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GWD beaten with no paladin...say it ain't so!

snoborder101snoborder101 Member Posts: 145 Arc User
Beat this the other day with a Guardian Fighter, a DC, a HR, and two CWs. I had to spell out Guardian fighter for the non believers who think they can't tank anymore. Those stormcallers are flat-out annoying, but I'm happy to have beaten all of the dungeons without the paladin/haste cleric. Everyone was 2400-2800iL except for myself at 3450iL. No knight's valor used.

Give those guardian fighters a chance again guys. It made the dungeon so much more enjoyable for me. Don't get me wrong paladins, you make the dungeons easy, but I enjoy playing through the dungeons and using strategies on the boss fight.
Ankou - CW
Xerxes - GWF
Eazy - DC
Tyrian - TR


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    beastpro#5299 beastpro Member Posts: 125 Arc User
    edited November 2015
    Yep my guild has beat it multiple times with all sorts of combos excluding Paladin. Most recent was 1GF, 1DC, 2TR, and my HR. I love how people no longer think TR's are viable in PvE, but they still put in some serious work lol. Haters
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    snoborder101snoborder101 Member Posts: 145 Arc User
    I don't have an issue with rogues in pve, you just don't see them much anymore for whatever reason. Probably because most are saboteur and don't want to respec.
    Ankou - CW
    Xerxes - GWF
    Eazy - DC
    Tyrian - TR
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    beastpro#5299 beastpro Member Posts: 125 Arc User
    Well see, I run PUG sometimes and I speak to some TR's and they tell me they try constantly to get inv to groups in PE to run things. They more often than not tell me they never get invited and a good bit of the time get messages back stating that TR's suck. I stated on other thread, I hate how people are so against the TR.
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    zman81420zman81420 Member Posts: 972 Arc User

    Beat this the other day with a Guardian Fighter, a DC, a HR, and two CWs. I had to spell out Guardian fighter for the non believers who think they can't tank anymore. Those stormcallers are flat-out annoying, but I'm happy to have beaten all of the dungeons without the paladin/haste cleric. Everyone was 2400-2800iL except for myself at 3450iL. No knight's valor used.

    Give those guardian fighters a chance again guys. It made the dungeon so much more enjoyable for me. Don't get me wrong paladins, you make the dungeons easy, but I enjoy playing through the dungeons and using strategies on the boss fight.

    Thank you! Its a easy fight I totally agree without a OP. If anything it muddles up our fight with a pally and myself in GWD.
    Guardian Fighter: SM Conqueror

    []Full Metal Witch[]
    4149 TiL
    Guild: (X1) The Legendary Outlaws

    "The Best of the Best"
    "Nobody does it better"
    #TLO BiS
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    respectpaysrespectpays Member Posts: 344 Arc User
    the problem is to many people hated them from mod 5 they lost their damage they would have to buff the bottom tree by 40% damage for people actually let tr's in again I do I high amount of damage on my tr maby its just who plays it? idk I average 25-30m in lost mouth but then again most my damage comes from my stupid high crit chance which is 75%
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    rockstargfurockstargfu Member Posts: 423 Arc User
    Ya beat gwd with GF many times, nice to keep people alive and boost damage, Exspecialy without lag
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    perenmoonshadowperenmoonshadow Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    stupid abbreviations. no idea what anyone's saying.
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    beastpro#5299 beastpro Member Posts: 125 Arc User
    GWD: Grey Wolf Den
    GF: Guardian Fighter
    TR: Trickster Rogue
    GWF: Great Weapon Fighter
    HR: Hunter Ranger
    OP: Oathbound Paladin OR Original Poster OR Over Powered
    SW: Scourge Warlock
    CW: Control Wizard
    DC: Devoted Cleric
    IWD: Icewind Dale
    lol: Laugh out Loud
    idk: I don't Know
    idc: I don't Care

