A perfect vorpal add 50% critical severity to the player. Tenacity resists 40% critical damage. THat means a player with vorpal has 10% damage boost on criticals. A player with other enchant critical resistance tenacity hit him directly to character sheet critical severity. PLAYER with vorpal has +10% damage on criticals player without vorpal has -40% damage on criticals.
AT level 12 version you debuff your enemy -2% damage and damage resistance( not official answer if stacks as you keep critical).
I WILL say also something about feytouched here as i did to other threads. THE feytouched user should have -22% damage(in calculation i add the +18% buff) on critical hits. THe weird here is we see feytouch user to deal more than the vorpal damage which is +10% on critical hits.
40% critical resistance is atm the average tenacity stat.
its more like vorpal is 40% less effective. so its more like a 30% bonus.
and also the featured satirical comedic adventure "A Call for Heroes".
First of all, Vorpal increases Critical Hits' Severity by 50%, not adds 50% Critical Severity.
Secondly, Critical Hit Resistance is multiplicative, not summative (there was a meaty history behind this I toke a significant part in): Source: Patch Notes: NW.45.20150515a.6
Correctred math:
Vorpal adds +50% severity on Critical hits.
Above amount is lowered by ~40% Critical Hit Resistance (multiplicative, not additive).
Critical Hit Resistance is lovered by Armor Penetration (multiplicative, not additive).
Armor Penetration is lovered by Armor Penetration Resistance (multiplicative, not additive).
Because of there are many variables, I'll post example of me in pvp vs ~BiS (60/40% Tenacity) set.
I have a "real" ~75% avg Critical Chance in pvp and ~70% Arpen right now.
Striking a Critical Hit, it's increased by +50%. Futher, it's lovered by 40% lovered by 70% lovered by 60%.
70% ×− 60% = 28%
40% ×− 28% = 28.8%
50% ×− 28.8% = 35.6%
35.6% × 75% = 26.7%
It's almost 30% (and will be more on maxed out character), not 10%.
On the other hand, Feytouched provides only +18% damage (and is wasted if you change your foe within 20s), also providing −18% damage taken. Those enchants are just different, no one is simply better than other.
This said, I think both options are viable (Vorpal provides more damage, but Feytouched provides more defense).
I prefer more damage, thus I play with Vorpal, but it all depends on your playstyle and again, both options are viable.
The main problem is having all single target at wills.
Btw vorpal is definitely not bis for everyone but tr