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Astral Diamond Exchange



  • indylolindylol Member Posts: 544 Arc User

    Those factors you listed except for the Coalwards and blood ruby changes are wrong. The ADX is continuing to rise because of the New Life Lockbox. The rewards are disproportionately better than any box prior to it (maybe not unearthed) and as a result the average value of each key has gone up to a bit over 30k, and the ADX reflects that. Now couple that fact with the coal ward / ruby changes and requiring bells for dragons, and you have a steadily rising ADX that will probably peak at 2x rp and begin to tumble backwards as SMOPs drain the economy of AD, until the next 2x AD begins the cycle again increasing the zen market.
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    The Kanye West of Neverwinter
  • x30flokix30floki Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    Well, it's simpel how it got that high - and it's even more simpel that it won't go down any more.

    When I started, it was at about 280. In the next 3 months it went down to 110. Many people were buying Zen with real money to get AD, so did it. Many new players, much money put in, Zen went down. From that time there sometimes was a rise to about 140, but most of the time it was about 120.
    When the Black Friday and Cyber Monday Sales arrived (50 % on everything in Zen Shop), it jumped close to 200 - but soon was down at about 120 again (well, Christmas time, money from parents for the game ;) ).

    Then Underdark was announced. So was the new Trade Bar Shop. People spent many many Zen for keys to open Lockboxes for bars. The whole market for vorpal etc. crashed in the auction house - till the day of the gamechanger: Coalescent Wards were removed.
    The price of Zen is at 320 instead of 120, a weak vorpal went from 60k AD to 360k AD. The coalescent wards are just one Piece, but it was the breaking point. Many players left Neverwinter, many others decided to not put one more Cent into this game. So many many money missing means u can get Zen just with AD. As many people need Zen for Lockboxkeys and wards, the Zen price was getting up and up - and I dont see a reason for it to stop.
    The plan of the developers came true, sending the Zen price higher and higher - but their plan crashed, as many people left and stopped putting money in it - or now buy from 3rd Party. They tried to mess up with a free market - and now ruined it for both sides...
  • regenerderegenerde Member Posts: 3,046 Arc User
    edited April 2016
    indylol said:


    Those factors you listed except for the Coalwards and blood ruby changes are wrong. The ADX is continuing to rise because of the New Life Lockbox. The rewards are disproportionately better than any box prior to it (maybe not unearthed) and as a result the average value of each key has gone up to a bit over 30k, and the ADX reflects that. Now couple that fact with the coal ward / ruby changes and requiring bells for dragons, and you have a steadily rising ADX that will probably peak at 2x rp and begin to tumble backwards as SMOPs drain the economy of AD, until the next 2x AD begins the cycle again increasing the zen market.

    Then take a look at the next new lockbox and combine that with the mount changes.
    Do you still believe that the ZAX will go down again soon?

    I'm playing on the PC side, and we are looking at an exchange rate closing in on 500 AD for 1 ZEN, and at some point we might get the ZAX "backlog" again.
    And i'm not sure what is "wrong" about the changes i mentioned, since those changes are going to happen on the Xbox side as well.
    I really doubt, that players on the Xbox will continue to supply ZEN for the ZAX, when the Power Changes are going to hit the servers.

    Just saying, as a Xbox player you have the advantage of getting informations about (most) future changes by looking at them happening on the PC side before they happen here.
    And any OP and/or DC player should really start looking at the Power Changes informations right now...

    And i also wouldn't count on every 2xRP to make a dent in the ZAX in the future either, depending on when those events happen, you might not see the ZAX even react a little on it.

    Welcome to the new world.
    Post edited by regenerde on
    I do believe in killing the messenger...
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  • destrowoddestrowod Member Posts: 484 Arc User
    The ADX is continuing to rise because of the New Life Lockbox. The rewards are disproportionately better than any box prior to it (maybe not unearthed) and as a result the average value of each key has gone up to a bit over 30k
    Altough i see better "small" rewards in enchantements, cubes, companion tokens etc, the high end rewards are way less interesting. The glorious ressurgence box have a choice of the mount you want !!! Thats better than anything, especially with a stable system coming soon. Im opening new life now cause im after cubes and companion tokens, but if i didn't need those, man would i open ressurgence. I have not taken a deep look at the companions of new lifes, but at first glance, i rather take a mount than those.

    In any case i think armadeon sums it perfectly, he just write better then me lol. But i have the same opinion.

