everyone else anyways not everyone can afford that.
"Seraphim - When you take damage you have a chance to gain “Seraphim” for 8 seconds. “Seraphim” increases the strength of your heals by 3/6/9/12/15%." how is that a power increase.
If you meant Aura Gifts I was using that.
Winning is totally possible now with the companions, we just need a few players with debuff/buff companions and everyone else spec as dps(justice tree) and we should be able to beat it. But still OP needs dmg % on one of the abillity rolls, like in Charisma or Constitution.
I thought we 3rd phased it? Maybe I wasnt in that one, I did so many single class Tia runs I forgot which ones I was in. This is another darn near 2 month necro btw :P
This is really funny. 1000 times better than the 25 wotever dps class tiamat runs . Thumbs up!
Apparently the Justice feat "Radiant Champion" (increased movement and recharge speed when near at least 2 allies) stacks -- so everyone was running faster than epic mounts.
Many deaths from running off the cliffs.
This was awesome. Thanks for sharing! I'd volunteer for that one.
"...I grab my wiener and charge!" - ironzerg79
25 gwf can be summed up in a GIF
Pure -> Transcendent Plague Fire weapon enchantment giving 80damge/20 seconds for 500k+ AD is a joke.
Edit: Here, just play this in another tab while you watch.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
In fact, I get more lag with a "normal" Tiamat run: maybe due to the CW AoE effects?
(this was hilarious though, I'm glad I came along)
Some people say the particle effects from Icy Terrain utterly destroys their performance. Doesn't seem like a universal issue, so just some graphics cards?
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
"Seraphim - When you take damage you have a chance to gain “Seraphim” for 8 seconds. “Seraphim” increases the strength of your heals by 3/6/9/12/15%." how is that a power increase.
If you meant Aura Gifts I was using that.
Winning is totally possible now with the companions, we just need a few players with debuff/buff companions and everyone else spec as dps(justice tree) and we should be able to beat it. But still OP needs dmg % on one of the abillity rolls, like in Charisma or Constitution.
[]Full Metal Witch[]
4149 TiL
Guild: (X1) The Legendary Outlaws
"The Best of the Best"
"Nobody does it better"
EDIT: That is alot of flashing light and prism.