I've read the dev blogs, and so far i only saw one thing for sure, mod 8 will be a insane grind on repeated content, on the very same area, for a extreme long time, so the questions are, do we play games to get bored? is there any fun on playing the same thing millions of time? aren't neverwinter already too boring, why make it even more?
My advice to you is to *just* play the parts you enjoy - take frequent breaks, try other games, or pick up another hobby. If you've been playing Neverwinter for a while, then you're likely experiencing burnout, and the only cure is to step away for a little while, until your interest is rekindled...
"Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark
Official NW_Legit_Community Forums
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2 new skirmishes and heroic encounters which you are going to farm for less than 20 days...cause you know...HE....
seems just right and quite alt friendly (a dread ring 2.0)
but I have to disagree to a certain extent, our grind in this game has been increased, roughtly 4-500% since its release, while CONTENT (Ie viable playing dungeons) have been removed.
It makes no sense to many of us and the constant requests to re tweak the grind level and also add actual content back into game, is ignored constantly.
rings directly droppable with legendary status is a step so big in the right direction i dont even know if you do realize it. The only big dissapointment is the lack of an adventure zone, BIG ONE.
One thing never changes though... I must continue to provide many, many pairs of pants.
In all honesty i'm thinking about taking another break because things have gotten grindy, reptative and just generally underwhelming. Even with new content being released, its the same structure time and again with a new appearance.
Taking a break helps but meh.
Sometimes I even play both at the same time.
If they do that sooperdooper pvp it won;t effect content burn 1 iota, the pvpers will moan and groan about their balance and the pvers will still stay away. It won't tide over a pver (you do know this is a pve game, right?) 1 single bit if pvp rocked. There is a way to "extend" content burn without a grindfest though, they used to do that...it was called by 2 names, a casual friendly game, and a alt friendly game.
Back when the game was casual or alt friendly, if you got tired of "end content" and waiting for new content, you could run up a different alt and see what it was like with that character, by the time you ran the alt up there was new content or you were ready to go back to the old character for a while. But they decided to rework enchanting and add artifacts, making that a steep cliff to climb, thereby killing the casual/alt dynamic.
That in turn made the grind ever more evident, since you had to stay on your "main" to get all that RP etc. you couldn't stop the boredom factor switching toons. Then they killed Leadership, those AD from that (even though a vocal minority hated it) was the one thing that let you keep up with alt maintaining, now that that is dead the grind is even worse, and since content was withdrawn to "retrofit" (but funny 2 mods have come and gone and STILL they aren't retrofitted and back) the players don't even have the variety of locations to grind and fool themselves with.
"Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark
Official NW_Legit_Community Forums