This had been a busy year one for us and the days are counting down to 2016. I wanted to create a thread to give people a place to share their positive in game memories since we all began this adventure together. Please limit this to the posted topic. There are plenty of sad depressing threads and that is fine but not here please. Share your experience whether PvE or PvP, let us know your memorable experience below!
Guardian Fighter: SM Conqueror
[]Full Metal Witch[] 4149 TiL Guild: (X1) The Legendary Outlaws
"The Best of the Best" "Nobody does it better" #TLO BiS
kreatyveMember, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 10,545Community Moderator
I have so many great memories of this game, it's hard to choose my favorite. I think maybe either the day my Player Spotlight went live was one of my favorites. Also the day I got asked to be a moderator is pretty high on my list too. Also the first time I helped kill Tiamat was pretty awesome.
My opinions are my own. I do not work for PWE or Cryptic. - Forum Rules - Protector's Enclave Discord - I play on Xbox Any of my comments not posted in orange are based on my own personal opinion and not official. Any messages written in orange are official moderation messages. Signature images are now fixed!
I would have to say some of the most memorable PvE experience's were running dungeons back in mod 5. We did a couple runs one day specifically Carverns of karrundax (sp?) and Temple of Spider. During our Caverns run we had some much DPS on the dragon (I was on my 22k TR) we killed him mid air from shadow of demise and he died on the platform. The Temple run was in the same session; we had some much DPS on the spider boss she died before she even turned into the spider.
for PVP; I would have to say recently I was able to get my highest Kills in a match which was 45 kills and no deaths which put my total kills this mod to 3400 with 100 deaths; nothing special but it was hilariously funny how the people on the other dom team just kept funneling into 2 dropping like flies.
Nice, those are some definitely some core memories. Being a large part of this community I am sure can have its rewards in helping the next generation of adventurers. Tiamat first kill was for sure a great experience, because you are mostly trusting people you have never met before to fight on alongside the greater good. The first month of Tiamat was great, I hope the ole girl gets revitalized.
Guardian Fighter: SM Conqueror
[]Full Metal Witch[] 4149 TiL Guild: (X1) The Legendary Outlaws
"The Best of the Best" "Nobody does it better" #TLO BiS
My Core Memories from Year 1 on Xbox: 1). Creating My first Weapon Enchant and progressing it to Pure. 2). Creating all of my Rank 10's from scratch. 3). Completing 99% of the campaigns. 4). Being part of guild that went through three mergers and grew 100% in size in. 5). Finally learning the complete potential of my Character. 6). Getting my first and only drop from a lockbox, a brilliant diamond. 7). Team work whether guild or PuG, I am amazed how many people raise a hand when all I have to do is ask in chat to help or need help. 8). Tiamat Kills, a sense of pride when my group succeeded. 9). Being part of a after thought class and regaining faith in the naysayers. 10). Strongholds and the teamwork involved in making your pile of ruble into a thriving home for anyone willing to fight for a cause. 11). Finding out that a Triple kill is sadly the ceiling for PvP.
Happy Holidays and thank you for sharing with all of us!
Guardian Fighter: SM Conqueror
[]Full Metal Witch[] 4149 TiL Guild: (X1) The Legendary Outlaws
"The Best of the Best" "Nobody does it better" #TLO BiS
Lostmauth in 16 seconds mod 7, with the forgeten warrior class as part of the core foundation to make it happen.
Not only is the suspense fun each we do it, but afterward the first time is what really made the moment special for me.
Guildies and friends a like thanked me, for breathing new life into the game with them, some claiming to have been days away from leaving the game. And trust me they keep me in this game as well. Community is where the real fun is.
Ohh and got gifted Yeti and bought dread warrior (big effects stack) and got so big my belt like went above my screen, that is good fun right there, look the EToS 2 Ghost Driders in the eye!
I hope for many friendships from this year and the next! Have fun guys! Whether its from speed kills, lucky drops, new content, or just gabbing with a mate as you jump all over PE on your mounts for a couple hours!
