Hi there! Kerupt from [The Legendary Outlaws] here. If you are interested in joining us, please read this thread in it's entirety and feel free to view our guild videos below.
STRONGHOLD PROGRESS / ACTIVITY / ROSTER:GUILDHALL: Guildhall 20BOONS: POWER 8000 / DEFENSE 8000 / LIFESTEAL 80000 / ARMPEN 8000 / Explorers Boon ROSTER: Roster size is 147players (average item level of SR members is 3.5k)
DRAGONS: We run all 4 dragons for an hour a day on Friday Saturday Sunday Monday and Tuesday at 4pm ESTMOST RECENT GUILD VIDEOS:-----------------30 Second 4 DRAGON KILL:---------------**** All 4 stronghold dragons killed in 30 seconds ****
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L2pvJg6Klr4-----------------CASTLE NEVER VIDEOS:---------------**** Castle Never / 1 Shot Orcus Kill / No SW ****
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VINrVBeOnZg**** Castle Never / 2nd Boss / Cthylar The Illithilich / 10 second Melt / SW is not Fury ****
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r3PuZt6mPIA**** Castle Never / 1st Boss 1 shot / Xbox Neverwinter / Tal'Gath The Undying / No SW ****
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2IGA-rSTFAw**** Castle Never / 1st Boss / 10 Second Melt / SW is not Fury ***
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9j1BemQQ2UkABOUT OUR GUILD:[The Legendary Outlaws] is a day one guild comprised of skilled and mature gamers dedicated to endgame content in NeverWinter. We strive to be the best guild on the server utilizing our highly active player base, exceptional teamwork, extensive knowledge of game mechanics, and unmatched guild coordination. Every Outlaw- long term member or recruit- has the tools and resources to become a top tier player and to get the most out of the game. Many of our members have been dedicated to the guild since the first few weeks of the game.
ABOUT OUR REQUIREMENTS:Our current bare minimum requirements are
(3200 for DC GF or OP) and (3400 item level for GWF, HR, SW, TR, and CW) 18 years or older, active, drama free, and must know how to play your class properly. We do not have an entry fee to join our guild, nor do we have a "weekly AD requirement". We do however expect everyone to donate what they can afford and when they can afford it. We also encourage and expect you to do your part in daily influence and campaign currency when its needed. If you are the type that likes to stand by while everyone else does the work, then the outlaws is not the guild for you. Currently everyone in the guild is extremely generous with donations and contributions to guild coffer, we have never had to police our people and hound them for donations, and we would like to keep it that way.
ABOUT OUR ACTIVITY:On average we have 20-25 people logged in during off peak times, and 35-45 people logged in during peak times. To see our guild in action view our unique videos that are posted in the reply below.
If you have any questions or if you would like to discuss if the outlaws is a home for you, you may do any of the following:
- Reply to this thread with some info about you along with your xbox gamer tag.
- Send me a private message on these forums along with your gamer tag
- Contact me 24/7 by sending me a
MESSAGE VIA XBOX LIVE. Even if i am not online I will answer promptly as all my messages go directly to my phone.
25 outlaws killing Tiamat on the 1st Phase
This video is special because it shows Epic Demo Melt, With only 1 DC and zero SW
Kerupt [The Legendary Outlaws]
- Leader
- CW Class Officer
XBOX GAMER TAG: Kerupt Shunn
Kerupt [The Legendary Outlaws]
- Leader
- CW Class Officer
XBOX GAMER TAG: Kerupt Shunn
Can I join your guild please? I'm quite active playing both day and night whenever I'm free.
Class: Control Wizard (DPS)
Item Level: 2642
Power: 14,071
Critical: 6,028
RI: -61.8%
Recovery: 2,659
Defense: 4,012
Life Seal:1,421
Lostmauth 3-set: Yes
Character name is Lionel and Xbox Gamer Tag is Lionel92.
Kerupt [The Legendary Outlaws]
- Leader
- CW Class Officer
XBOX GAMER TAG: Kerupt Shunn
All recruits must be able to take direction from their class officer if necessary. This is intended to help all players make the most out of their characters- effectively making better teams and improving the guild as a whole. "
Not everyone wants the same build as the next person, yes we all choose a paragon and such, but depending on style of play and if you solo a bit or pve or pvp etc etc means you build to what suits you the player. No matter how many builds you read dont mean its the best for the player.
FOTM's (flavour of the month) have and will always be around MMO's but being or doing something different can actually benefit you the player (due to your style) or make a difference in a group (pvp especially) if you have that something or can different or can switch it in to make the game different or to help the team.
