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Daily power - is it really daily?

ryoshinetteryoshinette Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 488 Arc User
Instead of new topic, "how GF are overpowered cause poor warlock can't dodge his attack" (I suggest you to check out @Kruger or @Sierra build) I have another question:

Is the "Daily power" still daily?

Proper build, Snail, DC artifact and voila - we have 3 SE in a row in few seconds or courage breaker instantly ON or bubble during whole pvp O.O
Don't attack me with arguments, that TR have no real dmg skills, not the point.
It should be DAILY power.
I suggest to limit using of power to once per minute let's say, or smth like that. In pve it;s not a problem, mobs have no feelings.
But honestly, everyone who played against 4k+ perma bubledin OP in enemy team knows, what I mean.
Ryoshin GF (4.2k)
.Suicide Squad.



  • kropek1991kropek1991 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 46 Arc User
    Sometimes i have a feeling...that TRs has got daily power more often than their encounters powers- These who fight in perma undodgeable courage breaker will know what i mean :).
  • ryoshinetteryoshinette Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 488 Arc User
    To many Trs on this forum. Topic will be forgotten soon ;)
    Ryoshin GF (4.2k)
    .Suicide Squad.

  • ayrouxayroux Member Posts: 4,271 Arc User

    Well, after watching the latest video by the SE TR who became a GF, GF is way more OP without a daily. The daily is not the issue with SE, it is that it can be an opener. It needs to be a finisher.

    Ive said it before. SE needs to no longer deal piercing damage. SE needs to have its base damage DOUBLED, then ALONG with the "treshhold" that refills AP (when attacking a player below X% of HP) it would then ALSO deal DOUBLE damage.

    So basically SE would be HAMSTER until the target gets under X% HP, then it would hurt (kinda like Anvil of Doom) and then also refill AP. So it would be GOOD but not AMAZING.

    This would also force TRs to invest into ARP rather than pure Power which I think would actually help balance the class since most of them dont stack any ARP - or very little - then complain about how they deal no damag except for SE. If they specced into ARP more they would deal more consistant damage.

    Also, I think applying a CD to dailies is a great idea. Like 30 seconds or even a full minute. Makes your "other" daily you have slotted matter much more and devalues AP gain - which is something that has become frankly ridiculous!!!!
  • martianmnhuntermartianmnhunter Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 236 Arc User
    morenthar said:

    How all you self-proclaimed "pros" can't figure that out is beyond me. Even SE, as currently working, would be far less powerful without the rotation crutch of ItC.

    Not that anyone is "Pro" in this game but I atleast understand that rogue dictates the pace of the fight, he is the opener in every fight, and if he can chain 2-3 dailies, the use of ITC is not necessary, it only acts as "oh HAMSTER I screwed up my rotation and got caught" button.
  • heruwath1heruwath1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 117 Arc User
    edited January 2016
    Unfortunately I agree with you .
    Something must be done about any class that can spam dailies (not in a FoTM only build ,and definitely not only TRs, but in every possible build/class).
    I personally hate that kind of play and I am really looking forward from this game not to be just another silly game (I have been looking forward for it for some time now).
    Unfortunately I know that NONE of you actually ask yourselves "why does that DAILY does as much damage as other classes encounters?".
    And definitely NONE of you guys that complain, for any class for that matter, are going to be here to support the class if it under-performs, basic example : the SW.
    Its been so long since someone did something about it, that its funny for people to say that NW has 8 classes (and i mean REALLY funny)
    By all means , begin by doing something about the TR having high ap gain , forbid TR from using DC artifact, spamming daily.
    Fix shocking execution so it respects some things such as tenacity at least,reduce by half the duration of itc ,by all means increase the encounter base cool-downs and generally do all the things that you should do
    I am not being ironic,I am just so disappointed that even if the start of fixing things begin from the TR class it would be welcome.
    TR will become obsolete, yes it will.But I really look forward to some changes that might change the face of the game
    PvP is NOT enjoyable, and its NOT a matter of WAI OR NOT anymore.
    It is not fun. as a matter of fact its stupid.And take that into consideration when you discuss on the forum about which class takes more skill to play when the answer is obvious:: In order to play this game at its peak it requires NO SKILL AT ALL lol, for any class.
    Ok let me rephrase that.Some of you might think that you have skill on your class, You Don't.
    Cause if you did you could do well without 1 standard artifact/2 standard weapon enchants/one standard artifact set/1 standard daily.I hope you remember that every class has 13 encounters(no, they are not 4, or up to 5 in some classes), 5 dailies (no they are not 3 , or 1 in some classes) and 9 passives (no they are not 3 either)
    99,9% of the player base plays the same generic build no matter what the path/tree.
    Its not if you are good in pvp guys, it could be as well if you are good in platform games lol, or tetris.

