After the patch I got my first ever +5 ring. It was rising focus (recovery), so it's at least usable but not the best thing. But I didn't get it from eDemo! I actually got it in a PoM chest.
"Because it's my birthday and I wants it.......!!!!!!!!!"
Nancy - Dragonborn, SM Guardian Fighter A proud member of "mythical horde of DPS GFs"
1). Is SW more dps or tank based? 2). Yes. I am panzer! 3). Get ACT if you want to celebrate your epeen. 4). Horniness will not stand between me and what I believe - "MM"
After the patch I got my first ever +5 ring. It was rising focus (recovery), so it's at least usable but not the best thing. But I didn't get it from eDemo! I actually got it in a PoM chest.
The recovery ring can't drop from eDemo. If you want to see where the rings drop from just check your collections page and sort by location.
You kind of missed the entire point of what I was saying.
eDemo got the legendary drop rates doubled. Yet that's not what gave me my first legendary. I got it from the stuff whose drop rate remained at the same terrible value it always was. That it was a recovery ring isn't important, unless we get told that those are way more likely or something.
Pretty sure that was just poorly phrased. It makes more sense that they just doubled the drop rate of all the +5 rings.
Waaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiittttttttttttt! again I got myself fooled or I just can't read. The drop rate was ONLY doubled (still 2*0=0!) in eDemo ?
What kind of BS is that !?
It's true I can't read...this or I just got too excited to have my raising defense ring being 2 slotted
+5 Legendary rings dropped from Demogorgon and Epic Demogorgon now drop twice as frequently (but still very, very rarely).
Nancy - Dragonborn, SM Guardian Fighter A proud member of "mythical horde of DPS GFs"
1). Is SW more dps or tank based? 2). Yes. I am panzer! 3). Get ACT if you want to celebrate your epeen. 4). Horniness will not stand between me and what I believe - "MM"
Well after the fiasco we've had on the Xbox with the latest update the player base has been decimated. Not sure I'm going to be playing this game from now on. Awaiting for their response today.....
Well after the fiasco we've had on the Xbox with the latest update the player base has been decimated. Not sure I'm going to be playing this game from now on. Awaiting for their response today.....
Well after the fiasco we've had on the Xbox with the latest update the player base has been decimated. Not sure I'm going to be playing this game from now on. Awaiting for their response today.....
Well after the fiasco we've had on the Xbox with the latest update the player base has been decimated. Not sure I'm going to be playing this game from now on. Awaiting for their response today.....
The thread on the Xbox NVW forum is rivalling the rage the PC forum had with AD Leadership nerf AND the Leveling dungeon announcement.
Well we had rage about this too but not as much for some reason. There's no bots on Xbox so the reasoning behind Bot Farming Leadership was an annoying 'copy and paste' reason which we're pretty much used to over on Xbox.
Secound Weekend with Guildmates. Sturday +Sunday we made 28 runs = 280 caskets +280 drop chance= 560 chances to get a legendary.
Result: -3 offhands -4x +4 Rings (different kinds...) - A LOT of +1/+2 Rings No!!! legendary ring.
Thx for thees grinds....after last weekend i gave up to grind for theese rings. Im dont with them. Its just dumb and stupid how many times you have to farm for them. Just BS.
Was lucky to get the Rising Focus (Recovery one) +4 in POM few days ago. That was the one very few and far between moments when I really was happy getting a drop
Rising Precision would be nice too but doing POM is just a huge pain in the butt...
Nancy - Dragonborn, SM Guardian Fighter A proud member of "mythical horde of DPS GFs"
1). Is SW more dps or tank based? 2). Yes. I am panzer! 3). Get ACT if you want to celebrate your epeen. 4). Horniness will not stand between me and what I believe - "MM"
The 9 section opening quest was too easy and a bit boring (I know it was for lvl 60 so I don't mind the easy bit).
ProM, Throne and Demo/EDemo seem like a lot of running around for (so far) poor rewards.
I don't mind the additional heroics though. Gives me a reason to go into the different areas for a bit of campaign currency.
