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Patch Notes: Stronghold Siege PvP

strumslingerstrumslinger Member, NW_CrypticDev, Cryptic Developer Posts: 1,724 Cryptic Developer
For a list of patch notes for Stronghold Siege PvP, click here: http://www.arcgames.com/en/games/neverwinter/news/detail/9550473

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  • looomislooomis Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 253 Arc User
    Dreadring Campaign Store: Dell McCourt has received a new supply of helms and will now sell them in his store in the Dread Ring. The non-remote version of the store had the feet listed twice and no helms.

    Woah, thank you.
  • rondy44rondy44 Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    Resolved an issue wherein collections stated that the quest "Weapons of the Guild" would become available at "Stronghold Rank 8." Collections now states that "Guild Hall rank 16" is required. The amount of investment required to unlock the quest itself has not been increased, the terminology has been changed for clarification.


  • santralafaxsantralafax Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,896 Arc User
    Thanks for nuthin' Scott.
  • lairdbansheelairdbanshee Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 14 Arc User
    Just like Scott's forum avatar, "Some men just want to watch the world burn..." Nero, grab your fiddle, you're violin chair #1. As expected, no recompense for lost ADs or the Heroes/Adventurers who brought them quicker.
  • izworizwor Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 238 Arc User
    Leadership nerf couldn't wait till Thursday :)

    Dear DEVs, try better to fix server lag/attacks/issue please. It's unplayable now.
  • theycallmetomutheycallmetomu Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,861 Arc User
    I can't believe they're going through with the leadership nerfs without sufficiently changing other elements of the economy beforehand. That's just awful. Not to mention that the leadership tasks time wise are a complete joke. Sigh.
  • sockmunkeysockmunkey Member Posts: 4,622 Arc User

    I can't believe they're going through with the leadership nerfs without sufficiently changing other elements of the economy beforehand. That's just awful. Not to mention that the leadership tasks time wise are a complete joke. Sigh.

    Yea, this exactly.

    If leadership really is the problem, and I'm not convinced that it is, then it is a problem a very long time in the making. What is the motivation for the sudden rush to fix it, even before it has been fully fleshed out?

    I fail to understand why this is a sudden emergency. I fail to understand the urgency in this. I don't understand why they cant simply wait until they can offer a complete solution, and not just a drastic nerf.

  • vorticanvortican Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 367 Arc User
    Tomorrow is going to be a great day!

    I hope to sell many, many pairs of pants.
  • asterotgasterotg Member Posts: 1,742 Arc User
    The patch notes are either wrong or misleading. It is either as announced or thei LOWERED AD gain. No ADs is mot lower AD reward, bc lower reward is some reward in my book.
    Chars: CW, DC, GF, GWF, HR and TR.
  • brisedabriseda Member Posts: 100 Arc User
    All those accounts with BiS gears just went up in price. I expect more than a few newly named chars to show up. lol An account that was worth very little a few days is now worth it's weight in gold because NW, in all its brilliance just made it so the rest of you wont ever get BiS gear. Bravo good sirs, bravo....
  • mark88arsitekmark88arsitek Member Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited September 2015
    I agree with this changes, BUT please reduce the cost of R12 enchantment and reduce the cost to upgrade the companion. if NOT, then how I can get the enough AD for upgrading????

    IF this all the upgrading AD cost are still the same. then I can only say one thing :
    " u try to kill BOT , but also kill the endgame and kill majority casual player ! "
    its better u have bot, but more player coming , instead u try to kill bot, but also u kill most of casual players "
    "yes , u will reduce significantly the bot users, but u will also reduce most casual players ".
    OR maybe u prefer to have only few hundred players instead of thousand?
  • xreverusxxreverusx Member Posts: 72 Arc User
    edited September 2015
    I get sick when I log in to Neverwinter now... I can't stand looking at it knowing that I spent thousands of dollars for nothing. I was so damn close to getting my first rank 12 enchant, now it is a million miles away. What a waste, I wish I never had heard of this stupid game. This isn't D&D it's a scam. Anyone still playing is simply ignorant of the impossible nature of the endgame content. That and the fact that PWE will happily devalue anything you have built, leaving all you have payed for void of use. They think that they can just sit back in their ivory palace and trample the backs of the customers who put them there.
  • fdsakhfduewhfiuffdsakhfduewhfiuf Member Posts: 604 Arc User
    Next thing to go will be AD from invocing... because invocing can be automated.

    Then XP from invocing will follow... because it can be used to automatically level characters.