    At least make this game kinda fun to play (NOT viable! FUN!), Its a GAME , it is supposed to be FUN
    Once again , really do these changes , begin with the TR, even if the class dies
    And yes , its ok if we all end up playing GWF and DC in the end , after all, this game was designed for 3 classes and there were imbalances/bugs from the beginning so it was not meant to be having more that 2of them i guess.But at least make it fun

    PS1:and i didnt even begin an the rings/drains, which is funny because I have a lot more things to say even without the rings

    PS2:i am not even going to bite and explain to most of you here how wrong you are about your theories concerning the TR(and yes i could mean POSSIBLY everyone) but the main point of the thread (and not the explanation) is valid.
    At least in my humble opinion

    PS3:Please do NOT make another class . If you think you are not apt to or if you think that you don't have enough people to work on every class before, that so the game will be perfect when the new class arrives.That, or remove pvp completely from the game please it will be a lot more funnier.

    AND FINALLY @everyone-in-this-forum :: STOP throwing mud on each others faces.Haven't you realized yet that we probably are but a handful of dedicated players left that yearn to enjoy PvP ? Please stop playing high-and-mighty, or I-know-it-all-no-matter-if-you-are-high-and-mighty-idc this is not the time to Humiliate each other .This is the time to be humble and understand each others frustration.Especially the seasoned players probably know each other by name, so please stop it.The game is not that well build for pvp for anyone to have a valid opinion about it, or everyone's ping is the not the same so you can discuss skill (lets forget about the balance for now). Alas the game engine is exquisite, that's why we all hope for some light on the end of the tunnel
    Post edited by heruwath1 on
  • ryoshinetteryoshinette Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 488 Arc User
    Well, discussion becomes more general.
    I asked just for cooldown on daily power, no matter how high AP gain we got.

    Hard to disagree with above posts. We have less and less diversity of skills usefull in pvp/pve. Just 4 enchants are viable neg/elv/terr/fey. We got 1 good pvp set, most of classes have only 1 viable path. Why? Is it out fault? No mention about new rings or idea of overpowered extremelly expensive guild boons.

    Blade and soul starts in 2 days. Black desert in 2 months. We have to hear clear statement of developers - where Neverwitner goes? In other way, my 12 months VIP won't be used for this time.

    Ryoshin GF (4.2k)
    .Suicide Squad.

  • revovlerjesus1revovlerjesus1 Member Posts: 481 Arc User
    Yeah and when we are on the subject, if we dont get a timer on the Daily. Atleast fix the silly broken APgain from standing on the node with a DC. Last time i played vs TR and DC on a node i got CB and SE two times before the CB was over. GG dead. OR a GF that pops Villains menace 4 times in 10 sec and becoms bigger then demogorgon himself lol. The game is just stupid atm.
  • kreatyvekreatyve Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 10,545 Community Moderator
    edited January 2016
    I really like this suggestion of a timer on the dailies. It is getting ridiculous. I'm putting it on my list of links to have Andy discuss with the devs when he gets back to work Tuesday.
    My opinions are my own. I do not work for PWE or Cryptic. - Forum Rules - Protector's Enclave Discord - I play on Xbox
    Any of my comments not posted in orange are based on my own personal opinion and not official.
    Any messages written in orange are official moderation messages. Signature images are now fixed!
  • katarina#9982 katarina Member Posts: 18 Arc User

    Good lord things must be vastly different at level 70 than they are at level 60 (or I suck even more than I think I do).

