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Current state of the game, how would you rate it?

ltsmithnekoltsmithneko Member Posts: 1,578 Arc User
edited March 2016 in Player Feedback (Xbox One)
How do rate the game we play so much, and please explain why you picked this choice and how you wish they could go about changing your rating and raise it. :3

Current state of the game, how would you rate it? 66 votes

1 out of 10
wedstonejuergeng123mahburgvirtueofcyanidekittysparkles01zixxer636firepats12#3687 7 votes
2 out of 10
foxxy#4211respectpaysxalorusthefiresidecattheslotharmy#3268draco16#8040 6 votes
3 out of 10
treesclimbertheungodlydatorvitas#7410madkrasio 4 votes
4 out of 10
cqzm1nrandomhateforumslandelmeracathlasjmdhoxseyddem0n888ajax0101zman81420quazakaharet#6375bladedge12bartaincreed 11 votes
5 out of 10
xrawcarnagecscriv79nullvaluepointmercbenz360armadeonxprostravatxgremlinxtedwin3010hnmacaulay50 9 votes
6 out of 10
rayrdanarkanazztstpensivemysticfjltsmithnekomrlatourarsenalatxshamrok#5900whatbananas#4924gilesdp 10 votes
7 out of 10
wentrisjmatts94lordknightx11missdayumakakilla32barbaricpotatotrueshepherd#9060 7 votes
8 out of 10
marokkrellphraqnovadactyljakefarrellvolournsundance777goldfinger3377#1384darrm18talinaza 9 votes
9 out of 10
10 out of 10
wdj40raymond00713mosh420#3753 3 votes


  • sundance777sundance777 Member Posts: 1,097 Arc User
    8 out of 10
    It's Free and it has hours and hours of play-ability, putting something in to balance out PvP would make the game better.
    TR - Sun: 16000 IL
    OP - Sunshine: 16000 IL

    Casual Dailies
  • xrawcarnagexrawcarnage Member Posts: 384 Arc User
    5 out of 10
    I put 5 out of 10 because I do really enjoy the game. The combat mechanics are good, really enjoy upgrading my toon, playing with guildies/friends, lock boxes, lock boxes, trade house dealing, oh lock boxes again lol etc. I would give it higher but the game needs more end game!!! The end game is dull and boring at this point. The difficulty needs to be raised and lots more dungeons need to be implemented. They need more raids. Monthly raids would help this game immensely. Class balance is a huge issue as well. Fix these problems, add more raids and dungeons and my score would be closer to an 8 depending on how good this fixes are.
  • hnmacaulay50hnmacaulay50 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    5 out of 10
    I gave it a 5, I enjoy playing the game, but after all the recent last minute changes I`m a little cautions about doing anything in the game. I was working on a perma bubble build since if you don`t have it and you get in a group with no cleric, they kick you or people leave. Now to read they are going to be doing changes to classes, I`m not about to sink a ton of time (not money) for them to change what I`ve been working on for months. Need more end game, I`m still waiting for the Underdark to get launched... All the underdark expansion did was open Demonic Rifts... to the Devs The underdark has so many cooler better monster than demons... not very original... now I wish I have voted a 3 instead of a five.
  • draco16#8040 draco16 Member Posts: 146 Arc User
    2 out of 10
    There is too much flux in the game right now as well as lower player population to draw upon. There are many upset players and a general lack of trust with the game developers. A middle ground needs to be reach for players to enjoy and see a chance to progress and to be comfortable purchasing services for zen. I don't feel that exists right now. I see enchantments that I worked to upgrade have their stats changed and I see promises made not being meet. I know developers are busy and are listening but to tell players they don't have the time to take to review the changes made but they have ample time to fix the game to force guild to buy bells for zen gives me a contradictory message. It's time to get the act together before further erosion of player base occurs.
    The Draconic Brotherhood GH 20
    Escape the Ordinary GH 20

    Lord Havok GWF
    Lady Icethorn CW
    Brother Heals DC
    Lord Bubble OP
    Sister Tetera GF
  • buffalonightmarebuffalonightmare Member Posts: 91 Arc User

    I don't even know why I play.