You should have been here when you were grinding out 50+ HEs a day because it was the most efficient way to get your rAD by a pretty big margin. eDemo is pretty good for salvaging, unless you get bad luck and get HAMSTER parties. Otherwise I get triple gold fairly regularly (it helps that I'm a top 5 damage contributor in almost all instances), which is a guaranteed ring plus ichor plus protector seals plus a second ring from the chest (with key). Prophecy ends up with a similar yield once you get used to it and are powerful enough to make an impact; throne is a crapshoot 50/50 on whether you get the bad version or not, so I usually wouldn't bother with it. My suggestion at this point would be to pump out a surplus of keys as long as you find them inefficient, so that when you *can* run them well you can farm them en masse when you've got the time and energy.
urlord283Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,084Arc User
I have a +5 ring and It is one of the ones I wanted but I need a different one.... I run At least 6-10 PoMs every day... never have seen one there What are my chances?
zekethesinnerMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 805Arc User
Its getting more funny than sad right now, for last month i have been doing around 5 edemo per day (5, from fairly geared to overgreared, toons) in total it already hit 500 edemo or so, around 400 was gold-gold-gold. No orange ring.
Thank u cryptic.
(Sin)cerely Kain
silverkeltMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,235Arc User
its off kilter somewhat.. double of .1 or whatever ludicrous % will almost STILL net you nothing. even at 1%.. rng is so heavily involved, its ludicrous.
They still do not follow simple advice of.. pick a target sum of seals (like twisted ichor maybe.. ) after 100 additional twisted ichor buy a +5 of your choice.
This way its a target.. its if you get one to land.. good, if not, after so many runs on this.. you should be able to buy one.
rng factor is just too harsh here.
I havnt run as much as zeke.. but Ive bought 3 twisted weapons.. have enough twisted ichor for a 4th.. let alone the couple dozen runs I never used a key on anything.
So I dont know.. 200-300 range here for me. I barely even get EPIC rings anymore.. its ALMOST always just a +1 ring.
epic trash for our "epic" end game.
In addition I did a few hundred of the skirms (hoping for the stupid book, got one with the key once..) So out of ALL possible chances of around 500 or so runs between the two..
Ive gotten 2 +4 crit rings and 2 +4 powers.. thats it of anything useful.
loads of junk salvage blues.. even with triple gold.
SADLY we were lied to (cough) for like the millionth time, about scaled content rewards.
ITs not scaled, the ONLY difference between bronze and gold.. in epic demogorgon is bronze no twisted ichor, silver 1, gold 2.
Thats it.. nothing at else drops differently.
This is why you had people breaking the instance when they could.
WHY even have a silver/gold platform if you dont get BETTER rng factor for gold vs bronze?
It should be like 1 % bronze.. 5% silver and 10% for gold.
ITs not scaled, the ONLY difference between bronze and gold.. in epic demogorgon is bronze no twisted ichor, silver 1, gold 2.
Thats it.. nothing at else drops differently.
False. I have never failed for the instance itself (not the chest) to give me a ring on a final rank of gold, but have routinely failed to get a ring on a final rank of silver. This is why I, and many other people, ditch an instance the exact moment they begin to doubt that the final rank will be gold. The probability to get [awesome ring of your choice] *given that one drops* may be the same, but there's a rather significant difference between silver and gold in the probability that one drops from the instance itself. My out-of-my-HAMSTER guess is that bronze is 0%, silver is 50%, and gold is 100%. So that's effectively twice the odds of getting something decent from the instance. It's the chest that bones you over on the ring.
It's still a mind-numbing, insulting lottery, though.
Third weekend in a row. 20 runs with guild. Every run every phase gold. Results this time.... - Awesome 3x +4 Rings... - no offhand/mainhand - no legendary rings
I gave up. I dont go edemo anymore. Its just torture...i dont like it to imagine that a little sadastic programmer is laughing all day cuzz he made droprates almost to zero...
ITs not scaled, the ONLY difference between bronze and gold.. in epic demogorgon is bronze no twisted ichor, silver 1, gold 2.
Thats it.. nothing at else drops differently.
