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Developer Blog: The New Mount System



  • rayrdanrayrdan Member Posts: 5,410 Arc User
    At a first look it may seem analogous to the companions system
  • rayrdanrayrdan Member Posts: 5,410 Arc User
    It seems like all old leg mounts are going to be upgraded to new ones levels for free
  • svenisperfectsvenisperfect Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 40 Arc User
    Good change, I hope the insignias only add minor things like mount up animations, pretty colors (butterflies and rainbows from the unicorn spring to mind) or minor increases like the hits untill dismount. More likely is it that insignias will hold some relation to battle powers.
  • hypervoreianhypervoreian Member Posts: 1,036 Arc User
    Nice and welcoming changes,but some players have some concerns.
    And these players are,the ones ,that already upgraded 50% or 80% mounts to 110% quality.
    We already have paid 1) first for the purchase of the mount of the zen market (me ,A reanimated Destrier)
    2)Second we paid above one million to make our mounts to 110% speed.Actually one of my friends has upgraded a 50% starry panther to 110% speed.

    What will happen with us?I am sure a lot others have bought tomes and upgraded their original mounts.

    What is the case?We keep the 110% speed...?

    Edit:Not to whine and QQ but Reanimated Destrier is the only green mount in the zen market that has 80% vanila speed?Shouldn't Destrier be of at least blue quality?

    Thanks anyway ,fixing my request or not! :) Nice changes overall ,NW is back on track!!! :)
  • josephskyrimjosephskyrim Member Posts: 356 Arc User
    veerwing said:

    To whom it may concern:

    Are you basing the "skins" available to your character off what they have in their collection (achievements) or what they have in their inventory at the time of the patch? Because one thing that I've done over the years is "throw away" the useless mounts that have taken up too much space. If you're basing it off collection, then this is awesome... If you're basing it off of inventory, what a hassle to try and go back and "get" that skin for an option.



    If it makes you feel better I'm in the same boat. I did post up a thread about it and while no devs have actually commented on it, consensus there (like here) is that we are screwed. :*

    Guess we just have to hope our current mounts get some decent bonuses yeah? :D
    If you can't stand on a chest, it is a mimic!
  • treesclimbertreesclimber Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,161 Arc User
    edited February 2016
    This is bad, i bet the removal and moval of the powers will be extremelly expensive and some mounts will have exellent combat powers for pvp, making them a money grab, just like the strider, axe beak, flail snail and if this works like active bonus on companion is the end of the game for the average players.

  • thislittlepony1thislittlepony1 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    Yay, more stats bought from the store I'm going to need that I won't be able to afford...

    They could have forgone everything else but the "Chose a Mount Skin, Choose a Mount Speed, enjoy" part and it would have been fine, but now I'm going to need a "Super Expensive, totally not purchasable with AD because it costs a billion, Diamond Pony Named Butt Stallion" so that my Dailies only cost 75% AP.

    Yeah, I'm salty, but I'm not going to apologize. I didn't like that companions had stats that I couldn't get because I didn't spend money. Now MOUNTS have stats that I can't get? Sure, you can buy Zen with AD, or use that AD to buy the mounts. But I'm not the most hardcore player ever, and AD is hard to come by. Now its either I spend all my time grinding for weeks to get a mount, on top of the weeks I'll have to spend grinding for the right companions, all because the devs would just rather I spent money on their 40 dollar mounts.

    Its like, Holy HAMSTER how many more stats can the devs add to the store before people start saying its P2W? Jesus christ. How do I get a hold of the President of Video Games and let him know of this HAMSTER? Who do I email to tell them this is a bad idea? What number do I dial to report this crime? Seriously, its gotten a little too much for me.
  • nimandiirnimandiir Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 90 Arc User
    This is exactly what I've been requesting! TYVM Dev's!

    Now onto our Costumes Collections tab!!!!!!!! And armor and weapon style collections that we can just spend the 5k transmute or better yet generate a new bound item to use! The system is there already, we can do this!
  • strumslingerstrumslinger Member, NW_CrypticDev, Cryptic Developer Posts: 1,724 Cryptic Developer
    scathias said:

    Mount Blog (english)

    So, my biggest question is this. In order to have a 140% mount speed, am i going to have to have a legendary mount already? If so, I don't know that that is providing the accessibility to faster speeds that we were all hoping for with this rework. I am glad that we can easily put a 110% speed on a green mount... but that only works if i have a purple mount first, which means spending needless zen buying a purple mount perhaps.

    Also, is the mount speed unlocked for your whole account? like if i have a legendary mount on my main character, can i get 140% speed on all my alts now? or are they limited to the faster speed that they have obtained on their own

    @strumslinger @terramak @asterdahl can someone comment perhaps?

