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Siege event for Lionsmane gear grind June 24th 2016 - 9pm EST (us)

opalsunsopalsuns Member Posts: 124 Arc User
One of the main pitfalls of PvP currently is that there are not enough teams available to play against for those of us who are geared out and that truly present a challenge for beast premades. This leads to PvP becoming an unbalanced mess that has made the experience boring for some, and very frustrating for others who want to compete but feel outgeared. It's not all about gear, but it will help some of you who really want to PvP stay alive a little longer. The skill part of it comes with time.

That being said, the main compliant I have heard from undergeared players is a lack of Lionsmane, and the frustration of trying to obtain it, mostly because Seige does not pop.

To remedy this since the developer of the game has yet to offer a solution was to organize a Seige event day with ample notice and participation that will allow those who need it to get their gear.

At first this was going to be just two guilds, Asylum and Paragon Gaming, but now word has gotten out, and there is interest from other guilds who have members that would also like to participate. We welcome this.

So on June 24th, 2016 at 9pm EST we will be running Siege all evening to help those who need their Lionsmane get thier gear.

We aren't looking to pug stomp. We are looking to help those who really want to work towards becoming competitive in PvP get their hands on Lionsmane.

Not only does this benefit everyone in the long run, but it will help extend the life of the game for many by hopefully creating the next beast premade who will give the handful that exist a run for thier money, because pug stomping is boring and doesn't take skill.

If you are interested in participating please respond ITT and let me know your gamertag, your class, and the toon name you need gear on.

If you're just looking to troll by coming in to discourage others from getting thier gear, be warned, you will be targeted and sent back to the campfire by those of us who are organizing this.

For those who are joining us be mindful of how many guildmarks and seals it takes to get two pieces of Lionsmane if you currently have none and start farming now for those.

If this is a successful event we will plan another, and maybe look at having a weekly weekend schedule in play to q for it.

As far as why that time frame was chosen, it was based off the majority availability of players, hence why we are also giving everyone a full week notice to prepare.

Paragon Gaming



  • wdj40wdj40 Member Posts: 1,958 Arc User
    I will obviously try to be there duderino :)

    It all depends on family commitments nearer the time. I hope many people come along to this.
    Main - Rydia (HR70) - Xbox One Player only
    Alts :
    Storm (SW70), Edge (TR70), AD Farm (CW70), Grunt (GF70), Rosa (DC70), AD AD AD (GWF70), Your Mum (OP70)

    Member of Q-Snipe
  • nickjdowenickjdowe Member Posts: 158 Arc User
    As long as this doesn't turn into a pug stomping, comp abusing, glitch fest I'm all in. Basically I have no choice because I need the gear, but if this is just going to be an Asylum/Paragon team up to get 5 banners per run to gear your alts whilst the rest of us have to buy keys and open box s for our 2 banners per run I'm going to be really annoyed. The Nation and JHSF did something similar a few weeks ago and ran 4 Palidans using the burning light glitch and Ambush contesting depots so they could farm banners. Hopefully we can get it organized so that everyone has an opportunity to get +3 banners for a win and not just a 20 man super group.
  • opalsunsopalsuns Member Posts: 124 Arc User
    nickjdowe said:

    As long as this doesn't turn into a pug stomping, comp abusing, glitch fest I'm all in. Basically I have no choice because I need the gear, but if this is just going to be an Asylum/Paragon team up to get 5 banners per run to gear your alts whilst the rest of us have to buy keys and open box s for our 2 banners per run I'm going to be really annoyed. The Nation and JHSF did something similar a few weeks ago and ran 4 Palidans using the burning light glitch and Ambush contesting depots so they could farm banners. Hopefully we can get it organized so that everyone has an opportunity to get +3 banners for a win and not just a 20 man super group.

    Absolutely not what we are looking to do.
    This is to help out those who don't have any gear on their mains, or are missing pieces.
    It will be very organized so everyone can get what they need.

    As I said, anyone who comes rolling in trying to troll and just steam roll through people for cheap kills to try and discourage others from participating is going to be a target. They won't receive help from their teammates if they are flagged for doing so and there will absolutely be cross party chat between both teams to call them out, hunt them down and take them out.