My fav memory was reading all the hate for HR's (back when the X1 version came out), so many people getting kicked because they were a HR etc etc... That forced me to make one and prove the World wrong ha ha, I`m very happy I did as it is by far my fav class and the 1st one I used.... I spammed the net with ways to make the HR work, responded to many a private message and posting builds here and there... The kicking felt like it stopped and this made me happy
Obviously there were thousands of good HR`s out there but I made it my mission for a while to prove how good they are
Main - Rydia (HR70) - Xbox One Player only Alts : Storm (SW70), Edge (TR70), AD Farm (CW70), Grunt (GF70), Rosa (DC70), AD AD AD (GWF70), Your Mum (OP70)
First dungeon run with my guild (Dream Team at the time), and feeling of how intense it was.
Defeating Tiamat for the first time.
First Lostmouth run.
How excited I was to get my artifact weapon (dragonsword and that transmut should be free).
When friend finally started playing and watching him complete his first dungeon run.
There are a lot and I'm on call often irl so this became a great way for me to use my off time during that duration. Guess you would say it's a hobby to some degree. You put in the time to build and methodically watch the finish product develope into something.
@rockstargfu that vid is sick! I have been saving up for the Dread warrior as I already have the yeti.
@wdj40 , I was told on my first day to change from my Lv4 HR and go to a support class to benefit my friends whom were all DPS. Oh what could have been, could have been a totally different game experience for me since I have time for one character. I ultimately pick a GF that is now seen by many as an after thought for group compositions as well. I like the challenge in showing our Grit and Survivability any day. Our Guild Leader is an amazing HR and this class is completely complimentary to game flow, the HR is a great class.
Guardian Fighter: SM Conqueror
[]Full Metal Witch[] 4149 TiL Guild: (X1) The Legendary Outlaws
"The Best of the Best" "Nobody does it better" #TLO BiS
4) Conquering my fear of the jumps in Lostmauth, and actually getting to play it in Mod 7
This cracks me up because there are still people I run with everyday that take ten minutes to pass the jumps lol. It is a honest pain and really the only challenge ELoL has left hahaha.
Guardian Fighter: SM Conqueror
[]Full Metal Witch[] 4149 TiL Guild: (X1) The Legendary Outlaws
"The Best of the Best" "Nobody does it better" #TLO BiS
My premade nuked the dragon to 10% last night before flight, so close minus a DC and two middle gear guildies we were helping with a run. Soooo close. I need to do this, hopefully soon!
Post edited by zman81420 on
Guardian Fighter: SM Conqueror
[]Full Metal Witch[] 4149 TiL Guild: (X1) The Legendary Outlaws
"The Best of the Best" "Nobody does it better" #TLO BiS
Nice!!! DC makes it really consistent, ours usually only has divine glow as only heal, and a debuff, so dmg mitigations on u so no one really needs a heal.
I hope you do it man, i wanna see others do it aswell, GoodLuck!
1) finding wdj40's HR build recommendations, as well as his answering PMs - helped a lot, and lead to my first positive guild experience.
2) beating Tiamat for the first few times (and, I'd like to experience that again )
3) I get a big kick out of joining the WoD Dragon Herald Zerg - even now. Just feels like a bunch of wild Cowboys chasin' dragons.
4) Conquering my fear of the jumps in Lostmauth, and actually getting to play it in Mod 7
5) Getting those 4 Dragons in the Stronghold, and then making Marketplace 4.
6) working to progress a character, and getting the confidence to try my own builds.
He he thanks
Was a pleasure being Guild mates for a while too
Main - Rydia (HR70) - Xbox One Player only Alts : Storm (SW70), Edge (TR70), AD Farm (CW70), Grunt (GF70), Rosa (DC70), AD AD AD (GWF70), Your Mum (OP70)
@rockstargfu that vid is sick! I have been saving up for the Dread warrior as I already have the yeti.
@wdj40 , I was told on my first day to change from my Lv4 HR and go to a support class to benefit my friends whom were all DPS. Oh what could have been, could have been a totally different game experience for me since I have time for one character. I ultimately pick a GF that is now seen by many as an after thought for group compositions as well. I like the challenge in showing our Grit and Survivability any day. Our Guild Leader is an amazing HR and this class is completely complimentary to game flow, the HR is a great class.