    I know how you feel. I kinda don't know why I log in just to make/hoard more AD
  • armadeonxarmadeonx Member Posts: 4,952 Arc User
    5 out of 10
    The game has some really good aspects but also some very bad ones. Bugs, lag and crashes aside, to me the real negative is the feeling that to make any progress at all you have to grind for days & days - and I'm talking about a couple of hundred stat points here & there.

    some of the negatives:
    I've given up on pvp, haven't played it since Christmas.
    Dungeons are basically etos or elol - now boring
    WoD is dead due to issues with Tiamat
    New skirmishes - 1 is broken & the other is only worth doing with a premade or you get 1.4k-1.8k players in your team
    Getting new characters to L60 is still fun, getting from 60 to 70 is a complete turn off (vigilance boredom)
    Getting decent weapon & armor enchantments costs millions - literally (coal wards...)
    Class balance is so bad it's kinda funny.
    Please Do Not Feed The Trolls

    Xael De Armadeon: DC
    Xane De Armadeon: CW
    Zen De Armadeon: OP
    Zohar De Armadeon: TR
    Chrion De Armadeon: SW
    Gosti Big Belly: GWF
    Barney McRustbucket: GF
    Lt. Thackeray: HR
    Lucius De Armadeon: BD

    Member of Casual Dailies - XBox
  • ddem0n888ddem0n888 Member Posts: 449 Arc User
    4 out of 10
    This is a difficult one for me.

    It definitely seems quiet out there. Guild chat can seem dead sometimes (or broken :P) and I know a few of my friends who played regularly haven't been on for a couple of weeks now.

    I know many people on these forums are seasoned MMO veterans but this is my first MMO. I'm a console gamer so I've been used to 8 hour campaigns and some FPS PVP (COD and Battlefield).

    This game got me hooked like no other. I enjoyed levelling my first toon up to 60 and got into the lore and storyline. Once I hit endgame I got into a guild and that's made a huge difference. I recommend it to anyone running solo.

    Now I'm almost at Endgame 3.6K Ilvl I'm struggling to get much enjoyment out of the game. Mod 8 hasn't done it for me at all. I don't like either of the skirmishes and edemo or demo is just annoying running around.

    I was so bored the other I bought a Shadow Demon companion and took it to Legendary (cost me over 2 mil) but it has little benefit to my character.

    The problem is.......I can't stop playing. I've still got wrappers on Halo 5 and Arkham Knight and I loved all the other games in those series. It's obviously a mechanic of MMOs to keep players involved but I feel like I'm playing for the sake of playing but can't stop.

    Yours Addicted..... :)
    Guild - Excalibur
  • mahburgmahburg Member Posts: 598 Arc User
    1 out of 10
    ddem0n888 said:

    This is a difficult one for me.

    It definitely seems quiet out there. Guild chat can seem dead sometimes (or broken :P) and I know a few of my friends who played regularly haven't been on for a couple of weeks now.

    I know many people on these forums are seasoned MMO veterans but this is my first MMO. I'm a console gamer so I've been used to 8 hour campaigns and some FPS PVP (COD and Battlefield).

    This game got me hooked like no other. I enjoyed levelling my first toon up to 60 and got into the lore and storyline. Once I hit endgame I got into a guild and that's made a huge difference. I recommend it to anyone running solo.

    Now I'm almost at Endgame 3.6K Ilvl I'm struggling to get much enjoyment out of the game. Mod 8 hasn't done it for me at all. I don't like either of the skirmishes and edemo or demo is just annoying running around.

    I was so bored the other I bought a Shadow Demon companion and took it to Legendary (cost me over 2 mil) but it has little benefit to my character.

    The problem is.......I can't stop playing. I've still got wrappers on Halo 5 and Arkham Knight and I loved all the other games in those series. It's obviously a mechanic of MMOs to keep players involved but I feel like I'm playing for the sake of playing but can't stop.

    Yours Addicted..... :)

    This is what keeps most of us here, however it has been wearing thin for sometime now and PW haven't helped themselves, not sure how much traction this still has but they need to get some changes underway before it just fizzles to a standstill.
    Demo is a great example, its turned into a troll and muppet fest now, EPIC is full of total cretins who either want to screw the runs up or are completely oblivious of the simple process involved in doing this.
    People even fail the Skirmishes now due to being utter idiots.

    After Tiamat you would think the Devs would have learned how quickly these "raids" can devolve into chaos.
  • ltsmithnekoltsmithneko Member Posts: 1,578 Arc User
    6 out of 10
    ddem0n888 said:

    This is a difficult one for me.

    It definitely seems quiet out there. Guild chat can seem dead sometimes (or broken :P) and I know a few of my friends who played regularly haven't been on for a couple of weeks now.