    CW SS
    Paragon Gaming

  • nickjdowenickjdowe Member Posts: 158 Arc User
    opalsuns said:

    nickjdowe said:

    As long as this doesn't turn into a pug stomping, comp abusing, glitch fest I'm all in. Basically I have no choice because I need the gear, but if this is just going to be an Asylum/Paragon team up to get 5 banners per run to gear your alts whilst the rest of us have to buy keys and open box s for our 2 banners per run I'm going to be really annoyed. The Nation and JHSF did something similar a few weeks ago and ran 4 Palidans using the burning light glitch and Ambush contesting depots so they could farm banners. Hopefully we can get it organized so that everyone has an opportunity to get +3 banners for a win and not just a 20 man super group.

    Absolutely not what we are looking to do.
    This is to help out those who don't have any gear on their mains, or are missing pieces.
    It will be very organized so everyone can get what they need.

    As I said, anyone who comes rolling in trying to troll and just steam roll through people for cheap kills to try and discourage others from participating is going to be a target. They won't receive help from their teammates if they are flagged for doing so and there will absolutely be cross party chat between both teams to call them out, hunt them down and take them out.

    Good to hear Opal. I'll see you there.
  • proudbowdyproudbowdy Member Posts: 33 Arc User
    Pretty awesome seeing one of the top PvP guilds offering a helping hand to us little guys
    I would love to join and get Lionsmane

    Class ::OP

    GT:: proudbowdy
    Toon name:: steiner
  • interlagos335iinterlagos335i Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    Or this is like the movie "Braveheart" where they lure the lower ppl to "talk" and then demolish em. Pvp is dying and until the devs fix it by gear score or something I don't think the "kindness" of the pug stomping guilds is gonna change anything.
  • icecold40#3086 icecold40 Member Posts: 25 Arc User
    I need my lionsmane but I work every evening until midnight except for Monday and Tuesday
  • proudbowdyproudbowdy Member Posts: 33 Arc User

    Or this is like the movie "Braveheart" where they lure the lower ppl to "talk" and then demolish em. Pvp is dying and until the devs fix it by gear score or something I don't think the "kindness" of the pug stomping guilds is gonna change anything.

    I'm hoping it doesn't go in that direction or in a similar way to what nickjdowe mentioned, and it might not make any difference until the developers get around to changing PvP but the 500 extra tenacity set bonus is sure appealing lol

  • opalsunsopalsuns Member Posts: 124 Arc User
    This is not a trap, or troll event to smash pugs.

    Anyone regardless of who they are that pulls that and tries to ruin or discourge those who are participating will be targeted and dealt with. Save the trolling for IWD if that's what gets you hot in this game.

    All of us who are geared started at zero. Those of us who have the gear and are organizing this are doing so to save the game and hopefully working towards a more balanced PvP that's not limited to a handful of teams. That will allow for better match ups during duo or solo quing, and open the door to being able to put together your own premade either in guild or outside it.

    I am going to post a more detailed break down of how this will work and who tge team capatains are.

    The basics however are simple.


    Team A will call out in chat and party which nodes to get and be allowed to cap. Then Team B will cap those captured nodes. Team A will cap again, make catapults, and be allowed to win.

    Next game Team B will be allowed to cap and win, and so on.

    We just need to make sure each winning team members each have 300 points so everyone gets banners on the winning side.

    To make the whole thing fun since this will be a grind, every other game we will have a designated area to allow 1v1s, and team battles, but off node points. This will be for those who want to try and earn extra points for additional banners.

    I strongly advise picking up keys from the zen market place to open banner boxes.
    CW SS
    Paragon Gaming

  • mightyerikssonmightyeriksson Member Posts: 842 Arc User
    nickjdowe said:

    ...The Nation and JHSF did something similar a few weeks ago and ran 4 Palidans using the burning light glitch and Ambush contesting depots so they could farm banners....

    Did you really expect anything else from those guilds?

  • interlagos335iinterlagos335i Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    Or how about this...u get ppl with gs between 3k and 3900 to get lions mane and no top 6 pvp guilds. No lgpg,asylum denial nation,paragon or eviscerate.

    I played all weekend 23 matches and 22 was premades, it's sad. U can't trust these uppity guilds with power. Like politicians they say one thing and do the opposite.
  • saebaelsaebael Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    I would love to join and get Lionsmane

    Class :: GWF

    GT:: saebael
    Toon name :: Arvalys
  • aztrial#9582 aztrial Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    Count me in.

    Gamertag - MrMoIeMan ( the I is an i )
    Toon name - Aztrial x
  • d4rkh0rs3d4rkh0rs3 Member Posts: 382 Arc User
    "One of the main pitfalls of PvP currently is that there are not enough teams available to play against for those of us who are geared out and that truly present a challenge for beast premades"


    Having played against you and countless others, here are a few truly great ideas for players and premades in your category. The term "you" is not necessarily directed at you specifically in many of these cases:

    1) Solo queue. Its more challenging and will lead to a better overall experience for the entire Neverwinter PvP community. Besides, if you are really THAT good, it shouldn't be an issue. I see many awesome endgame GWFs solo queue and they refuse to even accept a queue group invite. Trent the Barbarian is one of them.