    Anything else just ask lol
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    nightranger7477nightranger7477 Member Posts: 211 Arc User
    LMAO! Very descriptive!
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    indylolindylol Member Posts: 544 Arc User
    GFs have been viable as tanks since mod7 fixed the game. Unfortunately most GFs rerolled a pally in mod6 when they saw how useless we were and since pve is just flat out easier when damage isn't a factor, so why swich back? Lol. I do commend those who stayed the course and are now happy with GF Tanking.
    B) LGPG Leader B)
    Indy - XB1 & PS4 - GF
    xeV Indy - PS4 - TR
    Nde - XB1 - HR
    GT: its indy time
    PSN: itsindytime
    Twitch: indygoinlive
    The Kanye West of Neverwinter
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    beastpro#5299 beastpro Member Posts: 125 Arc User
    edited December 2015
    Well with the introduction of the GF-Bubble glitch there have been a few more GF in PvE
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    yourenext2dieyourenext2die Member Posts: 614 Arc User
    edited December 2015

    Well see, I run PUG sometimes and I speak to some TR's and they tell me they try constantly to get inv to groups in PE to run things. They more often than not tell me they never get invited and a good bit of the time get messages back stating that TR's suck. I stated on other thread, I hate how people are so against the TR.

    They're against TR's because they get their asses handed to them in PVP by TR's so the hate carries over into PVE. A strong TR should be a must in every PVE run, spamming Smoke Bomb, Dazing Strike (3 aoe from stealth), and Courage Breaker repeatedly. Not to mention being able to stealth to revive people. We may not lead in DPS but the group's survivability rises 10 fold.
    Super Saiyan God- TR Lvl 70 (PVP)
    Unleash The Wolves- HR Lvl 70 (PVE)
    <font color="Aquamarine">"Non-Pay-To-Win"</font>
    I hunt GWF "Magik" on sight.
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    beastpro#5299 beastpro Member Posts: 125 Arc User
    I agree. I run an HR mainly and as beast as I am now (pats self on back) when I was leveling I did get downed a few times, and the only reliable reviver was a TR. So I always try to invite at least one TR when I run a PUG.
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    quazakaharet#6375 quazakaharet Member Posts: 104 Arc User
    tapper Ranger is quite fun. I started as a archer only and was feeling down,

    now with my TR build in my guild im usually in the top 5 on a dragon kill for damage done, and in a dungeon im usually in the top 3 damage dealt. more often number 2 after an amazing grand weapon fighter.

    there amazing at kiting an enemy such as one of the 2 scorpions in lostmouth and staying alive with fox cunning /fox shift i keep the mob away from my party and give everyone a free dodge every 6-8 seconds.
    i watched 2-3 guides and chose what i thought worked best out of them, so maybe im not as high dpm as some trapper rangers, but its made it really fun to play. i even do some aoe healing too so it helps everyone just a bit more on survivability and i get amazing damage.

    honestly for me, this build is very active and a few dungeon runs in a row will make my and hurt from the rotation, using so many skill back to back and almost never using the triggers but it keeps it fun.

    i was in a group like this last week where we got thru lostmouth with a paladin specked for healing, not bubble. it was glorious. makes me feel like with better gear and fully upgraded artifacts its only going to get better.
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    wdj40wdj40 Member Posts: 1,958 Arc User

    tapper Ranger is quite fun. I started as a archer only and was feeling down,

    now with my TR build in my guild im usually in the top 5 on a dragon kill for damage done, and in a dungeon im usually in the top 3 damage dealt. more often number 2 after an amazing grand weapon fighter.

    there amazing at kiting an enemy such as one of the 2 scorpions in lostmouth and staying alive with fox cunning /fox shift i keep the mob away from my party and give everyone a free dodge every 6-8 seconds.
    i watched 2-3 guides and chose what i thought worked best out of them, so maybe im not as high dpm as some trapper rangers, but its made it really fun to play. i even do some aoe healing too so it helps everyone just a bit more on survivability and i get amazing damage.

    honestly for me, this build is very active and a few dungeon runs in a row will make my and hurt from the rotation, using so many skill back to back and almost never using the triggers but it keeps it fun.

    i was in a group like this last week where we got thru lostmouth with a paladin specked for healing, not bubble. it was glorious. makes me feel like with better gear and fully upgraded artifacts its only going to get better.