    I know many people on these forums are seasoned MMO veterans but this is my first MMO. I'm a console gamer so I've been used to 8 hour campaigns and some FPS PVP (COD and Battlefield).

    This game got me hooked like no other. I enjoyed levelling my first toon up to 60 and got into the lore and storyline. Once I hit endgame I got into a guild and that's made a huge difference. I recommend it to anyone running solo.

    Now I'm almost at Endgame 3.6K Ilvl I'm struggling to get much enjoyment out of the game. Mod 8 hasn't done it for me at all. I don't like either of the skirmishes and edemo or demo is just annoying running around.

    I was so bored the other I bought a Shadow Demon companion and took it to Legendary (cost me over 2 mil) but it has little benefit to my character.

    The problem is.......I can't stop playing. I've still got wrappers on Halo 5 and Arkham Knight and I loved all the other games in those series. It's obviously a mechanic of MMOs to keep players involved but I feel like I'm playing for the sake of playing but can't stop.

    Yours Addicted..... :)

    I can drop this game anytime I want I'm not really addicted to it even though I'm a Non pay to win 3.2k Il with about roughly 135 days played. I still jump on Halo 5 and other games for a bit. ^.^ Im a completionist when it comes to games, not an Elitist Im not a HAMSTER to people. I help them everyday after all, hell I payed my friends fee to join Look Good Play Good Yesterday... cx All that ad I could of used on myself... lol
  • wdj40wdj40 Member Posts: 1,958 Arc User
    10 out of 10
    10 out of 10 for me, it was a free game I downloaded on my xbox when I bought it for other games. Over the last year pretty much not played anything else.

    Amount of gameplay for a free game is utterly amazing, I have also not run into any major problems over my time playing :)

    Met a lot of good friends along the way and helped a ton of people out at some point or other.
    Main - Rydia (HR70) - Xbox One Player only
    Alts :
    Storm (SW70), Edge (TR70), AD Farm (CW70), Grunt (GF70), Rosa (DC70), AD AD AD (GWF70), Your Mum (OP70)

    Member of Q-Snipe
  • zacoria1405zacoria1405 Member Posts: 230 Arc User
    I think it's twitter that gives free gifts for sucking up to the developers, not sure it works on this website though.
  • cscriv79cscriv79 Member Posts: 398 Arc User
    5 out of 10
    Getting sick of all the level 60 content and weekend events (maze engine mod will be level 60 too) why go to level 70 if everything you add after is lower level, too easy and pointless, see no need in increasing my toons stats anymore.

    Getting sick of long standing bugs that really affect gameplay (GWF stamina bug).

    I really love D&D and have until recently really loved this game, but taking a break now and well, not missing it too much.

    I am neither here nor there, for I am NevrCene

    NevrCene: TR
    Melisandre: SW
    Brienne: GWF

    Guild : Mystic Dawn (GH20)
  • thefiresidecatthefiresidecat Member Posts: 4,486 Arc User
    edited March 2016
    2 out of 10

    There is too much flux in the game right now as well as lower player population to draw upon. There are many upset players and a general lack of trust with the game developers. A middle ground needs to be reach for players to enjoy and see a chance to progress and to be comfortable purchasing services for zen. I don't feel that exists right now. I see enchantments that I worked to upgrade have their stats changed and I see promises made not being meet. I know developers are busy and are listening but to tell players they don't have the time to take to review the changes made but they have ample time to fix the game to force guild to buy bells for zen gives me a contradictory message. It's time to get the act together before further erosion of player base occurs.

    basically exactly this. I also gave it the same rating. I enjoy the game but I fear the player base is becoming splintered and small enough that the game will soon be unplayable. they really need to do some "honey I ain't gonna hit you no more" trust tactics. Or this game is gonna die a slow death.

    if there were some trust and they hadn't chased off the player base.. basically if you'd asked me this middle of january I'd have given it a 9 out of 10.
    Post edited by thefiresidecat on
  • firepats12#3687 firepats12 Member Posts: 264 Arc User
    edited March 2016
    1 out of 10
    Nope, game is trash. Devs don't care about the players, all they want is the money. And if you people seriously don't realize this by now, then I feel sorry for you.
  • thefiresidecatthefiresidecat Member Posts: 4,486 Arc User
    edited March 2016
    2 out of 10
    ... accidental empty comment. sorry
  • thefiresidecatthefiresidecat Member Posts: 4,486 Arc User
    2 out of 10

    "Or this game is going to die a death. . ."

