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Advancing the game worlds timeline and storyline

azaziel35azaziel35 Member Posts: 33 Arc User
This is a persistent world MMOARPG correct? I see a lot of posts for content and end game content. This is D&D not Diablo 3 there is no end game its a continually evolving progressing living world that is even now growing as I type this. How you say its pure fiction? In the minds of the players and developers who play and create and the Dungeon masters who play and create this living breathing in the hearts and minds of millions world we call Dungeons and Dragons.

I have been DMing for over 20 years and playing just as much. You want content you have the liscence to use Wizard of the Coast content in your game so use it you have all the content you will ever need to make this the best MMOARPG of all time if you so choose to do so. I say no end game! I say advance start moving the game towards the current timeline in the real Dungeons and Dragons storyline.

Start progressing the worlds timeline with the story line this is after all a persistent changing game world right? Well get with the program and start progressing it you want content well you apparently have the liscencing from Wizards of the coast to use their products content well use it for Gods sakes. You have plenty of material to make additions and content for this game just off the D&D world and story line spellplague to the sundering. I would love as well as others I expect to see sundering content IG.

Also during the spellplague the Shadovar who are no joke bad bad bad and bad to the bone powerful beings are trying to take over the known realms especially the sword coast. Also you have Demons and Devils vying for power Asmodius is trying to find and take the other pieces of the fractured God of thieves Masks Divinity so he can become the lord of the 9 ****. And Shar the void Goddess is on a campaign with her chosen which one of those is a demi God with part of the divinity of masks power to take over Faerun and eat the whole world of Toril. All leading up to the sundering and the rebirth of Mystra the Goddess of magic.

Neverwinter itself during the Spellplague and cataclysm the worlds of Aber-Toril coming appart is put through a catastrophe when the volcano erupts due to Bruenor Battlehammer and Thibbledorf Pwents battle with a huge primal fire elemental which was basically a fire elemental God. This almost destroys Neverwinter and they have to rebuild in the midst of the chaos of the sundering. http://forgottenrealms.wikia.com/wiki/Sundering_(event)

I see so many posts from the community screaming for new challenges new evils and epic battles to face and overcome. Well there are no shortages of such in the Forgotten Realms I do not see what the problem is with finding content or putting new content easily into this game you have the framework the storyline by hundreds and hundreds of novels and campaigns have already been written the monsters developed and thought out by the thousands of varieties from multiple planes of existence. All is needed is to write the scripts and make the skins and update the content easier said than done I know but not that hard in a well established game such as this.


  • sockmunkeysockmunkey Member Posts: 4,622 Arc User
    edited February 2016
    What are you talking about? The story line has advanced with each module. You even revisit areas again and see how they have changed due to on going plots.

    Basically the timeline is tied to your characters advancement rather then a global event. New characters are washed ashore while the spellplague is still in full swing. As you advance the timeline advances following events of the sundering.
  • plasticbatplasticbat Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 12,522 Arc User
    edited February 2016
    People are asking for content and better end game content. Cryptic is not providing that good enough or fast enough. What people doing right now is doing the same thing again and again and again hundreds times. That is our CURRENT 'end game' content until Cryptic provides something new.

    When you do Dragonflight event over 500 times, ETos/CC/GWF 100 times each, you are getting tired of the same thing.
    *** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
    "If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
  • azaziel35azaziel35 Member Posts: 33 Arc User
    I made this in response to what I had been reading on the forums not only from the players but from the devs also. Apparently they are seeking the opinions of those who are serious about the game and passionate about the community to voice what they desire to make this game better. Not only in game mechanics and play but overall. There is so much content that they can choose from from the D&D world from IG present to The actual present in the D&D multiverse.
  • mrgiggles651mrgiggles651 Member Posts: 790 Arc User
    azaziel35 said:

    Start progressing the worlds timeline with the story line this is after all a persistent changing game world right? Well get with the program and start progressing it you want content well you apparently have the liscencing from Wizards of the coast to use their products content well use it for Gods sakes.

    They have been keeping up with the timeline. The Well of Dragons, Elemental Evil, Rage of Demons etc, those are the current official PnP plotlines.
    azaziel35 said:

    I have been DMing for over 20 years and playing just as much.

    Then you'd know they've been keeping up with the timeline.

    I wasted five million AD promoting the Foundry.
  • azaziel35azaziel35 Member Posts: 33 Arc User
    I see that now that I look at the game a little more in depth. Like I said I made this post in response to the call or more content both from the players and Arc asking what the players wanted there is a plethora of content they can add all they have to do is look to the PnP game
  • azaziel35azaziel35 Member Posts: 33 Arc User
    Also was in response to complaints about no end game there shouldnt be a end game. There is plenty of epic material to add from the current PnP plotlines is what I was getting at
  • bitt3rnightmar3bitt3rnightmar3 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 788 Arc User
    I'd love to have more content. I think I read in a recent dev blog that is what they are focusing on now. We can only hope-- i suppose.​​
    Relmyna - AC/DC Righteous + Haste| Nadine - CW MoF (working on it)|Buffy - GF SM Tact| Hrist - Justice Tankadin|Healadin (Wannabe Tank)| Lena -MI Sabo TR (Farmer) | Jeska - GWF SM Destroyer (Farmer) | Maggie - HR PF Trapper (Wannabe DPS)
    I'll never retrace my steps.

    Some of my best friends are Imaginary.

  • sockmunkeysockmunkey Member Posts: 4,622 Arc User
    azaziel35 said:

    Also was in response to complaints about no end game there shouldnt be a end game. There is plenty of epic material to add from the current PnP plotlines is what I was getting at

    I think the confusion here is you are talking about several different things and trying to make them all one and the same. Plot advancement, content, and end game are three completely different concepts that don't often have to go together.

    In Neverwinters case, there is clear plot advancement. Every module and expansion adds to the over all story. Often introducing new allies and enemies. With events that can, and often do, alter the region significantly. So yes, the plot has advanced, but no, its not what most people would consider end game.

    Elemental evil, for example, gave us an interesting story about cultists tying to unmake the region using raw elemental power. It ended, however, fairly lackluster with no end dungeon, no final showdown with the cult leaders, no real epic ending to it. The Underdark expansion was fairly similar. Sure, we get to meet famous heroes like Drizz't and company and even get to face Demogorgon himself. So from the plot side it's comes off as rather spectacular. In game play, however, it contained very little actual Underdark to adventure in, and the final epic battle against the demon prince himself. Ended up as a fairly unepic skirmish in a single room. Plenty of story, little in the way of end game.
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