Devs, no offense, but i am tired of farming DR and not getting the bloody Eye from the lair's coffer even while im using star metal gauntlets... Mind if you put it on tarmalune bar trade shop even if it costs 2k bars? I want to try some builds around it but cant because of that low loot rate.
I was running with a guildmate the other day, and one dropped for him... and, of course, he doesn't have any Lathander stuff on any of his characters... so it's going to just go to waste.
"...I grab my wiener and charge!" - ironzerg79
"...I grab my wiener and charge!" - ironzerg79
- in pvp, forces you to use soulforged, which is currently miles away from t.negation and scales HORRIBLY. I'm always mocked because i pvp with soulforged. It's also under healing depression and you get back to life unbuffed, becoming an easy target.
- In pve you have to use soulforged, which scales horribly (again) and, in fact, most players don't bother going up from a lesser. So it is linked to an ar or enchant that is poorly reworked and scales horribly. Only advantage was the immunity to injuries, which you can get now with VIP rank 7 along with more advantages (keys ecc...). Easier than farming dr for ages
- Elol set outperforms the bonus from lathander set, be it pve DPS or pvp
- Lathander set bugout. Reported it ages ago, nobody cares. Basically, when an enemy kills you with an heavy finisher (shocking execution, anvil, ecc...) you get back to life with the base SF hps. Finishers cancel the lathander healing often.
Until thedeve rebalance enchants and sets, i don't see why you would go for the pain to farm lathander set.
It's currently outperformed, bugged and far from the "meta".
I kept it cause it was quite rare and was waiting for fixes and rebalance, which is obviously not in the minds of your devs.
I suppose I have been lucky with Eye drops from DR lairs, which I do every single day on three toons for the last two years. I have only managed to get one BoA Eye so far. Still sitting with a character-bound Eye on an alt that will be using it for RP come Tuesday.
The fact that the Eye is now BoA should make it easier to get on the toon that needs it, but then NW RNG is notoriously fickle. There MUST be another way to obtain it given that it is part of a selective few artifact sets and the most difficult to complete.
The most important thing in life is to be yourself. Unless you can be Batman. Always be Batman.
They are releasing it as a drop in an upcoming lockbox, btw.
Lathander set resurrects you out of soulforged, with a 90s cooldown from the last resurrection (soulforged included). Has priority over Soulforged. Means a Lath user can go for a different enchant OR have soulforged to boost it (75s cooldown+added healing). On top of it: upon resurrection the user and his party get 50% DR on a separate layer, for 5 seconds.
The Eye of Lathander is now available on the AH.
They added artifacts to part of the potential drops with the New Life Lockboxes. While I'm sure I could have gotten it for less had I waited, I happily paid the 173k AD for one on the AH.
"...I grab my wiener and charge!" - ironzerg79
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