Actually a GF is my fav class to actually run top end dungeons with. I`m not really a fan of the Pally bubble which takes out all elements of fun and roll play for me. I`d much rather run with a decent GF and possibly Cleric combo etc
I`ve re-specced my HR about 50 times, 3 times in the last couple of days testing out different things. Trying to make the Stormwarden work as powerful as I can make a Pathfinder... Loving trying out different Companions now too with all the Companion Choices with Perfect Bonding Stones
Main - Rydia (HR70) - Xbox One Player only Alts : Storm (SW70), Edge (TR70), AD Farm (CW70), Grunt (GF70), Rosa (DC70), AD AD AD (GWF70), Your Mum (OP70)
The actual cooperation of players, like in Tiamat, now everyone's just too stubborn to look up info, change thier builds, or help other players with just basic info.
People can't take constructive critism, or help or tips, or don't give any either... Its a big cooperative game here people why keep secrets that can help everyone in the Li,g run.
If you can't beat 'em, arrange to have them beaten.
Thats where the real rewards are, T1s and 2s were much more moraly rewarding mod 6 we me and you trailed around together a few days after release. Before pallys even hit the scene like thet are now
I loved tanking Mod 6 Start when Arp was broken and no pally. The strategy was ridiculous to keep a group alive. I miss those days. Raise the Level Cap and bring back old dungeons already that would be high up on the community wish list.
Guardian Fighter: SM Conqueror
[]Full Metal Witch[] 4149 TiL Guild: (X1) The Legendary Outlaws
"The Best of the Best" "Nobody does it better" #TLO BiS
Hmmm. I don't care what most think of my list, but they are indeed my favorites:
1.) boot n looting CNs n Elols - yup, dat free AD in mod4, sure it was at other players expenses but it gave neverwinter a real cold hearted mmo feel that the casual gaming scene really needed.
2.) creating LGPG - i miss tsukani. Also i like knowing somthing we started back in mod4 has not only stood the test of leadership, expansions, and new titles, but also it gave many players a reason to continue on when their previous guilds faltered and crumbled.
3.) twitch - i started streaming purely neverwinter and have just shy of 1k followers thanks to NW. Also the official promotions were pretty cool. NW was the first game iv really been comfortable streaming.
4.) hamster - being chosen to recieve a hamster is one of the coolest things iv gotten in any mmo. I still log on to pet it and chat with guildies every so often.
5.) strongholds - it kindof ties in with LGPG but the goals i set for my guild long before SH released were optimistic because I expected many other guilds to do the same research i did, drive up prices, and compete with us to be #1, but thus far i see no contenders and that makes me quite proud of what we started so long ago.
6.) icewind dale - anything and everything that occurred here was the reason iv been playing after mod6, i just wanted to Netfli- jk world pvp n chill.
7.) writing guides - whether it was my mod4/5 tank build or my mod6/7 pvp build, the views and the feedback iv gotten from hundreds of players was always a very positive feeling. Oh almost forgot the refinement guide i wrote on making mythic artifacts. It even left some pc players dumbfounded that for 2 years, most had never come across the idea of double layered artifact feeding
Also the AH has had some pretty memorable moments, mostly from mod4 when i was making 1-2m per hour pumping out platesmithing slotted pieces at the begining of NW.
LGPG Leader Indy - XB1 & PS4 - GF xeV Indy - PS4 - TR Nde - XB1 - HR GT: its indy time PSN: itsindytime Twitch: indygoinlive The Kanye West of Neverwinter
Any of my comments not posted in orange are based on my own personal opinion and not official.
Any messages written in orange are official moderation messages. Signature images are now fixed!
for PVP; I would have to say recently I was able to get my highest Kills in a match which was 45 kills and no deaths which put my total kills this mod to 3400 with 100 deaths; nothing special but it was hilariously funny how the people on the other dom team just kept funneling into 2 dropping like flies.
[]Full Metal Witch[]
4149 TiL
Guild: (X1) The Legendary Outlaws
"The Best of the Best"
"Nobody does it better"
1). Creating My first Weapon Enchant and progressing it to Pure.