    Sad, so sad...
  • glubtalglubtal Member Posts: 58 Arc User
    Its all good news, you just dont see it yet. In time you will, if your still here...
  • snottysnotty Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 476 Arc User
    glubtal said:

    Its all good news, you just dont see it yet. In time you will, if your still here...

    Im still here after enchanted keys were made BoP

    Im still here after they reduced the drop rate of coalescent ward and made them BoP

    Im still here after they changed the refining to make it "easier" and then turned around and lowered or removed the reagent drops

    Im still here after the complete mess that is mod 6

    Im still here after they removed leadship from the gateway

    Still don't see how any of that was good news and im not hopeful that this change will make anything better either.

    Gotta give them credit where credit is do though....

    Removing leadership from gateway was a good way to chase off some pesky bots and removing ADs from leadership is a great way to chase off those pesky players.

    Lets see how long it takes them to admit they made another mistake.

  • aleblainaleblain Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 76 Arc User
    The game has been losing the fun, rewards by playing and excitement of the good old days. But let's talk about AD 1st:

    At 1st, I didn't like this Leadership nerf against players (not bots... there are hundreds of bots farming in-game right now and I don't see you going there and banning them ASAP). I use leadership to have a consistent amount of AD whenever I can. But if we think better, this change MAY BE heal the game economy, giving the small amounts of AD a meaning. BUT ONLY IF YOU PUT IT ON LIVE CORRECTLY... NOT AS RAW & BOLD AS IT IS RIGHT NOW!

    If you disable leggit players the hability to produce AD with Leadership (not counting hugh leadership armies) and you don't compensate them with really well-thought alternatives and do not reduce fixed prices like GMoPs, wards, dungeon keys, Zen store AND AD sinks... it will be just a nerf -plain and simple- and a lot of players will leave. So, after this change hit a lot of us, please complete the circle and adjust prices, drops, rewards, AD gain, rAD ref cap per day and the way we earn it.

    I don't like your idea. Rhix's mechanic was simple and useful... beyond your statement of dumb people "forgetting" them. This new system that force us to repeat content a lot more for AD, is awful! The AD gain that vary with time is awful x10. And adding automatic AD in PvP will be a disaster! Like everybody said, prevent this rather than counterback later, or we will be drowing under a mountain of bots and afkers. Beyond any player who pay or not a lot of money, it's obvious that 24k AD per day is not enough to get anywhere in a reasonable amount of time and most people won't pay money for each single little update. A lot of people gave you good ideas and tips to tweak your new system, LISTEN TO THEM!

    I'm both PvEr/PvPr. I play ALL in-game content, except Foundry since Mod 4, I always find it boring and rewardless. So, about solo PvE content, groupal PvE content and PvP:

    On the last weeks of Mod 2, I was grinding my lvl 60 T2 armor set with a Gear Score of 10-12k :'). I was weak and more casual, but I was enjoying the game SO MUCH! Each time 4 pugs and I were able to finish a hard but fun, leggit and semi-long (fast and cheaty runs ruin the D&D journey) dungeon run (1 of 5 times more or less) the nerves and excitement about getting a BiS piece of gear from the chest start! Sometimes I ended up frustrated with a ring/belt/etc. But if I was lucky: "Yeeaahh... damn yes!!, I got the set piece guys!, I got my piece!!! Oh god! Such an awesome adventure". Tell me with which actually endgame content you get that amount of excitement, fun and joy???, the actual 6 dungeons and their rewards?, 2 skirmishes?, SH content?, the super stupid, boring and recycled Dragonflight thing?? We already had a hugh dose of dragons in 2 entire Mods about dragons and you added in Mod 7 more ¡dragons! Zzzzz -.-'' .

    The points here are:
    •Bring back all dungeons (including GG dungeons) and create new dungeons in the future.
    •Dungeons should be and remain as the prime and final step of end-game PvE content.
    •BiS and pre-BiS PvE gear have to be drops or chest rewards from dungeons, ALWAYS.
    •Make dungeons more rewarding, chests should contain a much wider array of items: RP, currency, AD, etc.
    •Seals, like seals of Elements and Protector, should be a currency to buy good but inferior end-game gear to use meanwhile you grind the dungeons for BiS gear. Also, seals should be use to empower BiS gear like the silly U. Elements do right now.
    •Regeants should be drops from bosses.
    •GMoPs (as necessary as they are right now) should drop from final bosses, a 10% chance i.e.
    •Make dungeons explorable and entertain, don't force us to do them like 'time trials'. I would be playing Need for Speed, not a D&D game.
    Conclusion: Now dungeons are excitement, super fun, desirable and highly played again.