    Yes, you'll need to either own a mount that already has the 140% mount speed or get one later to unlock the 140% mount speed option.

    Mount speed unlock is not account-wide. Mounts in the Zen Market continue to be reclaimable throughout the account though.

    Call me Andy (or Strum, or Spider-Man)!
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  • xgrandz02xgrandz02 Member Posts: 702 Arc User
    edited February 2016
    Some questions:

    I heard elsewhere that the "4k Stats" is only supposed for Legendary mounts. (as a Base stat/i'm not talking about transferring)
    and purple mounts will have only the half a 2k stat max.

    a) what about Axebeak/Giant Strider, will the stats be Reduced to 2k?

    b) If a Player dont have a Legendary mount, does it mean there no way to have 140% Speed?

    c) the new Gear Insignias,does it work for purple/lower mounts too?

    d) Will be there "Still a Possibility to upgrade my mount"? (Blue to Purple etc. instead of transferring)

    To "d/b", There should be also one way to to obtain it, instead of only transferring!
    I do not want to buy a legendary mount just for the "140% Speed" lol
    currently 8Millions AD for the cheapest legendary... come on.

    This is 10xtimes expensive than the old training Books..

    The New Mount System look definitely Awesome Love it!.-But do not forget
    "Not everyone has Automatically a Legendary mount!"
    <::::::[]==0 GwF 0==[]::::::> ● Still waiting for the promised Improvement ●
  • two30two30 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,168 Arc User

    Mount speed unlock is not account-wide. Mounts in the Zen Market continue to be reclaimable throughout the account though.

    Please add a 140% mount to the Zen Market!
    Neverwinter Tools for evaluating boons, mounts, dyes, etc.
  • theoddis1theoddis1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 353 Arc User
    so as far as the new mount system goes all the mounts that I have had in the past and had to get rid of because "if it aint at least purple its a waste of bank (or bag) space", will we be able to use those mounts? the ones that were bound?

    great Idea btw some of the green and blue mounts are nice but would cost way too much to rank up to be worth just the asthetic change
  • mrvincent1959mrvincent1959 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 740 Arc User
    This is great news and I really want to see how all the insignia stuff is going to work. I hope insignias are not hidden behind a paywall. Anyway, great news on having a new system for mounts.
  • asterotgasterotg Member Posts: 1,742 Arc User
    Dont forget to disable in game sounds before this mod goes live, otherwise the squeeking of hundreds of pigs might drive you insame in PE.^^
    Chars: CW, DC, GF, GWF, HR and TR.
  • coolgeek357coolgeek357 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 91 Arc User
    zokir said:


  • frozenfirevrfrozenfirevr Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,475 Community Moderator
    @strumslinger, just a suggestion... It'd be nice if a 140% mount is added to the Zen Store at a reasonable price (doesn't have to be reclaimable) or a 140% training kit. There has to be a non painful way to get max speed, it mustn't be locked behind the rarest rewards in game.
  • mamalion1234mamalion1234 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,415 Arc User
    mounts in pvp only should have a rule : 110% max otherwise is gamebreaking.
  • dragonladytjedragonladytje Member Posts: 40 Arc User
    Hopefully cats are gonna walk/run normally and not with there nose over the floor
  • mercedesmanmercedesman Member Posts: 200 Arc User
    It would seem to me that a great revenue stream would be to allow the ability to unlock a "non zen store" mount for account wide use. The revenue take by Cryptic on a person trying to pull another Axe Beak or legendary mount from a box or purchasing on the AH for a second toon has to be far less than if they would simply charge say $40-$50 for an account wide unlock of a single mount. This would certainly make trying to get a high end mount from a lockbox more alluring.
  • kaenkirakaenkira Member Posts: 47 Arc User
    Locking 140% speed behind a lockbox paywall is an anti-player idea. Prices are already raising by 100% now that everyone is hoping to get stats with older legendary mounts instead of just keeping them as speed/vanity items. Nobody will afford to get a nice mount or speed they wanted. Except for the rich/exploiters etc.
  • joan234joan234 Member Posts: 43 Arc User
    Great idea this mount system someone finally came up with a good idea. What happened after though took that idea and trashed it. Never in any other game have I ever had to pay money for a BiS item. Put legendary mounts in the game as drops if they are going to be Stat and equipment slots. It is inexcusable to put them in a lockbox and say pay me and I'll give you a chance at it. No not cool that's very clearly a pay to win money grab. This game could be great COULD be but now not so much. There is no incentive to just go kill stuff and explore the world. Nothing and I mean NOTHING drops off of common mobs. Truth is the only thing worth killing is the end boss of most dungeons. Wake up devs the way your thinking is twisted. This is coming from one of your whales by the way. Doubt me check my purchase history. I can tell you the legendary tensor disk is to rare a pull to be fair. You've lost my business till I see this mount system applied fairly and I'd it isn't fixed and goes live the way you've posted it so far....well other games are out there.
  • krymkackrymkac Member Posts: 210 Arc User
    edited February 2016
    So... instead of selling insignias for mounts in zen store/on wondrous bazaar y basically are telling us "go buy/win 2-3 legendary/epic mounts on each character to get the powers/stats/speed bonus y want"? Not to mention that the mount from older boxes had 2k bonus to stats while the ones from newer 4k. Great logic. Good luck keeping the payer base with that awesome idea.
    Personally i think that mounts in a game without mounted combat should never have stats or in-combat powers. Too late now i guess.
  • asterotgasterotg Member Posts: 1,742 Arc User
    kaenkira said:

    Locking 140% speed behind a lockbox paywall is an anti-player idea. Prices are already raising by 100% now that everyone is hoping to get stats with older legendary mounts instead of just keeping them as speed/vanity items. Nobody will afford to get a nice mount or speed they wanted. Except for the rich/exploiters etc.

    You forget the lucky ones. I got my first legendary mount after ~3 years of playing this game and countless lockboxes, but I know ppl that got 2 or 3 legendary and/or epic items from ~50-100 boxes (companion/ mountpacks or mounts). RNG at its best.

    I am still not sure, if I should sell it for 10 kk+ AD or use it on my main.
    Chars: CW, DC, GF, GWF, HR and TR.
  • kaenkirakaenkira Member Posts: 47 Arc User
    Put vanity and convenience items in the boxes. Let everything else be achievable in game.
    Congrats, you now have happy players spending money on items that won't break game balance.
    But now we get to buy power yet again.
  • svenisperfectsvenisperfect Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited February 2016
    I really don't see why you are all complaining about the legendary mounts? You don't HAVE to get the maximum movement speed to enjoy the game, the epic versions did fine before. They just added that for those players that got legendary mounts to make them feel well...legendary. They also got you epic mounts that gave combat stats to see if the community liked it, apparantly you do because somehow you think you need it to enjoy the game.

    I for one am thankful for all those players that spend their money to buy the best of the best, since those people make it so the developers can continue on making this game great. If you think that it's unfair for somebody to use real money to get ahead in the game then its very simple, don't play pvp. For the pve standpoint when some overgeared character runs alongside you it just means it will be that much easier for you. If you want to level the playing field then there is such a thing as getting a real job and spend all those hours earning real money that you can then spend in the game to enjoy it the way you like.

    I support any idea that makes this game profitable for the developers.

    they even made it so you can buy everything in game with free currency (astral diamons) which can then even be converted into the premium currency (zen). So it's not like you can never get those mounts or shinies or whatever, its just that you people are complaining that it will take you so much time. If you want it instantly then you have to pay up, it's that simple.
  • pando83pando83 Member Posts: 2,564 Arc User

    mounts in pvp only should have a rule : 110% max otherwise is gamebreaking.

    Then i ask for the 4k ArP or bonus on purple axe beak and snail, to be disabled in PvP as well. Why should my Champion's bulette get auto-nerfed, while a 4k ArP bonus on purple axe beak is ok?
    I add this: mounts in PvP should have another rule; mount bonuses do not work, otherwise is gamebreaking.
  • krymkackrymkac Member Posts: 210 Arc User
    edited February 2016
    @svenisperfect ppl complain cause all the legendary mounts are locked behind insane rng. And they not only have higher speed but in-combat powers & 4k stat bonus. I don't mind buying things from zen store but gambling with <1% drop chances.. no thanks. The only other option - ah but prices went to hell after the first alpha. And what if i want armored strider with say 4k recovery instead of movement on it? GL getting 2 legendary mounts for that. Per character. At least that's how it look so far. We shall see when it hits preview. I still hope they gonna add zen store upgrades/insignias.
  • prynnceprynnce Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 82 Arc User
    NOW if only they would give us a keychain we have been asking for since beta for all the dang keys taking up space in the bag!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • fey00fey00 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2 Arc User
    Great change! I was really afraid of storing Gelatinous Cube with the rest of my mounts and equipment.. Now, it's time to buy you, my sweet, dissolving flesh ooze!
  • khimera906khimera906 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 898 Arc User
    Finally!.. And it only took you 2 years. Well - whatever - I'm glad it's happening anyways.
    I hate dancing with Lady Luck. She always steps on my toes.
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