2). Creating all of my Rank 10's from scratch.
3). Completing 99% of the campaigns.
4). Being part of guild that went through three mergers and grew 100% in size in.
5). Finally learning the complete potential of my Character.
6). Getting my first and only drop from a lockbox, a brilliant diamond.
7). Team work whether guild or PuG, I am amazed how many people raise a hand when all I have to do is ask in chat to help or need help.
8). Tiamat Kills, a sense of pride when my group succeeded.
9). Being part of a after thought class and regaining faith in the naysayers.
10). Strongholds and the teamwork involved in making your pile of ruble into a thriving home for anyone willing to fight for a cause.
11). Finding out that a Triple kill is sadly the ceiling for PvP.
Happy Holidays and thank you for sharing with all of us!
[]Full Metal Witch[]
4149 TiL
Guild: (X1) The Legendary Outlaws
"The Best of the Best"
"Nobody does it better"
Lostmauth in 16 seconds mod 7, with the forgeten warrior class as part of the core foundation to make it happen.
Not only is the suspense fun each we do it, but afterward the first time is what really made the moment special for me.
Guildies and friends a like thanked me, for breathing new life into the game with them, some claiming to have been days away from leaving the game. And trust me they keep me in this game as well. Community is where the real fun is.
Ohh and got gifted Yeti and bought dread warrior (big effects stack) and got so big my belt like went above my screen, that is good fun right there, look the EToS 2 Ghost Driders in the eye!
I hope for many friendships from this year and the next! Have fun guys! Whether its from speed kills, lucky drops, new content, or just gabbing with a mate as you jump all over PE on your mounts for a couple hours!
Obviously there were thousands of good HR`s out there but I made it my mission for a while to prove how good they are
Alts :
Storm (SW70), Edge (TR70), AD Farm (CW70), Grunt (GF70), Rosa (DC70), AD AD AD (GWF70), Your Mum (OP70)
Member of Q-Snipe
Defeating Tiamat for the first time.
First Lostmouth run.
How excited I was to get my artifact weapon (dragonsword and that transmut should be free).
When friend finally started playing and watching him complete his first dungeon run.
There are a lot and I'm on call often irl so this became a great way for me to use my off time during that duration. Guess you would say it's a hobby to some degree. You put in the time to build and methodically watch the finish product develope into something.
Tc, Merry Christmas, and happy new year.
@wdj40 , I was told on my first day to change from my Lv4 HR and go to a support class to benefit my friends whom were all DPS. Oh what could have been, could have been a totally different game experience for me since I have time for one character. I ultimately pick a GF that is now seen by many as an after thought for group compositions as well. I like the challenge in showing our Grit and Survivability any day. Our Guild Leader is an amazing HR and this class is completely complimentary to game flow, the HR is a great class.
[]Full Metal Witch[]
4149 TiL
Guild: (X1) The Legendary Outlaws
"The Best of the Best"
"Nobody does it better"
I have a few highlights:
1) finding wdj40's HR build recommendations, as well as his answering PMs - helped a lot, and lead to my first positive guild experience.
2) beating Tiamat for the first few times (and, I'd like to experience that again
3) I get a big kick out of joining the WoD Dragon Herald Zerg - even now. Just feels like a bunch of wild Cowboys chasin' dragons.
4) Conquering my fear of the jumps in Lostmauth, and actually getting to play it in Mod 7
5) Getting those 4 Dragons in the Stronghold, and then making Marketplace 4.
6) working to progress a character, and getting the confidence to try my own builds.
Absolute BEST quote "cowboys and dragons" lol
4) Conquering my fear of the jumps in Lostmauth, and actually getting to play it in Mod 7
This cracks me up because there are still people I run with everyday that take ten minutes to pass the jumps lol. It is a honest pain and really the only challenge ELoL has left hahaha.
[]Full Metal Witch[]
4149 TiL
Guild: (X1) The Legendary Outlaws
"The Best of the Best"
"Nobody does it better"
My premade nuked the dragon to 10% last night before flight, so close minus a DC and two middle gear guildies we were helping with a run. Soooo close. I need to do this, hopefully soon!