    Uh. . .I think you need to rephrase that.

    fixed. meant to be slow death. lol
  • bladedge12bladedge12 Member Posts: 119 Arc User
    edited March 2016
    4 out of 10
    4 out of 10

    It is an amazing game fun the battling is great They gained points by letting us look at gear before buying it on us but they still need to remove that shadow behind your toon that makes it so you can not see the back they need to add it so that you can test the look of the gear AND test what it would look like if you dyed it and dyes they could change (i even have a really good idea what they can do to change it devs if you want to hear it pm me.)

    But the raids are annoying some of the classes are god level strong at half the level (trickster rouge) and the others that make god level only do at a grind (oathbound paladin) while some classes might as well just give up in pvp and some get kicked out of raids and groups because they are just bad (Gwf, hunter ranger) the gwf is far too dependent on gear that is nearly impossable to get. professions like black ice and alchemy are so hard to do anything in they are a joke (alchemy would be fine if you could buy the potions you need or when you experimented it was a 100% chance to get the thing you need to level it.) lock boxes are far too hard to get anything good out of and the fact you can't stop the pop ups from spamming your chat/screen of "so and so got this." is annoying some things that should be easy to get are super hard for you but others have the items comming out of there nose but they can not give or at least sell them to another player. (really how game braking is it if I could buy the armor off the ad that I really need so my gwf is not HAMSTER. how is it game braking to buy black ice armor on the ad just so my armor looks cool.)

    But all and all no matter how much the game bugs me I still play so.
    ✋☞ ✡⚐
  • wdj40wdj40 Member Posts: 1,958 Arc User
    10 out of 10

    wdj40 said:

    10 out of 10 for me, it was a free game I downloaded on my xbox when I bought it for other games. Over the last year pretty much not played anything else.

    Amount of gameplay for a free game is utterly amazing, I have also not run into any major problems over my time playing :)

    Met a lot of good friends along the way and helped a ton of people out at some point or other.

    I'd be saying this game were good if I were in asylum.
    Actually I have only been in Asylum for a month or so, I forget how long now. I originally started in a Guild that I cant even remember the name of now which was rubbish. I then joined a brand new Guild called Guardians of the Whispering Eye that a couple of people I got on with founded. I was with them a long time and on the Guild Council, Rank 6 and helped many players along the way.

    We specialised in helping new players through dungeons and obtaining their sets of gear etc, those were such good times but a PvE guild. I then learned a couple of my friends were in Asylum who were more specialised, required people to donate influence etc which I approved of for progression reasons and happy to more than play my part.

    I have now made new friends there and am very happy be a member. I love PvE but now getting into PvP has given me something new to do. Shame the queues are non-existant anymore and last night after an hour I just gave up trying to get a game.

    I`ve worked pretty hard in my time in the game, given away a lot of items for competitions and raffles in the past and donated heck of a lot to help build Guild's up :)

    I know you only PvP under level 70 and I have never tried that, I also never tried PvP until 1600hrs into the game lol.
    Main - Rydia (HR70) - Xbox One Player only
    Alts :
    Storm (SW70), Edge (TR70), AD Farm (CW70), Grunt (GF70), Rosa (DC70), AD AD AD (GWF70), Your Mum (OP70)

    Member of Q-Snipe
  • destrowoddestrowod Member Posts: 484 Arc User
    6.5/10 for me

    If i where to judge only the game, it would probably be an 8. But since the devs show very little concern to there bread and butter(us, the player base) i am lowering up the score. I think Underdark is a pretty good summary on what happen to this game recently.

    1 new small storyline quest, take about an hour to do
    2 new skirmishes, with 2 variant that barley change anything, 1 of the variant on one of the skirmish is broken and prevent most of us on getting the achievement, yet no adressing by the dev on the situation
    1 boss battle in 2 difficulty, but is essentially the same anyway. Now the battle is fun overall but often ruined by trolls or incompetent people as some mentioned.
    Demonic HE, at first its fun, it make a change, its a good source of getting blue items for salvaging as well etc, but oh my god does it get repetitive after doing a couple
    NOT A SINGLE NEW DUNGEON, when there is already way too few in the game.

    Is underdark decent for a free content? Yeah i guess if they fix the throne infiltration eventually, but is it anything super fun to play? Bah... so repetitive... I wish there was more variety.

