What is the deal? - The NPC, the Quest Journal, and the level 60 rewards chest at the claim agent in PE say: TWO LEVEL 60 CHARACTERS to do Vault of 9 quest and get your artifact - surely there is some mistake.
Am i missing something???
Patch note says you can't go to IWD till 70 - no problem.
Three places in game tell you that you can have your artifact at lvl 60. That part i DO care about.
If the NPC and the Reward Chest and the quest journal say level 60 - I say you guys live up to it and FIX whatever the problem is. Either make it so lvl 60 can go to IWD, OR make it so that you can do Vo9 from some other NPC that isn't in IWD.
You can't really think you can show people that at level 60 they can get their artifact (eg: reward chest, Quest Journal, and NPC's) and then make it impossible for them to do it because they aren't level 70 yet to get to the NPC with the quest with thier secondary character!!!
Again - did I Miss something? If so - PLEASE inform...
Campaign: Now properly state that they require level 70 instead of level 60.
You need to go to IWD in order to get Vault of 9 quest. IWD is level 70.
*** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
"If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
I picked this quest up before those patch notes and my quest journal still states today that I need 2 characters at level 60....nothing is being properly stated in my account. I had to figure it out the hard way (ie being told by others after running round pointlessly trying to achieve the impossible after excitedly hitting level 60 with my 2nd character today).
Very very disappointing.
I shall not be grinding my way to level 70 with character 2 any time soon. I don't even have time to play my main properly!
plasticbatMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 12,523Arc User
Personally, I think they messed up.
The more proper analogy is:
You can get an item when you are 16. However, the item is in one of the room in a club. In order to go to that club, you need to be 18.
*** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
"If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
Except in your scenario you can get your 18 year old buddy (in this case my level 70 GWF) to go get it for their 16 year old friend (my level 60 DC).....
To further your analogy would be to state that the club fails to state the facts and you have to ask around in the club to find out what the deal is because it failed to mention it on the ticket you bought --- because the ticket clearly states that the item is available to 16 year olds.
I think you are right ---- they messed up.
It would be nice if they would clean the mess up.
My DC and GWF are both sad. Very sad ......They thought it was their birthday today - now they have found out they have to wait till Christmas.
Nah, it's fine. Those that didn't grab the DC Sigil now get to help those in EE areas while they level em to 70... Glad I already got mine !!!!!
drkbodhiMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 2,378Arc User
I have quests in IWD... for my GWF... who is just shy of 68. He was 26 a couple of weeks ago... so he did not have the quest from before. He also has the Great Weapon sigil. So, if you think that you can't get there and you can't get the quest... maybe it is for the best. Meaning that if you can't figure out how to get there... you should not be going there.
As long as you got the "Friend in High Places" quest... you can get your sigil. I believe even if you did not get that quest.
Atwil "At" - Tiefling TR / Saardush - Black Dragonborn GWF / White - Tiefling OP
That makes some sense - and you raise a valid point. I recall getting a quest that sent me to the caravan man with my GWF a while before level 70 - and Icewind Dale unlocked though I didn't mess around in there. Trouble is that was a while ago and the second character was simply focussed on getting to level 60. I shall look into this but I was simply told today that you can't get the artifacts till both level 70 now....hopefully I was misinformed? The icewind dale caravan now states you have to be level 70 - I don't remember what it said before.
santralafaxMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 2,896Arc User
Campaign: Now properly state that they require level 70 instead of level 60.
You need to go to IWD in order to get Vault of 9 quest. IWD is level 70.
They "state" that WHAT requires level 70? The patch notes don't say anything. And no notice was given of an intent to change Campaign levels. They let this go as is through Mod 6 (even put in notice that the campaigns may be too difficult--should anyone question the intent.) Now I start levelling my first alt and when he gets in the 50s, I hear by the by that level 60s can no longer go to IWD.
Again, the patch notes don't specify anything, nor discuss new enforcement of a non-rule.
This follows core rule changes to PVP in which no patch notes were given at all. There are no rules for PVP posted anywhere. We play it as they make it up--as they go along.
This is indeed very disappointing and unfair, you can't even get the sigil for your main character if you haven't got it already. So what are people supposed to do? Immediately start grinding the next character to lvl 70 and doing the SAME quests again until they regret they ever made an account to this game? The NPC should be moved somewhere else and at least (!) give us a clear explanation if that was intended.
Petrichor DC - Ailora GWF - Zemnod TR - Petrisalt HR - Vailana CW - Seline OP
<Saints of Hope>
ironzerg79Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,942Arc User
I think you may be correct here. Jaraxle should move to warmer climates. He looks like he could use a vacation in Neverwinter to me.
I think you may be correct here. Jaraxle should move to warmer climates. He looks like he could use a vacation in Neverwinter to me.
I agree. The Moonstone Mask or nearly forgotten Driftwood Tavern seem to be ideal and accessible. But then again, I'm thinking logically, so that'll never happen...
"I don't know, I'm making it up as I go..." Featured Foundry Quest:Whispers of an Ancient Evil [v3] - NW-DQ4WKW6ZG Foundry Quest: Harper Chronicles: Blacklake - NW-DCPA4W2Q5
What is the deal? - The NPC, the Quest Journal, and the level 60 rewards chest at the claim agent in PE say: TWO LEVEL 60 CHARACTERS to do Vault of 9 quest and get your artifact - surely there is some mistake.