False. I have never failed for the instance itself (not the chest) to give me a ring on a final rank of gold, but have routinely failed to get a ring on a final rank of silver. This is why I, and many other people, ditch an instance the exact moment they begin to doubt that the final rank will be gold. The probability to get [awesome ring of your choice] *given that one drops* may be the same, but there's a rather significant difference between silver and gold in the probability that one drops from the instance itself. My out-of-my-HAMSTER guess is that bronze is 0%, silver is 50%, and gold is 100%. So that's effectively twice the odds of getting something decent from the instance. It's the chest that bones you over on the ring.
It's still a mind-numbing, insulting lottery, though.
Chest RNG is independent of the rank you achieve aside from the twisted ichor. That's why it's kind of stupid to skip out when you aren't getting gold. Your odds are really not all that much better when you get two rolls at the ring compared to one and the whole encounter takes at worst ten minutes.
I think the general consensus of most of the DPSers in my Guild is run edemo until we've got our Twisted Main and Offhand and never set foot in there again.
Pugged around 20-30 PoMs this weekend. One +3 ring, no +4 and absolutely no +5s. My Guild mate, who's a GF got the +5 Rising Precision and dumped it into the Guild Coffer. Nooooooooo.
I think the general consensus of most of the DPSers in my Guild is run edemo until we've got our Twisted Main and Offhand and never set foot in there again.
Pugged around 20-30 PoMs this weekend. One +3 ring, no +4 and absolutely no +5s. My Guild mate, who's a GF got the +5 Rising Precision and dumped it into the Guild Coffer. Nooooooooo.
Also worth noting that Castle Never chests are going to use greater demonic keys so you really should just start holding onto them once you've got your twisted set.
silverkeltMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,235Arc User
apologies, I was talking about chest results.. I might have not made that clear, after reading my posts.
Yes.. you can earn "more" by accomplishing triple gold.. but the net results are near similar.. you basically earn a additional blue salvage 95% of the time.
This really doesnt "reward" you anything else.. since the vast majority of us , even after running several hundred edemos/skirms have not gotten a gold ring yet.
False. I have never failed for the instance itself (not the chest) to give me a ring on a final rank of gold, but have routinely failed to get a ring on a final rank of silver. This is why I, and many other people, ditch an instance the exact moment they begin to doubt that the final rank will be gold. The probability to get [awesome ring of your choice] *given that one drops* may be the same, but there's a rather significant difference between silver and gold in the probability that one drops from the instance itself. My out-of-my-HAMSTER guess is that bronze is 0%, silver is 50%, and gold is 100%. So that's effectively twice the odds of getting something decent from the instance. It's the chest that bones you over on the ring.
It's still a mind-numbing, insulting lottery, though.
It's a real shame you are quitting out on these instances. I pug edemo because I'm a masoch*st, and ran into a particularly bad one.... It was like running into a meatgrinder. I stayed anyway. I was rewarded with a legendary ring in the final chest.
However, I do find it ridiculous that I'm running at least 3 triple gold runs on my main per day, and finally find satisfaction on the worst run of the bunch.
Had hundreds of runs, one +5 ring i dont need. Chances to get triple gold get worse, bc most ppl running EDemo now play, as if they bought the account yesterday. The only good thing of these runs is, that I can take my time to add the AFK ppl to my ignore, so I wont invite them, when I will be able to run full premade.
I'm in the same boat as everyone else except I've gotten a +5 ring. Too bad it was regen but at least the RNG gods grinned at me once. What surprises me is that I posted an idea, not sure if it's good or bad, in the feedback forum and only 1 other person has commented on it.
It doesn't address the crappy drop rates. That just is what it is but it does offer up an idea that could address getting those +5 rings of 2 sec invulnerability.
zekethesinnerMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 805Arc User
Crossed 500 gold-gold-gold already, and 650 finished runs in total. Still no r5 ring. They r laughing in our faces when they say they lisen to players feedback.
Is it too hard to put r5 ring for 100 twisted ichor or 18k feazress?
@strumslinger do ur job for once and take community side on this issue.
A proud member of "mythical horde of DPS GFs"
1). Is SW more dps or tank based?
2). Yes. I am panzer!
3). Get ACT if you want to celebrate your epeen.
4). Horniness will not stand between me and what I believe - "MM"
The drop rate was ONLY doubled (still 2*0=0!) in eDemo ?