    Now sure the game IS a grind fest, and maybe its because im not used to the MMO formula as being a consol gamer. But the grinding is something i accepted when i started playing. I think eventually without putting astronomical money into the game, i could still reach a very decent level.

    But the constant influx of bad decisions lately by the devs have really took a toll on me. My top is

    1) Throne must be fixed ASAP
    2) C.WARD should not be a 10$ item considering how much you need to progress. 200 trade bar was a bit much but ok, 75 would had been perfect, but they teased us and then gave us the middle finger... trolled much we where?
    3) Dragonflight change coming out of nowhere, just to once again penalize the people and make them pay for something they used to have "for free"

    I could go on... but ill stop there. Still a fun game, but the more and more lately i think of stopping to play this or extremely decreasing my time of play.

    Personally its really the unobtainable achievement that is the biggest deal breaker to me... i worked hard for completion, i don't want to loose it because of a "i don't care attitude" from the devs...
  • missdayummissdayum Member Posts: 230 Arc User
    7 out of 10
    Don't want to be a HAMSTER about it so I vote a decent 7 since I still can play it. We know all the bugs/glitches etc. so hopefully they fix most of them with mod 9.
    Best guild: Guardians of the Fallen (2019-2021)
    My past guilds: Guardians of Midgard/HazardousNation/SomewhatSerious/JesusHadSoulforged/ImperialLegion/LadiesofNeverwinter/OutKast
    My past alliances: LookGoodPlayGood/Eviscerate/JesusHadSoulforged/Ruthless/TheLegendaryOutlaws

    GWF - 4,069 Gear Score (classic)
    Barbarian - 48,499 Total Item Level
    RIP Bonding Runestones since "combat/companion changes" update on February 5, 2021

    Master of Svardborg (banner) trophy, unlocked January 4, 2020! (Playstation4) / Master of Svardborg (banner) achievement, unlocked August 9, 2017! (XboxOne) / Dragon's Bane (Defeat 1000 Dragons) trophy, unlocked February 5, 2020! (Playstation4) / Dragon's Bane (Defeat 1000 Dragons) achievement, unlocked June 9, 2015! (XboxOne) / Portal Dodger achievement, unlocked July 16, 2017! (XboxOne)
  • goldfinger3377#1384 goldfinger3377 Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    8 out of 10
    I am an old school D&D pen & paper guy from the 80's....and I LOVE this game because it is FREE and because it reminds me of the fun I had when I was younger with pen and paper D&D.

    I about about to hit Level 65 Control Wiz....can somebody tell me the coolest and most fun things I should be looking for at this point on my way to 70 ?

    The fun factor is slipping into a grind for me right now...and I do not want that to happen....

    Is it possible to gear up with epic purples before 70 if I do not want to spend real world money ? After 70 ?

  • armadeonxarmadeonx Member Posts: 4,952 Arc User
    5 out of 10
    Goldfinger, the grind from 60-70 is unavoidable but you can mitigate it by using rank 7 azures in your utility slots & if you have enough AD you can buy the shirt & pants that give you an XP boost from the zen market.

    If you are in a guild, take the stronghold missions, they have a decent amount of XP & run 2 x dungeons and skirmishes for AD. Other than that you just have to keep hacking though it.

    Once you get to 70, buy a set of basic L70 blues from the AH then start doing boons in the other campaign areas and doing the demon heroic encounters in the Dread Ring.

    If you have some trade bars get the head and chest Dusk gear but you will be in the difficult position of finding groups to run dungeons in for the rest - joining a guild is probably the easiest way to do this. No, there's no purple gear for pre 70's except the Mulhorand cloak & weapons.
    Please Do Not Feed The Trolls

    Xael De Armadeon: DC
    Xane De Armadeon: CW
    Zen De Armadeon: OP
    Zohar De Armadeon: TR
    Chrion De Armadeon: SW
    Gosti Big Belly: GWF
    Barney McRustbucket: GF
    Lt. Thackeray: HR
    Lucius De Armadeon: BD

    Member of Casual Dailies - XBox
  • mahburgmahburg Member Posts: 598 Arc User
    1 out of 10
    ranking up use Mullorand gear and XVIM stuff (Ring and Belt) you can only use one Ring so don't get two, they all rank up with you.
  • sundance777sundance777 Member Posts: 1,097 Arc User
    8 out of 10

    I think it's twitter that gives free gifts for sucking up to the developers, not sure it works on this website though.

