Hey guys,
Thanks for all the sign-ups from the previous round. As it's April 4, I've opened this up again. First come, first serve. There's a time slot that already has a few people in it due to having to reschedule last week.
@luccame also gets first choice in whatever they say due to this, as they can't make the rescheduled time. Can't wait to play with you guys again!
With The Maze Engine comes more "community-only" rewards much like the Purple Owlbear for Underdark. This time, we have the Boar Mount, which you can see below (it's BoP):

Here's how the sign-ups will work:
1. Reply in this thread with which slot you want, your
@handle and what you'd like to do.
2. First person to sign up for a slot gets it, so please make sure to check that no one else has taken your slot. I will try and update the schedule every other day or so, but no promises! There are four slots per sign-up.
3. You cannot sign other people up. This is to ensure no one is getting signed up without their consent.
4. You may only sign up for one slot.
5. You may only cancel or reschedule once - so things don't get too confusing!
Once you're signed up:
1. Just show up in-game at your time and I'll invite you to the party.
2. We'll wait about five minutes until we find someone else to take your spot.
3. After our adventuring, I'll whisper you your code for the Boar.
4. In an event where I cannot make the time due to meetings or emergencies, just take a screenshot of everyone in a party and send it to me so I can provide you with the Boars at a later date/time. I'll either tweet or post on the forums that I can't make it.
If anyone has questions, let me know!
Time slots for the next two weeks (All times in PT):
4/6 from 11AM-12PM
@consustes -
@healerthebeast -
@luccame 4/8 from 2-3PM PT (This will be live-streamed on Twitch)
@andorrabell4/11 from 4-5PM
@urabask -
@kbuttonz -
@confusedpoof 4/13 from 2-3PM
- @hastati96
- @adinosii
- @kacezet
- @wolfshed 4/15 from 4-5PM PT
- @nannhy
- @dpganster
- @hawk61914
- @darkstarrfoff 4/18 from 4-5PM
@darkstarrfoff -
@zokir -
@wimpazoid 4/19 from 11AM-12PM
@kacezet -
@hastati96 -
@dpganster 4/20 from 2-3PM
@adinosii -
@metalldjt -
@darlo4ragnar I'll be posting more times and dates at 10AM on 4/15.

Call me Andy (or Strum, or Spider-Man)!
Follow Neverwinter on Twitter: NeverwinterGame
Like Neverwinter on Facebook: Neverwinter
Follow me on Twitter: StrumSlinger
- @rescorlian
- @bitt3rnightmar3
- @flyingleon
If not I could also do 4/11 or 4/15 :0
I can play DPS (main) CW, Tankadin, DC-righteous
Down for anything with my GWF
I am up for everything but I prefer running a dungeon
I can play a GWF or a CW. Really, I'm up for anything, but would prefer a dungeon.
I'll be bringing a debuff DC, but don't have any special preferences on what to run.
handle @hawk61914 available april 4/16 - 11:00am to 12:00pm, dungeons pls
I just want to run with @hastati96
My rogue would love to run a dungeon - the new CN perhaps.
buffing DC up for anything
NW-DC9R4J5EH - 'The Black Pearl' - Spelljammer! Phlo Riders and Space Orcs
Thanks for all the fish.
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Check out my foundry, titled "Akro's Gone Wacko", featuring our ex-CM Akromatik!: NW-DL8J7BY5T
Erza Moonstalker | Lara Moonstalker | Julie Marvell | Erza Moonhunter | Annie Hellangel | Jenn Moonstalker
Thaumaturge's Time To Shine: A Complete Guide
4/8 from 2-3PM PT, i can come as tank heal or dd, would be glad to participate
4/6 11AM-12 PM
GF for anything (elol, esot, etos, vt, ecc, ...) could also come as dd (GWF)
Otherwise, if date is already taken, then 4/15 from 4-5 PM
Actually, looking at time slots, I suppose I can do 4/11... I'll just work from home that day.