    I'm dreaming with this but come and dream with me guys and devs. Put on live ALL skirmishes at lvl 70, from Blacklake to Aberrant Assault, also including MotH, DL, KR, SoT and adding (Need for Mead, a skirmish-like private instance that it's not much played due to it difficulty and little rewards right now). Who won't play, grind and enjoy a bunch of end-game skirmishes? You people... when was the last time you played Orc Assault, Rothe Valley's Defend the Village or Whispering Caverns skirmish?, and now even better... with a purpuse! You devs that have to recycle content for lack of time or resources, this one would be a big home run!

    The points here are:
    •Lvl 70 skirmishes should be consider as farmable RP content with different tiers. Final bosses dropping Zaphires or Black Opals i.e. depending their tier with a 10% chance. Chests also containing a peridot/aquamarine, AD and seals.
    •Add all forgotten transmutable items with unique looks. If you haven't notice, the variety of 'looks' that we have now is super small compare with what we had until Mod 6.
    •Nevermind CTAs events, just choose one skirmish and put in it special rewards like a companion, dyes, etc and it will still be a CTA with that chosen skirmish.
    Conclusion: Now skirmishes, apart from been excitement, desirable and highly played again... they increase the amount of groupal end-game content a lot... like a fresh and great content improve. And players more happy. Happy customers, more $.

    Please, if bot activity begin to increase in PvP, bring us solutions ASAP, don't wait until "Mod X: The return of Shadowmantle" to fix that, this lack of fast solutions had been super annoying, (i.e. still waiting the returning of ALL dungeons). PvP, if you have too much work and can't deal with PvP iniciatives to improve PvP contest, give players the tools to help! In the end, we (the players) who support/enjoy/play and spend some of our free time in-game, want the best for it... to keep supporting/enjoying/playing it. For example, create a Foundry contest with a juicy reward where players may create maps. We have had the same 2 Domination maps for a century more or less, plus 2 PvP areas (not much visited right now) and the new Gauntlgrym. Not counting new SH PvP which will be only played by hardcore PvP guilds once people already got their Lion set. The domination maps are pretty small and simple, so I can't believe that any good Foundry user wouldn't gladly create simple new maps for Dom and the devs just would do the final tweaks to put them alive, saving a lot of time and efford for themselves. Devs could simply thanks them with a Facebook spotlight-congratulations-photo post, a mount, a special companion, a Zen Market item or whatever. And instead of having the same old 2 maps for so long, we can have 4, 5 or whatever amount of PvP maps. And this could be just the begining, you could go on farther in some directions! I don't understand why you do not come out with these kind of ideas, the rewards would be for both sides. Also, you can copy and paste Icewind PvP areas and create new queues private instances for Dom PvP... you would have a new 5v5 or 7v7 map.

    Some things need to remain free to call it a "Free to Play" game. Right now, it's more "Free to roam" and not very much "Free to compete". I love this game. I want the best for it and the people who are part of it: players and devs. Listen to and between us, ask or pick up ideas from us, consult. For once and all, lets improve this game with the big potential it has. I'm here on the forums to help you devs more than to complain. Let us help you! Good luck all!
  • kitkathdkitkathd Member Posts: 286 Arc User
    Actually it'd be wiser to hold off on fixing ad sinks so that the donald trumps on the server waste their wads on the wrong things.
  • ryoshinetteryoshinette Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 488 Arc User
    So - no roots fixing, no AP drain fixing. no class balance work, no new maps, no new dungeons, no new content.

    Every single expansion takes this game to hell.
    Thanks Craptic. This is your first and last game I play. Ever.

    Wasted potential. Maybe you should start farm carrots or potatos. Smth less challenging huh?
    Ryoshin GF (4.2k)
    .Suicide Squad.

  • kemi1984kemi1984 Member Posts: 849 Arc User
    Buahahah...sorry Strum, with all due respect, noone cares about this stupid SH PVP seriously.
    Craptic are killing the game as we speak and you're happily announcing things that people just don't care!
    I know it's your job, and I truly feel sorry for you.