    Check out the HR forum on here dude, I have just recently posted the rotations I use along with stats/boons/runes etc and everything else. I also discuss (sometimes with myself ha ha) some of the powers and feats etc. Not to blow my own bubble but worth a read if you are interested :)
    Main - Rydia (HR70) - Xbox One Player only
    Alts :
    Storm (SW70), Edge (TR70), AD Farm (CW70), Grunt (GF70), Rosa (DC70), AD AD AD (GWF70), Your Mum (OP70)

    Member of Q-Snipe
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    rockstargfurockstargfu Member Posts: 423 Arc User
    Nice beat it last night DC GF GWF TR GWF

    Made my DC go high Prophet and only use 1 heal lol, mad debuffs and dmg mitigation.

    He almost didnt But now he has braggin rights lol
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    chromedfishchromedfish Member Posts: 47 Arc User
    I was that dc, and hes right i was a non believe that my 1650 item lvl cleric could beat ewd. We did it and i barely had to heal because of rockstars awesome tanking ability. It was the fastest smoothest ewd run ive done running high prophet with a gf.
    15k Healock
    13k Virtuos Cleric
    13k Destroyed Gwf
    12k SS Control Wizard
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    mrshabokmrshabok Member Posts: 210 Arc User
    I just wanna say I love GF's and prefer them over Paladins who make me feel like I entered a cheat code at the start menu.
    3.5k HB Temptation -- Dread Legion
    Xbox GT -- Mr Shabok
    My Guide
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    markeemark1322markeemark1322 Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    As a GF who pugs every now and again it seems when I pug most of the DCs forgot how to heel or are to lazy too cant tell you how many times ive loaded into a dungeon only for the DC to immediately bail because im not a pally
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    zelinktheone3zelinktheone3 Member Posts: 43 Arc User

    As a GF who pugs every now and again it seems when I pug most of the DCs forgot how to heel or are to lazy too cant tell you how many times ive loaded into a dungeon only for the DC to immediately bail because im not a pally

    The problem here, is that you're expecting a DC to heal, which isn't either of the current metas. One meta, being the pally babymode, seeks for a haste cleric. The other meta, being the GF buff/debuff high dps runs, seek buff/debuff dps DCs. These are going to be your general lobbies (pallies moreso than GFs, which is a shame).

    As a GF, you should look to make your build non-reliant on anything except decent dps teammates to make the dungeon go along at a decent pace. A 'healer' should only be a bonus to you at this rate.

    If we don't have one of our GFs on, I either solo queue as a high dps/tanky GWF that can carry the entire team for the most part or I queue with a buff/debuff DC that can run different moves depending on how good/bad the lobby is. Plenty of times I get annoyed at other people not doing things 'properly', but in the end, I made it so that I don't need them to continue and with your class choice, you can easily do the same.
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    markeemark1322markeemark1322 Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    Oh I don't need the cleric for me to stay alive I can do it without one just turn kv off and I'll stay alive forever lol I just like having one because as long as he gives Atleast a lil bit of heals I throw kv on and help keep the dps alive as well but with out one I just can't run kv then the squishies that are used to running with a bubble all die because they forgot how to avoid the red lol
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    zelinktheone3zelinktheone3 Member Posts: 43 Arc User

    Oh I don't need the cleric for me to stay alive I can do it without one just turn kv off and I'll stay alive forever lol I just like having one because as long as he gives Atleast a lil bit of heals I throw kv on and help keep the dps alive as well but with out one I just can't run kv then the squishies that are used to running with a bubble all die because they forgot how to avoid the red lol

    You can easily get to the point where you can use kv and live fine. It's a matter of them keeping themselves alive at that point with your kv. People don't understand how a GF works (for some reason) and because of that, do whatever they want. You need to rise to the occasion and learn to be the better player. A really good tank doesn't need dps to complete a dungeon, they want dps so the dungeon doesn't tank 2 years to do.
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    respectpaysrespectpays Member Posts: 344 Arc User
    run a dg with a prophet cleric a gf and 3 high skill dps and watch how fast u can rip through a dg like butter ( keep in mind theirs very few prophet clerics in the game left im one of them)
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    birdsarcomabirdsarcoma Member Posts: 40
    I've stuck it out with my main GF due to lack of enthusiasm in trying to gear/level up another character.

