When a system put 21000 IL on one side and 9200 IL on the other one (mine last match) it means that it's completely useless even to queue up. That's what I think. Even when I join the stronger side there is NO GAME. Just waiting a timer to finish. Eventually matching IL could take care of the 'premades vs. pugs' problem too.
If you think the PVP matchmaking make that part of the game 'dead' vote for it, maybe the attention of the developers will shift on it and they will rework in some way what now make very little sense.
P.S.: I know that some enchantments makes PVP unbalanced but this to me it's unbelievable.
PVP matchmaking completely broken? 46 votes
It's broken, fix it or there is no incentive to queue up (match IL from side to side)
It's fine as it is (even with close IL will there be unbalances within classes)
But when you inspect the teams, you can see that even when they're all from different guilds, the P2Ws and their pures ans trans and r12s are put on the same side. Now I tend to think that the unbalance is deliberate.
Tired of Dailies/Tyranny of Dailies/Timers of Doom/Tricked Or Duped/Tremendously Obnoxious Dailies/Try Otherwise, Devs
The only way it will work is based on the completion % of the PvP Campaign.
The real problem is that it's possible to fudge around with your gear to get stats well above what you'd normally have at a lower ilvl. Although technically even this isn't as much of an issue because you still would want to run a burning set for tenacity.
and no I do not think meeting in an open PVP zone (in case you hit the same area/map) is an adaequat solution
i am pretty sure this would help each side
Author of GWF Speed Demon PvP Build (Mod 11) <- Click to reveal the Speedy Beast! >:)
Do you realize how stupid that sounds? You've already got a game where basically no one wants to PvP and you're telling them that they can't just queue up into a random match because wallet warriors want to farm randoms. OK.
I mean I just really don't understand the mentality of someone who would even want to play PvP in this game. It's like a bad MOBA where you need to grind like crazy or throw your wallet at it. Why not just play an actually competitive game instead of this mess?
That said, the matchmaking is absolutely broken now. We get 4k monsters vs pugs. Now that's fine and I give them the benefit of a doubt that they were trying to queue for PM vs PM.
However, the behaviour of some premades were less than honourable
- Ganging on the pugs who just wanted to cap for glory
- This is despite the pug team calling GG
- Trash talking to pugs saying "they've no place in PVP", names calling, and such...
- Claiming they're not premade and each of them queued in randomly, only to be caught "red-handed" that the GOD of RNG was in their favor and they're matched in the exact same team again when one met them again in the next game...
Of course, some pugs are horrible too, calling all BIS players exploiters, P2W, etc and continuing to fight despite calling GG. But I'll leave that for a separate discussion.
Also, people don't play PvP in Neverwinter because in ANY mmo people that play PVP are a minority. I would be surprised if it amounts to 10% even.
Neverwinter pvp playerbase was huge. Now its not, like its not big the pve one. Probably the biggest playerbase are leadership farmers and ah traders
Problem solved.
As soon as the best items are equiped, changing to lower gear wouldn't matter anymore, since the Hidden ItemLevel of that character wouldn't change.
Fundamentally speaking, the only fix thar really solves anything, is dynamic item scaling. We already have some items that scale with player/item level. This means there is some sort of a scaling criteria which increases or reuces the spec output of a given item.
What needs to be done, is to implement a system that measures the highest and lowest IL among the queued people, and then dynamically scale the items so that the difference between lowest and highest ILs come within 500 IL difference.
So when we have a 1.5k IL at one end, and a 4.8k whale player in the same game, the system will set the "middle point" of 3,150 IL and then scale up the performance of the lowest players upto 2.9k IL, and tone down the performance of the highest players down to 3.4k IL. Anyone whose IL was already between 2,900 ~ 3,400 IL in this case, will not be changed.
So, a relative difference does somewhat exist, and having better gear will do offer you better performance, but only within the limits of reasonable differences.
Compared to fighting sports, individual differences in the weight would be allowed within the tolerance of the weight division. A few kgs/pounds of differences may exist, but if it goes over the weight division, then its toned down, just like anyone who wants to compete in that weight division work hard to decrease his weight.
Featherweights and Heavyweights should not climb into the same ring.
If you know something to be broken, stop using it.
Otherwise, you've got no right to be speaking of 'balance.'
And this should apply to low level PVP too so that those running R12s and Trans enchants in your L10-19 PVP bracket for example, can be brought down to a more manageable level to provide totally new players a fighting chance.
Obviously us PvPers are more interested in spending money, since it is directly associated with performance and therefore, competition. But then this increases both the learning curve and the difficulty of entry for new players, because, whereas once they could easily acquire BiS armoursets and weapons, and then just spend money on enchants, now, they need to spend thrice or quadruple the amount of money we vets used to spend in mod2~4 days, to really become on our level.
● So old-timers like me already have a huge headstart on gear, than compared to new people.
● New players need to spend 3~4 times more money to get on our level, or just be fodder
● So the flow of new players decrease, since many people cannot afford that
● The flow of cash decreases, so the developers make more of this chit to milk more money from us
● With more of this RP stuff in the game, more gear difference now.
● The gap between new player and old increases even more. Even more money needs to be spent to catch up.
● More new players just give up, raise the middle finger, and leave the game
● The flow of cash decreases again. More of this chit to milk even more money from vet PvPers.
● At this point, even old timers get frickin' tired of all the exploitation and abuse, so vets start quitting
● So in order to make the vets open their wallets, they now start giving out ridiculous amount of bonuses and advantages to RP chit... like the AP gain items.. artifact items... artifac sets...
● Now, new players must catch up with what.. 25? 30? individual items to be able to compete. The gear difference is more than ever, new players just dare not enter PvP at all, veterans are pished and don't want any more RP stuff, and people quit again....
● So, to entice people into playing more big guilds and inviting friends to play, they bringout SH stuff, and then open up on even more broken, ridiculous chit...
... and the vicious cycle of stupid, self-cannibalizing goes on, and on, and on, and on.
Business wise, their stupid decisions will come back to topple everything, and I already smell it coming. It's close.
If you know something to be broken, stop using it.
Otherwise, you've got no right to be speaking of 'balance.'
Author of GWF Speed Demon PvP Build (Mod 11) <- Click to reveal the Speedy Beast! >:)
that tactical flaw all kill icyphish is real, i agree, even if they are premades. but anyway, with your mobility, its extremely hard to win against you for pug, no matter what players are on sides. cryptic should better balanced the game
I do find myself being a very popular target in GG PvP and especially attractive to premades, and this is also one of the reasons why my pugs usually score the win even against those mid tier premades (I think my GG PvP games wins at about 8~9 out of 10 games, maybe its just luck
Author of GWF Speed Demon PvP Build (Mod 11) <- Click to reveal the Speedy Beast! >:)
What about rainbow parties?
.Suicide Squad.