Hi as you can probably tell from title my partner and me are trying to find a guild to join. We both have a lvl 70 character but also have several other 60 characters. We are looking for a guild that has a mature attitude, friendly and active during UK timezone we are looking to be I a guild that does the end game stuff as we are trying to get the gear ATM but are willing to help others in levelling if required message me on Xbox one my gamer tag is awetfish thank you for reading
II SnakEyez II
Skorn GWF Swordmaster
im oxwanderlustxo or blondishkhan20 if you are still looking, we are a small mature guild in the US, central and eastern time, we play in the afternoons and eavenings, if that fits into you time slot let us know
Skorn GWF Swordmaster