I have heard of this being a possibility before. I know WoW did it. HUGE success. Sure WoW has Bliz, and a subscription fee. So I wanna get some people's ideas on this and if the few people browsing the forums would also consider paying for such a module release. Pending on these few rules/regulations to the devs. What do you think?
1. No Dev changes can be implemented w/out testing on the preview by players.
2. It will be Dungeon/PVP focused server (dungeons were still challenging back then)
3. The monthly fee will not be increased, assets from live will be exchangeable for Vanilla items OR #4.
4. Zero Bind on Pickup items to stimulate a full economy like we used to have.
Fee: 10 dollars a month
Cap: 60
Module - Somewhere b/w Beta and Module 2 - ZERO power creep of multiple artifacts/mounts/tenacity/SH boons, rank 12's, BOONS, yes, no boons.
Items - No refining anything but primary artifact. All pvp items will be T1/T2 sets pre nerfs and available in the dungeons we all used to love running.
Enchants - wep/armor enchants will be reworked based on PTR player testing (not internal testing of any kind as to invalidate player testing as we tend to test things a little more thoroughly)
Possible $$$$$$$ for Cyptic -
- Transmutes/Fashion will be no more than 5 dollars per item or 500 zen and there will be no ZAX, sorry, if you want them, pay for them.
- Wep/Armor Enchant Appearance - 500 Zen/5 dollars to get any appearance you want/level of enchantment
- Mounts - all mounts will be 500 zen, no account bound, all 120% movement speed.
- Respecs - 100 zen or 1 dollar.
- VIP - 100 zen - 1 key per day, 20 dungeon keys (we will do a lot of these)
- Foundry - 500 zen to be a foundry creator - Foundries will be able to implement all bosses/mobs from all dungeons, no HE portals allowed in any shape or form in anything on Vanilla NW, EVER.
- Foundry will also be able to create PVP maps/arenas which will be voted on and playable by players using the maze engine implemented on live servers and will have their own foundry leaderboard.
PVE Rules
- All Q's will be either 1 man (solo run for the LAWLZ) - with leaderboard stating time to completion/deaths.
- 5 Man Q's will be given a set time to complete each dungeon in order to receive the T1/T2 drop they are going after. If you fail to reach this time, you will be given the choice to stay or leave to practice the fight that is keeping you from completing this.
- All dungeons will have a regular version and an epic version. Regular versions will give blue gear, great xp, and 1k REFINED astral diamonds for completion.
- Epic Versions - 20k Refined Astral Diamonds for completing in the alotted time. No one under the equiv of 3k-3.5k IL now. So basically rank 8's and up. Deal with it, enchants were so easy to make with the old system.
- Skirmishes will give you 2500-5000 refined Astral Diamonds - or 10-20k xp. Your choice on completion in the time given. All completed will go on the leaderboard in a top 50, same as dungeons.
- Foundry - top 50 foundries will have a leaderboard for each one and state the fastest completed time.
- Every level of PVE after 60 will reward 1 power point.
PVP Rules
- PVP - Leaderboard will show top 100 of each class for Gearscores of 0-500, 500-1000, 1000-1200 and 1200-Beyond (I think 12k-13k was near max reachable back then unless you had the old GF capstone to get in the 16-1800's).
- There will be only 1 artifact allowed per character. The emblem that was the first OP artifact and ruined mod 2 I believe is not in. All DPS artifacts will be given a value to make them worthy of choosing AS TESTED BY PLAYERS ON THE PTR.
- Enchants will not go higher than +10.
- Wep/Armor will max at perfect
- There will be no pvp gear other than the initial sets released for instance heroic duelist, and no tenacity will be implemented as to encourage older sets. Fabled Set is 100% out for this Vanilla version.
- Leaderboard will show Guilds and Players. Guild Leaderboard will include total wins/5 as to give the figure as if all were 5 man Q's. Solo Q'ers will not be added to the guild leaderboards, only for the player leaderboards. Q's of 3 and up will be on the guildlist.
- No more than 2 of any class will be allowed. If 2 of any class are in a party, all members will spawn with a 30 second penalty before being able to leave the spawn. Sorry guys, troll comps aren't encouraged in Vanilla NW.
- You will be rewarded 5k REFINED astral diamonds per win. and 1k Glory.
- Matches will be either... the old cap system where you can contest, or the new cap system where you can't contest. It will be random, if you disconnect you are given 5 minutes to return before 30 minute penalty. If you disconnect from a match for more than 5 minutes you are placed on the Leaderboard under the "Rage Quit" section for all to see.
- If in Campfire for more than 5 minutes, receive instant death. This will then go down to 4 minutes, then 3, then 2, As to prevent people from padding leaderboard stats.
- All classes will be impleneted as they were in Mod 1/2 - as decided by the players. OP's are not included until Binding Oath/Divine Protector/Feats that proc of auras etc are removed/fixed but ultimately, this class does not fit in any meta for PVE/PVP and therefore ruins any odds of challenging content being created or balance for pvp/pve so... sorry you can play on live.
- Changes in PVE and PVP will be 100% separate and all changes/nerfs/fixes/patches/adjustments will be 100% detailed on the Vanilla forums. ZERO ninja nerfs, fixes or adjustments of more than 20% up or down on any encounter, daily, passive, anything until tested on the PTR by players, devs are allowed to watch or also login to the PTR.
- ALLLLLLLLL of the endless lists of QQ/nerfs/OP anything will be discussed in full by legacy pvp players/pve players to decide on their classes best moments for pvp and pve and the paragorn paths will be adjusted to meet these requirements. Devs will have zero say in it, and will only make the changes the players see fit as agreed on by the majority of the players. Obviously if there is something way out of hand like LoL set is now, that is different, but the point here is.... A player dictated mod based on challenging fun/zero secrecy/adjustments that would lead us to where we are in mod 47
Future Mods/Version
THERE ARE NONE!!!!!!!! This will be a vanilla version as stated. It will remain in its current version for competitive PVE/PVP. All items will be lootable in dungeons as they were. All transmutes will be no more than 5 dollars. Respecs 1 dollar or cheaper. Removing enchants from gear is 100% free as to encourage people on doing different builds. PVP and PVE will allow two specs. Just like there is a power/character/mount/whatever tab. There will be a PVE tab and a PVP tab on the feats list. In pvp the players feats will be from their PVP tree. PVE feats from their pve tree. Encounter Powers will most likely be one list as to encourage power points, OR they can be purchased for 100 zen per point.
Point of Mod
Vanilla NW will be based on the idea of micro transactions, open communication, and competitive play. It will not be for the "casual player" that has dictated nearly all changes that have led us to where we are today. All changes will be dictated by the players as tested on the PTR. If one class is out performing the others, it will not be nerfed. Other classes will be buffed to perform on that level. It is for us to have fun, and to compete in a game we have all loved.
I know quite a few games have done vanilla versions when their current version has ran its course and I'm curious what you guys think, and if you'd be willing to pay for it. I know I would.
and then im not paying a dime to a company that is lacking staff , players are supposed to play the game , give feedback , not do the devs job ... *looking for a better game *
Thanks Cryptic