    I love courage breaker but it most certainly is not spamable at my level with my gear. I hardly even notice the power gain on the ability, that is not why I play it. The utility courage breaker brings to the table is more than enough to have it on my bar. I view it as I do smoke bomb, a tool.

    What is op lower levels is Paladins. Now I know almost nothing about paladins, but I do know that the chances of seeing a Paladin fail are slim to none. In my experience it is so bad that if one team has a Pally and the other doesnt it is Gg already. Heaven forbid they have 2 of them, then you are getting farmed outside of spawn by .

    No more silly talk about breaking the Rogue class, adjusting them is perfectly fine but thinking you can remove one of the most iconic pvp classes in every mmo ever made and there be no repercussions in player base numbers is ludicrous.

    When I think of a rogue I think burst assassin or high control, the rogue I am playing is neither of those. If I get a choice, I wanna be high control and moderate damage. What a previous poster said about penetration is spot on though, I take power, deflect and life steal all before I touch pen ( I dont avoid it, I just dont prioritize it. .

  • mrvincent1959mrvincent1959 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 740 Arc User
    I put in alot of blood, sweat and tears to get my Action Point build for my character. I give up alot in return. Your post is like socialism, where you want to take away something that someone else worked hard to get.

    I truly hope the company ignores all these posts about nerfing things because it usually comes from people who want a trophy without having to work for it.
  • heruwath1heruwath1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 117 Arc User
    edited January 2016
    kreatyve said:

    I really like this suggestion of a timer on the dailies. It is getting ridiculous. I'm putting it on my list of links to have Andy discuss with the devs when he gets back to work Tuesday.

    You know of course that it cant be implemented right?
    Unless you wanna tell every new player at 2k ilvl who wants to run ToS that he cannot do more than 2 dailies per minute
    Or better yet to explain to every DC of the Virtuous Tree that:"Hmmm , you know what mate? Virtuous aint it? .... Tough luck"
    OR best of all to tell the marketing and developing team that "You need 25 secs to fill daily with AP gain cloak ny not doing nothing ?Hmmmm you know what? every daily should need at least 1 minute cooldown so you have to remove AP cloaks from the game" , Good luck with that.

    Now if you are thinking about having timers on specific Classes' dailies I m fine with it (hr already has timer so i guess it would be easy) , but that would take planning and also that actually the developers themselves will listen to the feedback from the actual player-base in order to balance the game.

    IF that happens , we won't need to bother ourselves about the perma daily phenomenon in any class cause the game will be more tolerable for most.

    BUT that is actually redesigning the class balance.And as far as I know no non-pvp-player (or developer I think) believes
    that redesigning the class balance is something that should be done.

    By the way there are other ideas , such as "you can use the artifact of a class ONLY if you ARE that class, if you are not then its only slotted in secondary slots" OR "bring capstones back" OR "Remove tenacity and re-balance " OR etc etc.
    These ideas also require planning so: check previous paragraph
    Post edited by heruwath1 on
  • martianmnhuntermartianmnhunter Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 236 Arc User
    edited January 2016

    I put in alot of blood, sweat and tears to get my Action Point build for my character. I give up alot in return. Your post is like socialism, where you want to take away something that someone else worked hard to get.

    I truly hope the company ignores all these posts about nerfing things because it usually comes from people who want a trophy without having to work for it.

    everyone loses from not having constant daily up tho, except HR and SW (sw mainly cuz their daily is HAMSTER).
  • ryoshinetteryoshinette Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 488 Arc User
    daily is a daily
    it should be like ulti in other games
    shouldnt be spammable as it is now, no matter what
    Ryoshin GF (4.2k)
    .Suicide Squad.

  • ryoshinetteryoshinette Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 488 Arc User
    Maybe in pve you willl learn how to finish dung without perma bubbla aka immortality.
    You don't need it? So what is all about?

    hope it gona be fixed
    Ryoshin GF (4.2k)
    .Suicide Squad.