    2) Discontinue the use of stamina and AP drains, especially Rank 2s. Sure, your guild "earned" them, but we're talking about a challenge here.

    3) When people challenge you to a 1v1 while your team is leading 700-0, offer them a fair fight without teammates passively buffing you (Shield of Faith from OP), healing you, or throwing in a helpful Shocking Execution when the fight isn't going your way.

    4) Do not interrupt mutually accepted 1v1s, even if your guildmate or friend is losing.

    5) Do not begin a 1v1 or accept a 1v1 before jumping three times. Hitting somebody with an Ice Knife while they're talking to you about a 1v1 is not an honorable way to accept a challenge.

    6) If you decide to run overpowered premades in dom (Gift of Faith + OP + two SE TRs), let the poor random PUG group get a cap or two. It wont be the end of the world or threaten your dominance in a video game loaded with gamebreaking PvP bugs and/or exploits.

    7) Do not teabag randoms in dom after your group 1v4s them and they're finally killed by a Shocking Execution from the fifth group member.

    8) Do not use (abuse) known exploits or bugs.

    The reasons above contribute to the poor overall experience of Neverwinter PvP.
  • interlagos335iinterlagos335i Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    ^ lol good luck
  • opalsunsopalsuns Member Posts: 124 Arc User
    Ok one final update before Friday for those who will be qing in solo, within the two guilds.

    To make this easier

    Paragon Gaming will be Team A
    Asylum will be Team B

    So if you end up on a team with anyone from our two guilds now you know which team is which for call outs during the matches.

    When we start Team A will get the first win, and then we will switch back to allow Team B a win, and so on.

    Once you join a team, and q, the q leaders will lock the q to make it easier so you can stay within the same q party during the duration of the event.

    There will most likely be multiple teams running events since we expect to be well over the amount needed, which is great. The more the merrier.

    Please also pay attention to the Zone chat while in game for the call out as to where your team of 5 should head to for the nodes to cap.

    Feel free to spread the word to your own guild.

    And don't forget to farm heading into Friday for your guild marks and seals for the gear!

    CW SS
    Paragon Gaming

  • d4rkh0rs3d4rkh0rs3 Member Posts: 382 Arc User
    @poopoomcmuffns I don't desire to intentionally flame and shame anyone. There are, however, many aspects of PvP we can improve as a community to make a more enjoyable overall experience until Cryptic can implement changes. Given the current matchmaking imbalance, the focus on improving the experience rests on the shoulders of "BiS" players and premade groups.

    While I will be joining this organized event, which I sincerely appreciate @opalsuns and others for organizing, know that it will contribute little to the overall challenge or balance in PvP.

    Why? Because full Lionsmane isn't that much better than full Burning. The additional stats are great, sure, but the diminishing returns on tenacity result in negligible benefit. Also, full Lionsmane is meaningless against premades with rank 2 drains, immortal DCs, dunk brothers, or those using exploits.

    Thanks for organizing @opalsuns and I look forward to attending.
  • cattycape609791#1798 cattycape609791 Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited June 2016
    Thanks to the op for organizing this event.

    I would like to attend to replace gear and farm gear for my alt. GWF LisBeth, gt is username.
    Post edited by cattycape609791#1798 on
  • sh00termcl0vinsh00termcl0vin Member Posts: 287 Arc User
    d4rkh0rs3 said:

    @poopoomcmuffns I don't desire to intentionally flame and shame anyone. There are, however, many aspects of PvP we can improve as a community to make a more enjoyable overall experience until Cryptic can implement changes. Given the current matchmaking imbalance, the focus on improving the experience rests on the shoulders of "BiS" players and premade groups.

    While I will be joining this organized event, which I sincerely appreciate @opalsuns and others for organizing, know that it will contribute little to the overall challenge or balance in PvP.

    Why? Because full Lionsmane isn't that much better than full Burning. The additional stats are great, sure, but the diminishing returns on tenacity result in negligible benefit. Also, full Lionsmane is meaningless against premades with rank 2 drains, immortal DCs, dunk brothers, or those using exploits.

    Thanks for organizing @opalsuns and I look forward to attending.