    Thanks for another worthless and (I'm more than sure) HAMSTER up and buggy piece of content you deliver to us.
    Now let's sit back and wait for the "Stronghold PVP issues thread" shall we?
    Nancy - Dragonborn, SM Guardian Fighter
    A proud member of "mythical horde of DPS GFs"

    1). Is SW more dps or tank based?
    2). Yes. I am panzer!
    3). Get ACT if you want to celebrate your epeen.
    4). Horniness will not stand between me and what I believe - "MM"
  • eskevareskevar Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 16 Arc User
    INteresting. I open my client and i read this: "We will be performing shard maintenance on September 14th from 7-9 AM Pacific (14:00-16:00 UTC). Please check the forums."
    So the patch is for 14th sept so is yet online? LOL
    They dont know how write a date too, and you think they know how manage a game...
  • yawulfyawulf Member Posts: 139 Arc User
    nice changes :) , keep it coming . slow but sure we might get there
  • mikeofarcmikeofarc Member Posts: 36 Arc User
    yawulf said:

    nice changes :) , keep it coming . slow but sure we might get there

    If by 'get there' you mean the complete removal of the playerbase, you might be right!

  • adammreillyadammreilly Member Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited September 2015

    Lets see how long it takes them to admit they made another mistake.
    Another? When did they admit any before?
  • maxim3358maxim3358 Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    as long as players spend in this game they will continue this take free stuff behavoir. my friends saw it in other games and ive seen it on other mmos . its a marketing strategy that tests to see what can be gotten away with. long as the rich players spend alot of money it wont stop. invoking ad will be next to further prevent the same things that they have done with professions. in my opinion ad will not be free at any level for much longer. if everyone stops spending for a week and hurts the pocketbook for the folks making these descisions then they might listen.this is corporate greed like companies do in other areas of the market.
  • maxim3358maxim3358 Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    the bis players eventually will come around to it as well as they will have nobody to one shot in pvp matches if players leave and the game dries up . then , at the end, even they will stop spending.
  • archanarchistarchanarchist Member Posts: 144 Arc User
    listens for the sound of 10000 bots queing into skirm and pvp and flooding all instances. prepare for a hell of a lot of real players to quit BIS and noobs a like noone wants to que intoa pvp were 8 of 10 are bots. at least before the bots hung in PE and a few farmed rank 5s in strongholds now they are going to flood the ques with leadership changes, theres plenty of bots that can run skirms black lake skirmish is full of them for eg already.
    pvp now gives 1 third the ad it used to apparently dom master used to have 2 missions also, although 1 has been bugged since mod 6 and you could only get it once but trcnicly 12k used to be available for 2 pvps u finished in top couple of players in now its 4k for 2 matches win or loose so a pile of bots will be there what with vote kick changes.
    im not sure who your trying to cater to but incase you didnt realise botters already had quite a bit of cash and since the new meta is hrs able to sit in skirms and pvp a multiboxing botter is going to have even more advantages then they did before.
    i hate to break it to u devs but the worlds curencys are colapsing ppl have less money then they did this time last year and will have even less by christmass expecting people to pay 35$ for 150k refinement, which is what the adjusted price for me is is unfeasable when items take 4 million or more refinement.
    i have life in sto and champs i have founders fey pack bahamuts pack ect in NW have spent a few $1000 US over the years on cryptic games but there used to be a covanant with the players.
    this has vanished.
    i asked for my last zen transaction refunded and i wont be spending any more untill i see this game go in a more casual friendly direction.
    i have a kid i have a life i cant invest 18 hrs a day for a year so that i can have 1 or 2 characters "fully geared"
    im not sure what market you guys are aiming at unless its bots but most D7D fans are 25+ have kids familys a few hrs a day to play games if were lucky.
    im already looking for something similar to NW without the $1000 worth of money or 1000s of hours game time buy in
    requirement, ill probably keep playing for a bit as i know how to play and can finish all the dungeons ect on my 2k gs chars with noproblem(cw gwf gf dc tr hr op), but i definately wont be throwing any more money into this steadly expanding black hole
  • thetankbearthetankbear Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    I don't understand why everyone keep hammering the dev and saying thing like "stop spending" "PTW" blur blur blur!

    comeon people if everyone stop spending in this game it sure gameover because do you guys even know the cost to run a game and server like this?!! there is no free lunch !

    how can a 100% free to play game last? 1st no GM will work for free for the dev, 2nd server don't come for free do they? 3rd dev will go bankrupt and close down the game due too no one spend in the game hahaa.

    so why all this crying ! just enjoy and play =)

    Go be a MMO dev and make it 100% free to play and I will see how long u can last.....
  • marsambassadormarsambassador Member Posts: 74 Arc User
    I just hope they're smart enough to REALLY look at the Leadership rewards and have it make sense before launching. The preview was not encouraging. The 24hr and 4hr quests were the same, but the 4hr one gives 3x the XP. They didn't fix that on the preview server. That is complete and total amateur hour and shows they haven't planned any of these changes to ensure they make sense in the long run to the goals of this game.