    And Kreatyve, i do get as moderator you would like people to spend money on the game, and you do are right that if people would spend more, the exchange would probably go down, but as armadeon says there is a VALID reason (some) people stopped buying.

    And he is also right on the fact that reputation is at stake. I used to praise NW, saying to my friends to play it, its fun, and its totally playable without investing money in it. It was a totally free to play game back then, but now, if my friends ask me if its any good upon seeing me play it, i say "do not touch this game, unless you want to spend hundreds of $ into it" , its now much more of a pay to win than a free to play.

    I would think twice before buying/playing any cryptic/PWE product, even more if "free to play" and this whole situation has even shattered my trust in MMOs. I remember when i was younger, how much i wanted to play WOW, Star Wars Galaxy and other MMOs, how cool could it be to roam giant worlds and systems, battle huge monsters with 20 other guys etc etc. But now... if every game is as time consuming as this one, and keep getting altered more than any other type of games, then im not sure i want to go in that again.

    I am a huge elder scrolls fan, yet NW made me reconsider buying ESO because i fear it will be another overlong grinding game...
  • thefiresidecatthefiresidecat Member Posts: 4,486 Arc User
    the new elder scrolls was not a fun game. this one is far superior imo. I also do not see the ad exchange going down any time soon unless they make some amends to the player base or get a new player base. the cost rises were only mildly influenced by the new lockbox. it's because people are not buying zen on the scale they used to that we have the massive rise. the only way for prices to lower is for the old volume of zen to be bought once again.
  • volournvolourn Member Posts: 68 Arc User
    "The economy is totally player driven."

    No, it isn't. The economy is driven by gov't rules and decisions as much as anything in real life economies. The 'players' react to the gov't decisions.
  • raymond00713raymond00713 Member Posts: 312 Arc User
    Not saying you're wrong about people not spending money but you're missing one huge factor, bangate. When the word got around you'd be banned if you used third party sites (can i even say that?) the number of magically appearing astral diamonds suddenly dried up.

    Listen, when the zax was reversed people said the game was doomed. Now zen is more expensive and people come up with another reason things are going bad. No one at the time of the low zen value could believe that was zen was actually being bought, it was always attributed to some other negative factor about the game.
  • thefiresidecatthefiresidecat Member Posts: 4,486 Arc User
    extra ad in the game makes the price of zen go up. if it were zen that was being purchased it might be relevant.. but I don't see how cheap ad being filtered into the game (And that ad had to come from somewhere in the first place so it's all already part of the churn) would make the price of zen go down somehow.

    More zen than AD =zen is cheaper
    more ad than zen =the more expensive zen is.

    zen was being bought. by the boatload. I knew a lot of people who were actually buying it. those people all said no more and a bunch quit the game and now all that's left are one or two stragglers buying actual zen and people buying ad from illegal places.

    Supply and demand dictates any market.
  • x30flokix30floki Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    volourn said:

    "The economy is totally player driven."

    No, it isn't. The economy is driven by gov't rules and decisions as much as anything in real life economies. The 'players' react to the gov't decisions.

    Well, it is player driven for sure. We are the players, we drive. The devs just make the streets - and since some weeks, there is only "one way": If u wanna get more IL, give us ur cash. As I said earlier, many players now drive without paying anything or just "leave the Country".
  • dlanornennildlanornennil Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited April 2016
    ( I am sorry I am a PC player.. I just noticed this is the xbox section) working to delete and/or move.
    ...on second thought. I will leave this here.. So everyone can see how the PC is stoooopid expansive!

    I bought in for the beta...I was in game the very first moment possible.. in fact the PE chat was empty when i logged in the first time and i watched it explode..so ya that is early in game... And Yes i have spent my own hard earn $$ through the years. Gladly.


    The Zen exchange is totally out of hand again.. This morning it cost 480 AD per single zen! THAT IS OUTRAGEOUS! Almost 1/2 a mill just to buy 1 month of the lowest VIP? They should cap it at 300 AD per zen .. And even that is very high.

    In game i got the "the legendary mount has driven up the prices" ..BULL!
    simple way around that is make that mount cost more.....
    besides..i don't want it anyways!

    Most of these people claiming the exchange is working properly, or that it is player driven are likely working for those EVIL BASTRAD AD selling web site's. They have Bot's running for them and fill the Zen exchange on purpose to max out the profits...
    We are not all Capatilists ...right! . Not everyone see's this type of action as a good and honest thing...You do understand this...Right?