    Oh I don't need the cleric for me to stay alive I can do it without one just turn kv off and I'll stay alive forever lol I just like having one because as long as he gives Atleast a lil bit of heals I throw kv on and help keep the dps alive as well but with out one I just can't run kv then the squishies that are used to running with a bubble all die because they forgot how to avoid the red lol

    You can easily get to the point where you can use kv and live fine. It's a matter of them keeping themselves alive at that point with your kv. People don't understand how a GF works (for some reason) and because of that, do whatever they want. You need to rise to the occasion and learn to be the better player. A really good tank doesn't need dps to complete a dungeon, they want dps so the dungeon doesn't tank 2 years to do.
    My GF tends to not need a healer too often, even while running KV at full steam. Here's my usual group setup:

    -Knights Valor (KV) (Always on unless I'm stunned out of it).
    -Into the Fray (ITF) (Because who DOESN'T like big damage boosts!?)
    -Iron Warrior (IW) (Because Bwahahahahahaha!)

    --Daily Powers--
    -Villains Menance (VM) (because more DR)
    -Fighters Recovery (FR) (Oh you know it)

    -Shield Talent (ST)
    -Guarded Assault (GA) (The best thing ever!)

    Here's what you do! While KV is on, if you're health is getting scary low, just pop FR and hold your shield up. Any hits your team takes, you take 50% of it and reflect a bit more BACK at the enemy, triggering FR to heal you for damage you've dealt. Try to stockpile on Defense (for DR and ITF Damage buff) and Recovery (to trigger ITF and IW more frequently). Hope that helps!
    "If you only have a hammer, you tend to see every problem as a nail."
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    johndoe#0677 johndoe Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited February 2016
    Nice work beating it without the cancer class. People need to stop playing with pally bubble and actually learn how to play the game with skills. Kudos.
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    hrunting1#2425 hrunting1 Member Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited February 2016
    I main a pally....so much hate for them. I run pugs and refuse to run the bubble.(even though I am one). I spam shield of faith mostly...... Yes I do agree people do need to not relie on the bubble so much.

    I only use it when I'm in a group of very squishy toons, but even then it's just a back up.

    On another note I give it up to GFs for what they do, it frees me up to do more on the fly........also pallys aren't cancer upon NW. They are just another shield for squishy guys to hide behind
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    neoshanksneoshanks Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    Can we get a video up of a run with the same group?
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    finalfantasyac7finalfantasyac7 Member Posts: 582 Arc User
    You all should be grateful for having your weak character carried in t2 dungeons by bubble pallies to get the seal and t2 gears. You should know there was a armor pen bug in any dungeons causing any enemy one hit kill you. This has been fixed tho... freaking 3 months later !! so in those 3 months, it wasn't even possible to run dungeons without pallies.
    Now you have the good gears, enchants, all the boons, etc and start hating pallies cuz they make you feel like you're using a cheat code? You should be grateful and respect pallies even tho you dont need them anymore.

    I can solo any small or big heroic encounters in iwd on my gwf since i have 20% lifesteal and 5k defense, 3k deflection and bad azz dps, but i still getting 1 hit killed by one of the big spiders in Epic Temple of the spider.
    Now, i know i don't need a gf or pally to do Etos but its always nice to have them so i can focus more on dps than trying to stay alive.
    Warlock- Lv80. || Rogue - Lv80. || Wizard - Lv80. || Paladin - Lv80. || Cleric - Lv80. || Ranger - Lv70. || Barbarian - Lv70. || Fighter - Lv70.

    ¨˜ˆ”°¹~•-.„¸ρℓαуιиg иєνєяωιитєя ѕιи¢є 2015¸„.-•~¹°”ˆ˜¨

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    volournvolourn Member Posts: 68 Arc User
    edited March 2016
    As a bubble pally player I rarely use the bubble for myself. I don't really need it. I tend to use it to protect the softies that end up partying with. I would LOVE to just use the daily that makes me immune to CC and knockdown but if I did that I'd probably be kicked by all the bleeders lying on the ground crying to me,"why no bubble mate?" L0L
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    firepats12#3687 firepats12 Member Posts: 264 Arc User
    LOL. The last comments are so true. I played a bubble pally and I can't count the number of PUG groups I carried through ECC-ETOS-ELOL-SHORES. And I doubt that any of the top geared palyers in the game got their intitial T2 gear without a bubble pally carrying them through those dungeons. But they are the first to nag on the pally and so how HAMSTER and un-needed they are smh. Pathetic.
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