    They also need to drastically reduce the fixed AD costs of boons, companion upgrade, transmuting, mount upgrades, GMOPs and wards. Who is going to play 6 hours a day for 10 days straight just to transmute a single piece of equipment? Why is anyone going to pay 5000 AD for a 2nd dungeon key when they can only make 3000 AD on the run? Has anybody in the development team every even played this game to understand how many millions of AD are currently required? It takes 45 million just for lvl 12 enchantments, let alone everything else required. You take away even the most basic hope that someone can steadily progress their character and they'll leave. Nobody has 6 years of their life to play this every day with the hope that they MIGHT get BiS. And how many lvl cap increases will happen in that time, resetting the entire process of gearing up? No wonder so many lvl 60s didn't come back with Mod 6. All of a sudden their quality gear was a 1.4k and they couldn't even access skirms and dungeons.

    I also hope they bring back all skirms and all dungeons and allow all players to play at lvl 70. Part of the fun of getting to 60 in previous mods was going back and soloing a dungeon like Idris. I also want to do old skirms for transmutes so my characters can have some variety.

    Is this all too much to ask? I sure hope not. I've played since beta and don't want to go looking for a new game. I put 7 years of my life into DDO and moving to NW was traumatic enough. And this game was beautiful, fun and so well done at launch through to Mod 3 or 4. Then it started getting boring, repetitive and grindy. Key to MMO is alts so your playing experience isn't boring. Well, all my purple geared lvl 60s can't even access the content now so I can't play them. And I'm not interested in running them all through EE just so I can get a 1.6 or 1.7k that gets killed 8 times in the first Tuern fight.
  • archanarchistarchanarchist Member Posts: 144 Arc User
    edited September 2015
    ps the only way making people gain less ad will change the price in a virtual economy is if you remove the existing AD. if you leave it you just make people earn less.
    theres no real preasure if you have vip to sell theres no posting fee you can leave it at 8 mill forever or store it in bank theres no impitus like having to feed your family or pay rent to liquidate.
    so unless your going to delete everyones AD all this will do is make people who play from now on have to spend more hours to gain as much as people who played before this point, people who had already gained it will still have it and with it becoming scarcer will infact hoard more be even less willing to trade at a possible loss.
    and since theres still literaly trillions of AD kicking around from caturday duping + what was created since then at increased rates its going to be atleast 3 or 4 years before you achive your new balance, unless you take all the ad curently existing and salable items that have become value representations of it away.
    and i doubt anyone but bots wants to hang around grinding for 3 or 4 years to become "comfortably well off" in a video game

    i am a huge pvp addict and i was really looking forwards to strongholds we have after all been asking for a new pvp mode since launch or at least 1 or 2 new maps, till you decided to fill the ques with afkers and bots for its launch
    Post edited by archanarchist on
  • bastards2014bastards2014 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    I think this is a big mistake Devs. As a good deal of the players have already said , this ruins the game for solo players or players that don't have a huge amount of time every day to invest in the game. A lot of us have jobs and lives just like anyone else . How are we supposed to gain enough AD to get where we have been working to go for so long now ?
    This game should keep it's focus on more PVE anyway. This is D@D Neverwinter , not WoW . If i wanted something PVP focused i would go play it . Stop taking the easy way out and hold yourselves accountable for the real problems .

    !. Reopen the dungeons . I never got to play all of them.
    2. Back off of focusing on PvP , it's a niche crowd
    3. Put the botters to the street . Other games put the time in to stop them , you should too
    4. Give better rewards for foundry quests. I play them , my friends play them. Give us a reason to
    5. Make quests for leadership to get XP and Astral . I'm not asking for it to be free , but make it doable and fun .
    6. Don't make everything seem like a chore . Like when you "Adjusted" the number of times you had to do the quests for Elemental Evil, then improperly adjusted the XP .
    8. Listen to ALL of your players, not just the handful who pat you on the back .
    9. Come play and see the effect your nerfs have on the game as a whole .
    10 . Continue to add to the world . " how about putting the city of Baldurs Gate or some other new area in game )

    I think you guys are getting caught up in the massive trend in gaming where developers think all players a massive PVP addicts. WE ARE NOT . It's ok once in awhile for me , but like most players i know , it's not a focus or a major part of my gaming experience . So please be fair and consider all the players since we spend our money , in whatever big or small amounts to play your game. We are helping feed you after all
This discussion has been closed.