    It used to be we could drop some AD on zome zen to buy a key here and there . maybe two or three a week.. If we didn't get what we wanted, at least we could sell the items to break even....or at least come close enough to make it worth while and fun! Now at almost 50K AD per zen... we can lose 20 & 30k AD per Key...
    that is definetly getting to the out of reach stage when considering that we still have to save the almost 1/2 million AD for the VIP!
    This game is not free :( Or at least does not appear that way any longer.
    (The VIP keys seem to have a different drop %... I have no way to know for sure.. but it does seem keys bought from the store turn around better..?)

    Anyone know any other plans for a Forgotten Realms MMO in the works? That isn't driven by those EVIL to the core off site AD sellers?
    Post edited by dlanornennil on
  • quazakaharet#6375 quazakaharet Member Posts: 104 Arc User
    edited April 2016
    Thank you @dlanornennil . I have been curious what the PC exchange was at. Mind if I ask you one additional question.
    What was the zax at before the ward change in PC? Have you seen a noticeable change there too??
    Its hard to judge since I know the PC economy is a different beast ( and PC players had time to buy up wards before the change using trade bars at the 75 price). But I do appreciate your input/ opinion on the matter.
  • raymond00713raymond00713 Member Posts: 312 Arc User
    @thefiresidecat where do you think they got those millions (billions? there was a ton people banned) of astral diamonds? I can tell you, they most likely weren't farming. Want to guess how they could introduce a bunch of ad into the game and still cause the price of zen to lower?? It's not real complicated.
  • rumpelstiltskin#6652 rumpelstiltskin Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    I've been playin for like 4 or 5 months...that exchange rate is nuts. I'm talking real life revolution. Lol.
    I don't know of one, but with Microsoft 10, Xbox live, and Sony possibly coming together in a cross platform collaboration, think of the MMO possibilities! A free to play mmorpg between 3 communities at launch...n if that's not possible, at least for dungeon co op modes so people can find matches quickly. All made by a real company that puts out real games like SquareEnix or something...ugh it would be a non bs world beautiful graphics n even leveling would be fun.
    But I just hit level cap and I'm straight up super impressed with the drastic change in gameplay. It's a way better game at cap.
  • thefiresidecatthefiresidecat Member Posts: 4,486 Arc User

    @thefiresidecat where do you think they got those millions (billions? there was a ton people banned) of astral diamonds? I can tell you, they most likely weren't farming. Want to guess how they could introduce a bunch of ad into the game and still cause the price of zen to lower?? It's not real complicated.

    hacking into players accounts and stealing the ad. it happens. they hack in from people who have bought from them. they also steal credit card information and buy zen that way. the illegal zen that can be bought is stolen.

  • smellycat2012smellycat2012 Member Posts: 35 Arc User

    I've been playin for like 4 or 5 months...that exchange rate is nuts. I'm talking real life revolution. Lol.
    I don't know of one, but with Microsoft 10, Xbox live, and Sony possibly coming together in a cross platform collaboration, think of the MMO possibilities! A free to play mmorpg between 3 communities at launch...n if that's not possible, at least for dungeon co op modes so people can find matches quickly. All made by a real company that puts out real games like SquareEnix or something...ugh it would be a non bs world beautiful graphics n even leveling would be fun.
    But I just hit level cap and I'm straight up super impressed with the drastic change in gameplay. It's a way better game at cap.

    Except for the F2P part, FFXI did cross platform play on PS2, Xbox 360, and PC. Eventually, the changes needed to improve the game led to moving off the PS2 and 360 platforms, and now is only available on Windows.
    GWF - 3623 IL - Auki
  • mikecooper36#5066 mikecooper36 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited April 2016
    In real life markets are manipulated. This game is no different. The purpose of this game is profit. The only reason it goes up and will go to 500 and might settle @450 is because that is what they know they can get away with. Stop spending real money.
  • destrowoddestrowod Member Posts: 484 Arc User

    I've been playin for like 4 or 5 months...that exchange rate is nuts. I'm talking real life revolution. Lol.
    I don't know of one, but with Microsoft 10, Xbox live, and Sony possibly coming together in a cross platform collaboration, think of the MMO possibilities! A free to play mmorpg between 3 communities at launch...n if that's not possible, at least for dungeon co op modes so people can find matches quickly. All made by a real company that puts out real games like SquareEnix or something...ugh it would be a non bs world beautiful graphics n even leveling would be fun.
    But I just hit level cap and I'm straight up super impressed with the drastic change in gameplay. It's a way better game at cap.