Advice is always welcome, or at least a discussion, but no way would I want to respec because thats the so called "go-to" build at this time.
None the less, in some occations it has happened, that a characters performance is not where it could or should be. Thats where the class officers come in to play. In a face to face discussion any spec can be optimized.
Bring Me The Horizon - lvl 70 Rogue - 2.5k IL
[The Legendary Outlaws]
Kerupt [The Legendary Outlaws]
- Leader
- CW Class Officer
XBOX GAMER TAG: Kerupt Shunn
Oh and how many UK/Euro players roughly in guild as Id prefer to play in my time zone, even though I have been known to run well into the night (next day).
Kerupt [The Legendary Outlaws]
- Leader
- CW Class Officer
XBOX GAMER TAG: Kerupt Shunn
We have room for any quality players please feel free to message me or respond to this thread anytime.
Gamertag: Kerupt Shunn
Kerupt [The Legendary Outlaws]
- Leader
- CW Class Officer
XBOX GAMER TAG: Kerupt Shunn
gamer tag. Felgar Shagbark
Gamer tag Kerupt Shunn
Kerupt [The Legendary Outlaws]
- Leader
- CW Class Officer
XBOX GAMER TAG: Kerupt Shunn
We are agressively seeking Paladins, but have room for any skilled players that meet our requirements.
If you have any questions or if you would like to discuss if the outlaws is the right guild for you, please reply to this thread or send me a message over xbox live
Xbox gamer tag: Kerupt Shunn
Kerupt [The Legendary Outlaws]
- Leader
- CW Class Officer
XBOX GAMER TAG: Kerupt Shunn
I am a 70 haste cleric, I am currently looking for a guild, my XB1 GT is Lord Endermen, my item level is 2.2k, i have all my elven assult armor (i call it T2), currnetly 18 but turning 19 in one week, as i do not know if i can raise my IL any higher than it is
Kerupt [The Legendary Outlaws]
- Leader
- CW Class Officer
XBOX GAMER TAG: Kerupt Shunn
I'd also like to say welcome to the people that have joined. And thank you to everyone that has sent me messages expressing their interest.
The Legendary Outlaws still has room for a few talented players, or people looking to take their character to that next level.
If you would like discuss joining, please reply here, or you may also contact me anytime through xbox live
Gamertag: Kerupt Shunn
Kerupt [The Legendary Outlaws]
- Leader
- CW Class Officer
XBOX GAMER TAG: Kerupt Shunn
Kerupt [The Legendary Outlaws]
- Leader
- CW Class Officer
XBOX GAMER TAG: Kerupt Shunn
Kerupt [The Legendary Outlaws]
- Leader
- CW Class Officer
XBOX GAMER TAG: Kerupt Shunn
Kerupt [The Legendary Outlaws]
- Leader
- CW Class Officer
XBOX GAMER TAG: Kerupt Shunn
Gamertag Kerupt Shunn
Kerupt [The Legendary Outlaws]
- Leader
- CW Class Officer
XBOX GAMER TAG: Kerupt Shunn
We schedule and kill dragons roughly twice a week as a guild.
Our roster consists of 75 highly active players
Kerupt [The Legendary Outlaws]
- Leader
- CW Class Officer
XBOX GAMER TAG: Kerupt Shunn
Kerupt [The Legendary Outlaws]
- Leader
- CW Class Officer
XBOX GAMER TAG: Kerupt Shunn
We killed all 4 stronghold dragons on our first attempt.
Kerupt [The Legendary Outlaws]
- Leader
- CW Class Officer
XBOX GAMER TAG: Kerupt Shunn
Roster is 97 people
Kerupt [The Legendary Outlaws]
- Leader
- CW Class Officer
XBOX GAMER TAG: Kerupt Shunn
We also are continuing to schedule and kill all 4 dragons at least 2 days a week
Message me 24/7 at xbl gamer tag Kerupt Shunn
Kerupt [The Legendary Outlaws]
- Leader
- CW Class Officer
XBOX GAMER TAG: Kerupt Shunn
Kerupt [The Legendary Outlaws]
- Leader
- CW Class Officer
XBOX GAMER TAG: Kerupt Shunn
I do have an haste cleric named Yarit and my gamer Tag is Xcite1.
His actually gear level is about 2,5k PVE and PVP Gear as well.
The last icewind, sharandar and 2 PVP boones are missing yet.
I would be glad to be a member of your guild.