  • benskix2benskix2 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 674 Arc User
    IMO a daily should be something you use at a strategic moment to turn the tide of a fight, in both PVE and PVP, not just another button you mash on as soon as it is off of cooldown. Daily powers are not balanced between classes, so having absurdly high AP gain rates in the game makes balance even more difficult.

  • mamalion1234mamalion1234 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,415 Arc User

    kreatyve said:

    I really like this suggestion of a timer on the dailies. It is getting ridiculous.

    I do not, and many players will be very grateful if you forgot the entire suggestion, let alone suggest it to a dev who has very little clue about the game as it is. And I don't expect any changes in daily skills. If they did, what's the use of all these dailies that do not require 100% AP? I would imagine that a HR really loves his disrupting shot and not just for PvP either. The archer path kinda requires it if you have any desire to remain alive and waiting for the current cooldown can already be a pain. Yes, the path is that badly damaged. Are we going to nerf classes in PvE for the sake of PvP again? I would hope we'd seen the last of that miserable tactic.

    I do have a problem with the huge amount of AP gain players can stack. But in PvP only. I am also in favor of offering multiple ways to add AP gain. It allows for diversity in builds and people have options. Yet I have no wish to add AP gain to the list of broken stuff because Cryptic cannot balance the classes properly using tenacity, which they invented specifically for that purpose but refuse to put to proper work. The problem is very simply to solve without touching PvE: AP depression, not unlike healing depression. Leave PvE alone.
    i dont like it in pve also there is no need for daily spam general.
  • mamalion1234mamalion1234 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,415 Arc User

    I put in alot of blood, sweat and tears to get my Action Point build for my character. I give up alot in return. Your post is like socialism, where you want to take away something that someone else worked hard to get.

    I truly hope the company ignores all these posts about nerfing things because it usually comes from people who want a trophy without having to work for it.

    everyone loses from not having constant daily up tho, except HR and SW (sw mainly cuz their daily is HAMSTER).
    the sw stun daily is very good.
  • mrvincent1959mrvincent1959 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 740 Arc User
    I am only going to speak from a Devoted Clerics perspective because that's all I play. I spent countless hours of research and re-specs, and Astral Diamonds to build my AP Gain DC.

    I cant believe all of that could be taken away because someone makes an uninformed forum post, and a Communtiy Moderator buys into it. This just isnt right to me.
  • onegaki101onegaki101 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 327 Arc User
    Better sell those snails while you can! They introduced items and spec to increase AP gain and AP gain after using a daily. Now you want to remove that. If this is changed, you should be changing the bonus stats on those items.
  • bittynationbittynation Member Posts: 138 Arc User
    The only two usable dailies for HRs in PVP have cool downs already because of qqing of other classes, now that AP gain is so powerful HRs have gotten the shaft again. All other classes are spamming dailies while HRs have cool downs and have the weakest dailies. There needs to be a CD on dailies or remove the cool down on HRs dailies!
  • xgrandz02xgrandz02 Member Posts: 702 Arc User
    edited January 2016
    There's only 3 Classes which really benefit of Daily spam TR / DC/ OP
    The Problem on that are not the daily AP-gain, its on their specific "Daily Skills, like SE etc.
    which make them basically immunity or absurt 1-shot highdmg.

    All the other classes daily are not a are big impact to other players, like them.

    But You meaning "the daily itself" sould be rare, I dont think so.
    this is actually an Action Combat mmo and it should stay so,
    i don't want to wait 1h to use my skill lol.. an example.

    <::::::[]==0 GwF 0==[]::::::> ● Still waiting for the promised Improvement ●
  • kweassakweassa Member Posts: 2,390 Arc User
    Another lovely "told you so" moment. ROFL

    Do we still have those pair of CWs roaming around GG that alternate OF spamming in 10sec intervals? Chits and giggles at its finest. Oh, don't mind the frustration levels reaching MAX on the charts and people just giving up PvP. Who cares. It's OUR fun that counts, right?

    ...for maybe 6 more months until you don't have anyone left to play and have fun with...
    Stop making excuses. Be a man.
    If you know something to be broken, stop using it.
    Otherwise, you've got no right to be speaking of 'balance.'
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