Well I have set myself to invisible which I do not want to have to do, but I cannot do a boss fight when friend request windows pops up in the center of my screen. I cannot find a way to move it either. I is so absurd that you have not changed this yet. Once again a total failure of a company to understand how to retain players. I have played and left over 12 large MMO's because of these things. Dev's you cannot play with a friend request in the center of the screen. Cant we just have a window that stores friend request as the came in and we have to open it?
Also, if you choose the "Later" option, it will be stored in your Social Panel where such folks will be listed as "Pending." However, I have noticed that if you do not choose "Decline" by either letting the window remain on screen or even choosing "Later," the spammers are able to whisper spam you. They are only prevented from spamming you (by the spam restrictions) if you press "Decline" before they spam you with a whisper. I reported this bug last week.
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How they find me in the middle of lostmouth is beyond me.
Neverwinter Wonderland
Neverwinter Wet & Wild
Neverwinter 2nd Anniversary Montage
Neverwinter Anniversary Montage
Protector's Jubilee Speech
Oh the Carnage
Popping up in the middle of some combat should be fixed nonetheless...
1 fix that they need to add is no requests during battle, that would this stop the annoying friend requests while in battle but while they're are at it they could finally fix it so people stop picking up items during battle.