    Except for the F2P part, FFXI did cross platform play on PS2, Xbox 360, and PC. Eventually, the changes needed to improve the game led to moving off the PS2 and 360 platforms, and now is only available on Windows.
    Huh is FF11 not a game that was releasing like 8-9 years ago? I mean i am amazed how the PS2 servers where still up... :O and just closed recently.

    I know MMO are a different type of game, they usually last more than the 2 years or so life span of other games before a sequel is release, but even there... i couldn't see myself playing a game for that long.

  • regenerderegenerde Member Posts: 3,046 Arc User
    edited April 2016
    Why should those AD sellers waste time and energy on trying to "hack" accounts for some measly AD, when they can make much more AD by just selling enchantments in vast quantities over the AH on a daily basis without greater risks?

    The ZAX was around 300-400 AD for 1 ZEN most of the time on the PC side before they came around with the TB Store Update, and while it was getting closer to 500 AD for 1 ZEN, it is now around 480 AD for 1 ZEN.
    I do believe in killing the messenger...
    Want to know why?
    Because it sends a message!
  • spelldazerspelldazer Member Posts: 315 Arc User
    Just to add to what has been said, there is also the influx of ad in the game by design. Thr demonic heroics allow for the majority of the players to acquire salvage quickly and easily. Where in the past, you had to get to 70 and gear up or be carried, you can now farm. A lot of people are doing just that. So, part of the ad to zen conversion rate is simply a reflection of the fact more ad is now floating in game. This will not change. It has been compounded by double ad, since a lot of people are now done refining and sitting on extra ad they planned to convert to zen. I know I had planned to use my first 1M to buy zen market items and I'm sure others have the same idea. Problem is, the zax is ridiculously high, making you wonder why bother with the game. As stated above, high zax makes zen more attractive, which is likely what the devs are after, but what has changed is the willingness of players to spend real money.

    To be clear, I like that ad is easier to acquire. I think it has made the game more accessible to casual players and is important to the survivability of the game. If it means getting used to a higher zax, ok. As long as the buying power is there, it's ok. Zen market isn't just priced in $$$ but also (primarily) in time-to-farm. The question to ask is whether this has changed for the majority of players (mid level, newer to the game).
  • thefiresidecatthefiresidecat Member Posts: 4,486 Arc User
    edited April 2016
    the price had already been escalating rapidly prior to being able to farm AD easily or 2x ad. I don't think Ad is that much easier to get than it was.
    the amount of ad the rings bring is not as good as the gear that drops from dungeons and at the same time they brought in the demons they took out the ability to farm ELOL and shores all day long. I know I'm poorer since they did that and I farmed demons A LOT at first. I made about half as much ad farming demons as I did farming elol and shores with the bank thing.
  • spelldazerspelldazer Member Posts: 315 Arc User
    I agree that it's harder to earn ad for those who can farm the higher end dungeons. My point is that for those who can't/couldn't because they are too casual or not geared enough there is a lot more ad. I do believe there are far more players who are casual than end game, high ilvl.

    I was barely doing dungeons and skirmishes before underdark, and pugging it meant poor ROI for time spent. Too many failed runs, etc. My previous 2xAD events netted me .5M at best. This one, I was closer to 1.3M and it's almost entirely due to Underdark. I had exactly one successful Valindra and 1 good Malabog.

    Now that my main character is full up on boons and gear, I plan to run more high end content, but it's still a time sink and I still need to find a good team to run with or I won't bother. DHEs are just there for the taking and you get quest xp too.

    Just my .02 cents. :-)
  • thefiresidecatthefiresidecat Member Posts: 4,486 Arc User
    that may be so.. but I don't think it's accounting for the serious jump in zen prices. may be a factor but it wouldn't be enough people doing it and actually saving their money for 2x (even less casual players save than run the dungeons) the sole game changer here is less people buying zen. imo. maybe the heightened amount of AD might have brought the past market back up to 145 or so.. but not near what we're seeing now.
  • destrowoddestrowod Member Posts: 484 Arc User
    The problem with this whole thing is that YES we do make more AD than before (kinda...) and yes there was double AD, so this mean more AD for us, but whats the point of raising our AD generating if everything (not just zens) get more expensive? In the end it simply cost the same (ratio wise), but the only difference is we have to farm twice or triple as much as before... so more time consuming. Sure it make buying zens with actual money more apealing (its there goal) but not because you can get more items now, or whatever, but because it will save you more time. I dunno for you guys but i don't want to have to farm for 2 weeks for the most basic items i need for my character... and here i completly forget about mounts and such..

