There are a lot of things in Neverwinter that make it extremely unsuitable for levelling alt characters, and one of the most prominent is the campaign grind. It can take months to max out a campaign for a fresh character, so why not make things a little more pleasant and make campaign currencies account-bound?
I'm not sure what the account-wide TarmBar system will be, whether the bars can be sent from one player to another like BtA items or whether all earned bars are stored in an account-wide currency bank, much like LotRO's shared currency wallet, but either system would be better by far than earning them per-character. It wouldn't boost or hinder first-time playthroughs of the campaigns at all, and wouldn't even be a free boost to alts - the currencies would still have to be earned, by one character or another. It just chips a little off the top of the enormous wall of grind that faces a new character at level cap.
A more reasonable request might be to make campaign unlocks account wide. Players will still have to progress through the campaigns at a set pace, but if they complete it with one they effectively complete it with all.
Either way: Make it faster after the first (and subsequent) time(s). As it is now it's mostly drab tedium...
In the end, you still have to earn the campaign currencies anyway, therefore it would be a great change to let it flow into one account-wide pool.
I'd still suggest this: a bag of currency that would be account-locked and would yield, say, 5% of its cost to whichever other char would open it. Probably could limit the ability to open them to 3-4 a day, as people with huge accounts (dunno the limit) could get a ridiculous speed boost.
Thus, Char A with a surplus would be able to pass his currency onto Char B at a rate that would allow a faster progression as you develop your account but still not make people turn away from the ever so precious store unlocks.