    True full Lionsmane isn't much better than burning, but it offers more room for improvement than burning. Once you elemental it the overall set is significantly better, since you get the set bonus and the bonus HP (which is very important). Since it is pretty much the best you are going to get as well putting armor kits on them are also a great idea. The whole point is it's a step in the right direction. Is this the panacea that will save Neverwinter pvp? Absolutely not. It is however a great way for those who don't want to be glitched by those less reputable "big" guilds to earn banners, with the added bonus of getting some vouchers for their guild coffers too.

  • xrawcarnagexrawcarnage Member Posts: 384 Arc User
    I'm a founder in paragon gaming and a lot of people in our guild would like to attend this. It'll be a variety of people who has some gear and no gear. 9pm est start will work for a lot of us. I don't have an exact amount of people that want in but I'm sure I can get at least 10-20 members. Could be more, could be less.

    My handle is Baratheon@xRaw Carnage. Message me when ready or I'll message you. Thanks for setting this up.
  • zerogravityv0zerogravityv0 Member Posts: 75 Arc User
    Paragon doesn't glitch in pvp. If someone is found to be doing that they well be dealt with. Nation is renowned for the bilethorn glitch right Doodoo? This will only be to farm banners for gear. We will have two 20 man groups going late. I might not be on Friday but Mclovin or other paragon officers will be. We have a lot of pve players wanting to get lionsmane. May have to set this up every few weeks
  • icecold40#3086 icecold40 Member Posts: 25 Arc User
    Plz try a different day I always work all weekend until midnight est
  • xrawcarnagexrawcarnage Member Posts: 384 Arc User
    I have around 8 members so far with just giving 2 hours notice. I'm sure that number will climb soon .
  • wdj40wdj40 Member Posts: 1,958 Arc User
    Ok I`m not sure what I can do with regards to this event... A couple of things I`m afraid, 1 for me this event would start at 4am lol.

    The other is more important, My Wife goes to Benidorm this weekend for 4 days so it will just be me and my son at home (partying hard lol)... He is only 9 and requires pretty much my full attention ha ha.

    I am going to be very hit and miss all weekend with regards to NW I`m afraid @opalsuns
    Main - Rydia (HR70) - Xbox One Player only
    Alts :
    Storm (SW70), Edge (TR70), AD Farm (CW70), Grunt (GF70), Rosa (DC70), AD AD AD (GWF70), Your Mum (OP70)

    Member of Q-Snipe
  • nickjdowenickjdowe Member Posts: 158 Arc User
    Name:Botis Surgat

    GT: xn1ckxd0w3x

  • saebaelsaebael Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    i have many friends who would like to participate.

    Name: Alan
    GT: alancap

    Name: Del Gatto
    GT: whitehaze
  • wdj40wdj40 Member Posts: 1,958 Arc User
    saebael said:

    i have many friends who would like to participate.

    Name: Alan
    GT: alancap

    Name: Del Gatto
    GT: whitehaze

    alancap?? is that you?

    You are on my Xbox friends list lol :)

    Welcome to the forums.
    Main - Rydia (HR70) - Xbox One Player only
    Alts :
    Storm (SW70), Edge (TR70), AD Farm (CW70), Grunt (GF70), Rosa (DC70), AD AD AD (GWF70), Your Mum (OP70)

    Member of Q-Snipe
  • xrawcarnagexrawcarnage Member Posts: 384 Arc User
    edited June 2016
    Up to around 12-15 people. I'm sure I'll pull more by tomorrow night.
    Post edited by xrawcarnage on
  • kefratharkefrathar Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    I'm interested. Just started in some PvP. I do have the stronhold keys. I have the time. And really would like to learn more. Thanks for the info.

    Gamer Tag: Lord Rathar
    Character: Khellendros - CW
    Rathar Issmuss - OP
    Kellendros - CW
    Licasia Fey-Branche - DC
  • opalsunsopalsuns Member Posts: 124 Arc User
    Everyone who is participating meet up in your gh near the entrance about 10mins before 9pm to form your groups.

    We will all q in at 9pm EST

    Once you load into Seige check ZONE chat.

    There will be a call out in the Zone to let you know which Team you're on and we will let you know if you are taking the win for that round.

    Also whoever has q lead please lock your Q group on the first game and we will keep those teams for the duration of the event.

    I also ask that no matter how many pieces you need to please not leave until the event has completed so we have enough people to help everyone get thier gear.

    We are going to shoot for two hours or less to hopefully get it all done. We will see.
    CW SS
    Paragon Gaming

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