    Lol...too funny
    TR - Sun: 16000 IL
    OP - Sunshine: 16000 IL

    Casual Dailies
  • kittysparkles01kittysparkles01 Member Posts: 35 Arc User
    1 out of 10
    1/10 No content suitable to endgame players. Max item level is double the highest gear requirement for any content available. I had a lot of fun gearing up, but find myself with no reason to continue speeding through the available dungeons and skirmishes, only to make the game less challenging by buying upgrades.

    Removing so many playable dungeons only to have them return as leveling dungeons is a joke. How hard is it to scale them to level 70?

    Just throwing this out there also, please nerf oathbound paladin's protector tree to ****. Pallys ruined the game. Started a paladin because I wanted to try out a tank class, and before I hit the required 2000 item level for tier 2 dungeons, my toon was easily able to keep the bubble up permanently, and never lose a single hit point. Received the injury kit tooltip during a Lostmauth run when I died when I missed my jump.
  • zixxer636zixxer636 Member Posts: 47 Arc User
    1 out of 10
    This game use to be an 8 for me, loved everything but the performance.

    After EE my whole guild stopped playing, and with SH I have grown to hate the guild mentality of required donations.

    And after the Coalecent scam I have no respect for perfectworld/cryptic. I login once a day for coins and proffesions but cant bring myself to play this brokea ss game. I refuse to get back into it until the RIGHT changes are made.
  • quazakaharet#6375 quazakaharet Member Posts: 104 Arc User
    4 out of 10
    when i first started it was great. all kinds of quests, story's, missions. so much to do to lvl and play. i read the quests, and played and had fun. then spent a little money to help myself along to get a few cool things from the market.
    then, vigilance tasks. the first taste of grinding. i read the quests less and tried to get thru them quickly.
    found a group to grind with, and that helped.

    i thought when i hit 70 a whole new world of content was going to be available. new quests, new story, new zones. hurrah!
    and in a way it was. then grind for the daily campaign currencies, going thru new dungeons, that looked a little familiar in layout, but that was ok. at lest i knew where to go.

    all along the way things changed, things were tried, wards happened. people left, people arrived. things kept going on as they were. but.... i dont read anything anymore, i just click thru and try to rush thru things to get more stuff to salvage, to get more stuff, to up my gearscore by...12-40 at a time a few hundred during a double refinement.

    saved my vip earned trade bars from 7 months of vip for some c wards so i could finally use the shards i have been saving and make a perfect vorpal, so i could be really competitive.

    that change was frustrating. il probably just blow them all on gems during the next double refinement to up my artifacts a bit more.

    now i am on a timer. i play alot still but when vip is up, ill become very casual.
    play with friends when they ask, or to help em thru a dungeon.

    when the last day of vip comes, just in case i dont login again, ill find some quiet vista in a map somewhere, and just enjoy it for a few minutes. maybe the trail without quests in icespire peak.

    wander up the giant blade that is now a bridge. it is beautiful up there.
    take a final screenshot, and be on my way.
  • iyodahiyodah Member Posts: 72 Arc User
    @quazakaharet#6375 I feel like you just need a good group/guild/family behind your toon to engage you into the game again. Add me on xbox mate. Love the fact that you find beauty in the game and want to help extend that further. My GT: Rusty Bushes
  • theungodlytheungodly Member Posts: 131 Arc User
    edited March 2016
    3 out of 10
    I voted a 3 and that's just because i've had some kind of fun with it in the past. But if i add everything up, it's been more pain than enjoyment.

    I fell into this game because it was one of few "F2P" games on the X1 and sadly enough it's Neverwinters strength - the MMOnopoly. If another decent F2P mmo would arrive on the X1 i bet NW would die pretty soon (please, make it happen.) Because honestly, NW isn't great in any sense and as a person who's been played it every day since day 1 it's oh so clear now that the devs don't give a flying duck about the gamers and the state of the game. There's SO many bugs and issues that's been there now for a year and nothing happens. That says it all. There's no excuses for that. That dev letter they released not long time ago made me facepalm so hard my left eye popped. Everything seems honky dory and looking up in their camp and they are SO thankful for all the feedback. Really? ...i mean, really? ...really? What?
    How about some self-awareness from the devs? How about that?

    NW is more than half dead for me and nowadays i log on with a sigh to do the invocations and some guild dailies. I will never spend another dime on this game.
    HR - "The Ungodly"
    DC - "The Unholy"
    Guild: Ruthless
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