It seems like a lot of people didn't get any free forced respecs or some people just got a few characters respeced and then the rest not at all. Since it's apparent that we can't get any feedback from any where on what is being done on this matter and we would really like a answer and for this not to be swept under the rug and forgot about by them. I ask that everyone for now on that hasn't got their free forced respect to post in this thread so we can make a list and a official thread to make sure they notice us, as well as handle this issue.
Please in your post leave the following information per basis on your handle and character that didn't receive your free forced respec.
Character Name@Handle
Myself being one of those players with only one character on my account in total and not even receiving one free forced respec i'll start us off.
Please make sure that your character name and handle/gamertag is correctly spelled.
GWF Bamm Bamm@domihojon CW Etrigan@domihojon Feats were partially removed. Remaining available points insufficient for cap feat previously attained.
zebularMember, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 15,270Community Moderator
edited September 2015
We appreciate the proactive wishes of this thread, however only staff can make "official" threads. As well, I'd rather wait on this subject until we can chat with Andy on this. We'll ask Andy on Monday if he or the Devs wants this type of thread and if they do, then I'll have Andy make it himself so such can be truly "official." Otherwise, I fear all this type of thread will do is give players a sense of hope that this thread will actually get them resolved, when that may not be the case at all. For example when the PC was affected by similar things, it was a patch that fixed it, not individual reports.
CW Etrigan@domihojon
Feats were partially removed. Remaining available points insufficient for cap feat previously attained.
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