What kind of BS is that !?
It's true I can't read...this or I just got too excited to have my raising defense ring being 2 slotted
+5 Legendary rings dropped from Demogorgon and Epic Demogorgon now drop twice as frequently (but still very, very rarely).
A proud member of "mythical horde of DPS GFs"
1). Is SW more dps or tank based?
2). Yes. I am panzer!
3). Get ACT if you want to celebrate your epeen.
4). Horniness will not stand between me and what I believe - "MM"
Author of GWF Speed Demon PvP Build (Mod 11) <- Click to reveal the Speedy Beast! >:)
-3 offhands
-4x +4 Rings (different kinds...)
- A LOT of +1/+2 Rings
No!!! legendary ring.
Thx for thees grinds....after last weekend i gave up to grind for theese rings. Im dont with them. Its just dumb and stupid how many times you have to farm for them. Just BS.
Rising Precision would be nice too but doing POM is just a huge pain in the butt...
A proud member of "mythical horde of DPS GFs"
1). Is SW more dps or tank based?
2). Yes. I am panzer!
3). Get ACT if you want to celebrate your epeen.
4). Horniness will not stand between me and what I believe - "MM"
The 9 section opening quest was too easy and a bit boring (I know it was for lvl 60 so I don't mind the easy bit).
ProM, Throne and Demo/EDemo seem like a lot of running around for (so far) poor rewards.
I don't mind the additional heroics though. Gives me a reason to go into the different areas for a bit of campaign currency.
Thank u cryptic.
They still do not follow simple advice of.. pick a target sum of seals (like twisted ichor maybe.. ) after 100 additional twisted ichor buy a +5 of your choice.
This way its a target.. its if you get one to land.. good, if not, after so many runs on this.. you should be able to buy one.
rng factor is just too harsh here.
I havnt run as much as zeke.. but Ive bought 3 twisted weapons.. have enough twisted ichor for a 4th.. let alone the couple dozen runs I never used a key on anything.
So I dont know.. 200-300 range here for me. I barely even get EPIC rings anymore.. its ALMOST always just a +1 ring.
epic trash for our "epic" end game.
In addition I did a few hundred of the skirms (hoping for the stupid book, got one with the key once..) So out of ALL possible chances of around 500 or so runs between the two..
Ive gotten 2 +4 crit rings and 2 +4 powers.. thats it of anything useful.
loads of junk salvage blues.. even with triple gold.
SADLY we were lied to (cough) for like the millionth time, about scaled content rewards.
ITs not scaled, the ONLY difference between bronze and gold.. in epic demogorgon is bronze no twisted ichor, silver 1, gold 2.
Thats it.. nothing at else drops differently.
This is why you had people breaking the instance when they could.
WHY even have a silver/gold platform if you dont get BETTER rng factor for gold vs bronze?
It should be like 1 % bronze.. 5% silver and 10% for gold.
This would be more acceptable.
It's still a mind-numbing, insulting lottery, though.
- Awesome 3x +4 Rings...
- no offhand/mainhand
- no legendary rings
I gave up. I dont go edemo anymore. Its just torture...i dont like it to imagine that a little sadastic programmer is laughing all day cuzz he made droprates almost to zero...
Pugged around 20-30 PoMs this weekend. One +3 ring, no +4 and absolutely no +5s. My Guild mate, who's a GF got the +5 Rising Precision and dumped it into the Guild Coffer. Nooooooooo.
Yes.. you can earn "more" by accomplishing triple gold.. but the net results are near similar.. you basically earn a additional blue salvage 95% of the time.
This really doesnt "reward" you anything else.. since the vast majority of us , even after running several hundred edemos/skirms have not gotten a gold ring yet.
I could earn "more" technically doing kr runs.
However, I do find it ridiculous that I'm running at least 3 triple gold runs on my main per day, and finally find satisfaction on the worst run of the bunch.
It doesn't address the crappy drop rates. That just is what it is but it does offer up an idea that could address getting those +5 rings of 2 sec invulnerability.
Is it too hard to put r5 ring for 100 twisted ichor or 18k feazress?
@strumslinger do ur job for once and take community side on this issue.