[]Full Metal Witch[]
4149 TiL
Guild: (X1) The Legendary Outlaws
"The Best of the Best"
"Nobody does it better"
[]Full Metal Witch[]
4149 TiL
Guild: (X1) The Legendary Outlaws
"The Best of the Best"
"Nobody does it better"
I hope you do it man, i wanna see others do it aswell, GoodLuck!
Was a pleasure being Guild mates for a while too
Alts :
Storm (SW70), Edge (TR70), AD Farm (CW70), Grunt (GF70), Rosa (DC70), AD AD AD (GWF70), Your Mum (OP70)
Member of Q-Snipe
I`ve re-specced my HR about 50 times, 3 times in the last couple of days testing out different things. Trying to make the Stormwarden work as powerful as I can make a Pathfinder... Loving trying out different Companions now too with all the Companion Choices with Perfect Bonding Stones
Alts :
Storm (SW70), Edge (TR70), AD Farm (CW70), Grunt (GF70), Rosa (DC70), AD AD AD (GWF70), Your Mum (OP70)
Member of Q-Snipe
The actual cooperation of players, like in Tiamat, now everyone's just too stubborn to look up info, change thier builds, or help other players with just basic info.
People can't take constructive critism, or help or tips, or don't give any either... Its a big cooperative game here people why keep secrets that can help everyone in the Li,g run.
[]Full Metal Witch[]
4149 TiL
Guild: (X1) The Legendary Outlaws
"The Best of the Best"
"Nobody does it better"
Thats definately the most fun "being undergeared"
Thats where the real rewards are, T1s and 2s were much more moraly rewarding mod 6 we me and you trailed around together a few days after release. Before pallys even hit the scene like thet are now
[]Full Metal Witch[]
4149 TiL
Guild: (X1) The Legendary Outlaws
"The Best of the Best"
"Nobody does it better"
[]Full Metal Witch[]
4149 TiL
Guild: (X1) The Legendary Outlaws
"The Best of the Best"
"Nobody does it better"
[]Full Metal Witch[]
4149 TiL
Guild: (X1) The Legendary Outlaws
"The Best of the Best"
"Nobody does it better"
1.) boot n looting CNs n Elols - yup, dat free AD in mod4, sure it was at other players expenses but it gave neverwinter a real cold hearted mmo feel that the casual gaming scene really needed.
2.) creating LGPG - i miss tsukani. Also i like knowing somthing we started back in mod4 has not only stood the test of leadership, expansions, and new titles, but also it gave many players a reason to continue on when their previous guilds faltered and crumbled.
3.) twitch - i started streaming purely neverwinter and have just shy of 1k followers thanks to NW. Also the official promotions were pretty cool. NW was the first game iv really been comfortable streaming.
4.) hamster - being chosen to recieve a hamster is one of the coolest things iv gotten in any mmo. I still log on to pet it and chat with guildies every so often.
5.) strongholds - it kindof ties in with LGPG but the goals i set for my guild long before SH released were optimistic because I expected many other guilds to do the same research i did, drive up prices, and compete with us to be #1, but thus far i see no contenders and that makes me quite proud of what we started so long ago.
6.) icewind dale - anything and everything that occurred here was the reason iv been playing after mod6, i just wanted to Netfli- jk world pvp n chill.
7.) writing guides - whether it was my mod4/5 tank build or my mod6/7 pvp build, the views and the feedback iv gotten from hundreds of players was always a very positive feeling. Oh almost forgot the refinement guide i wrote on making mythic artifacts. It even left some pc players dumbfounded that for 2 years, most had never come across the idea of double layered artifact feeding
Also the AH has had some pretty memorable moments, mostly from mod4 when i was making 1-2m per hour pumping out platesmithing slotted pieces at the begining of NW.
Indy - XB1 & PS4 - GF
xeV Indy - PS4 - TR
Nde - XB1 - HR
GT: its indy time
PSN: itsindytime
Twitch: indygoinlive
The Kanye West of Neverwinter