    Honestly this is NOT a good time to start up Neverwinter. If you are new on the game, i feel it will take you a LONG time to be able to get what you need. Hey is that post short enough for you guys? lol
  • xpilosive#4155 xpilosive Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    destrowod said:

    The problem with this whole thing is that YES we do make more AD than before (kinda...) and yes there was double AD, so this mean more AD for us, but whats the point of raising our AD generating if everything (not just zens) get more expensive? In the end it simply cost the same (ratio wise), but the only difference is we have to farm twice or triple as much as before... so more time consuming. Sure it make buying zens with actual money more apealing (its there goal) but not because you can get more items now, or whatever, but because it will save you more time. I dunno for you guys but i don't want to have to farm for 2 weeks for the most basic items i need for my character... and here i completly forget about mounts and such..

    Honestly this is NOT a good time to start up Neverwinter. If you are new on the game, i feel it will take you a LONG time to be able to get what you need. Hey is that post short enough for you guys? lol

    ^^ Nailed it!!
  • telprydaintelprydain Member Posts: 545 Arc User
    destrowod said:

    Honestly this is NOT a good time to start up Neverwinter. If you are new on the game, i feel it will take you a LONG time to be able to get what you need.

    Totally disagree there - the Zax is wildly out of control, but nevertheless it's never been easier to gain wealth as a new player.
    For the better part of the game's lifecycle you could only get artifact weapons by crafting them through the time consuming Dragon Campaign, greater marks of power were 200,000+ AD and the different T2 armor parts all had to drop from different epic dungeons. Now they hand you epic Drow armor just for showing up, you get artifact weapons via the leveling quest and DR/Shar is throwing so many RP stones at people that half the population don't even bother to catch them.
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  • thefiresidecatthefiresidecat Member Posts: 4,486 Arc User
    yeah I don't think its a bad time to be starting up in this game. they've made the 60 to 70 grind far less painful. and while the dungeons might not be something a new player would have the best time with (1. try to find a dungeon without a premade, hah! 2. with the pally and haste changes upcoming try to stay alive in that said dungeon, HAH) but, with the WOD HE's they at least will be able to gear up quickly. more so than before as they don't have to cycle thru t1 gear before getting their t2.

  • destrowoddestrowod Member Posts: 484 Arc User

    destrowod said:

    Honestly this is NOT a good time to start up Neverwinter. If you are new on the game, i feel it will take you a LONG time to be able to get what you need.

    Totally disagree there - the Zax is wildly out of control, but nevertheless it's never been easier to gain wealth as a new player.
    For the better part of the game's lifecycle you could only get artifact weapons by crafting them through the time consuming Dragon Campaign, greater marks of power were 200,000+ AD and the different T2 armor parts all had to drop from different epic dungeons. Now they hand you epic Drow armor just for showing up, you get artifact weapons via the leveling quest and DR/Shar is throwing so many RP stones at people that half the population don't even bother to catch them.
    Well if you do compare with mod5 era(wich i was still leveling up so didn't really experience at that level), then yes you are most certainly right. But if you compare to mod6 or such, when the zax was 125, when you could run 30 shores run back to back with bank, when T2/T1 was also buyable as of now, i think it was overall better. I could be wrong also, its hard to compare time and all when it was months ago. Its just right now i just look at VIP and i realize it will cost me 300 000 AD to get a month and its depressing a bit... Im thinking of people that are still at the point of buying a mount at 3000 ZEN, getting artifacts at 40-500k. But maybe you actually right there, ill do admit that at least rank 7 are easy buys now with trade bars, and if you do have multiple characters(wich is unlikely if you just start) you do have sigils and such, wich you didn't have before. Yeah i supose only somebody that start now would know.

    Maybe my perception is misleaded by the fact that just everything cost so much more than before....
  • thefiresidecatthefiresidecat Member Posts: 4,486 Arc User
    Some things are definitely not as nice as they were a few months ago.. but as far as levelling goes I think it's easier. you can still make ad in game too. selling crafted items and what not. So with a ton of grinding it should also still be possible to gear up to the higher IL's without too much difficulty. the coal ward thing is a problem for newer players. they need to make a ten coalward free pack for new players or something to give them some kind of chance at getting a good enchantment going.
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