Sorry where is that level 60 information.I checked the rewards claim agent and it only says you have to complete the vault of the nine quest with .... class.And you cant get the quest for your quest journal if you cant reach IWD so either you get the quest and didnot finish at the time or you are just making things up.I also remember every new player is asking what is vault of the 9 quest and how you can get it etc. when they joined our guild so even new players cant see level 60 information
Note:There is only one Level 60 notice in the whole game and it is claim agents tab.
What is the deal? - The NPC, the Quest Journal, and the level 60 rewards chest at the claim agent in PE say: TWO LEVEL 60 CHARACTERS to do Vault of 9 quest and get your artifact - surely there is some mistake.
Sorry where is that level 60 information.I checked the rewards claim agent and it only says you have to complete the vault of the nine quest with .... class.And you cant get the quest for your quest journal if you cant reach IWD so either you get the quest and didnot finish at the time or you are just making things up.I also remember every new player is asking what is vault of the 9 quest and how you can get it etc. when they joined our guild so even new players cant see level 60 information
Note:There is only one Level 60 notice in the whole game and it is claim agents tab.
I believe they mean the quest log on their main, which has the quest, also states 60. Their alt doesn't have the quest, and cannot get it, due to being a fresh lvl 60. AKA the game still says incorrect info in several places and, TBH I think IWD being 70 is fine but the Vault of Nine quest should be accessible elsewhere.
Have you ever thought what is the reason behind of putting Jarlaxle to IWD.Because that sigil quest is for people who get 2 characters to edgame content and sorry but level 60 doesnt count as endgame anymore.Go buy another artifact or run dungeons if you dont have time to get 2-3 characters to level 70.I hope they bring back boons requirement for IWD also.So many newbies trying to roll with no boons and cry pay to win
I kill SWs in PVP with just boons activation.I raise my shield and sit there while my boon kicks in and hit 20k each time
I think you are missing the point dsn -- the point is that the sigils are clearly advertised in 3 places as being available at level 60 - but apparently they are not. This is misleading and therefore unfair and also sends new players on a wild goose chase not even knowing what they are supposed to do or where they are supposed to go in order to gain the promised loot. It needs to be addressed by either making it clear that the item is for level 70 instead of it saying level 60 in ALL places....or the NPC needs to be moved to a place that is accessible to a place that is reachable at level 60.
I am not sure what your PVP game play has to do with it at all but thanks for sharing.
Hmmm - Now this thread isn't even showing up for me in the forums, was it hidden? Does anyone else see this thread? I see all the other threads that were on this forum - but this one doesn't show up now on my list... please advise
It is not hidden. I don't know what problem you might be having in finding it, other than looking at the wrong subforum.
My opinions are my own. I do not work for PWE or Cryptic. - Forum Rules - Protector's Enclave Discord - I play on Xbox Any of my comments not posted in orange are based on my own personal opinion and not official. Any messages written in orange are official moderation messages. Signature images are now fixed!
I didnt say everyone.Every class has some use.I just said SWs but nevermind by the way I didnt reach my sigils at level 60.I grind my 2 toons with that boring useless scenarios for 15 or more days to get those 2 boons needed to get IWD so I feel like I am the cheated one here(and there were people who paid for it).Why are new starters should get it easy than me then.I dont know why people think other people got it so easy.Level progress ends with level 70 so you have to grind until level 70.Stop trying to find loopholes around and suck it up.
Note:I can actually kill anyone around sitting with OP beside me thanks to a boon but I dont want open that subject here
lmao, yes i'm so sure that you puposely DIDN'T go and do Vault of the 9 and get your sigils as soon as you could... at level SIXTY. RIGGGGHHHHTTT.... you waited till you were 70 just for the HECK of it... LOL! yeah, and i have a bridge i will sell you in San Francisco.
Maybe you are newbie at this game but there was a boon limit that takes 15 days to get in IWD when level limit is 60.So I will say this.Be happy they just want level 70
dsn do you even play the same game we talk about? The artifact quest was originally a level 60 reward, you get the quest at level 60 so you should be able to get the reward then? If this was a bug, why did they let it go on for soo long ? It doesn't make sense at all.
Petrichor DC - Ailora GWF - Zemnod TR - Petrisalt HR - Vailana CW - Seline OP
<Saints of Hope>
dsn do you even play the same game we talk about? The artifact quest was originally a level 60 reward, you get the quest at level 60 so you should be able to get the reward then? If this was a bug, why did they let it go on for soo long ? It doesn't make sense at all.
Answer is on the previous post
By the way.I will ask you this.Do you want to farm boons for 15 days and then get the artifact or just level to 70
It says:
Campaign: Now properly state that they require level 70 instead of level 60.
You need to go to IWD in order to get Vault of 9 quest. IWD is level 70.
Very very disappointing.
I shall not be grinding my way to level 70 with character 2 any time soon. I don't even have time to play my main properly!
The more proper analogy is:
You can get an item when you are 16.
However, the item is in one of the room in a club.
In order to go to that club, you need to be 18.
To further your analogy would be to state that the club fails to state the facts and you have to ask around in the club to find out what the deal is because it failed to mention it on the ticket you bought --- because the ticket clearly states that the item is available to 16 year olds.
I think you are right ---- they messed up.
It would be nice if they would clean the mess up.
My DC and GWF are both sad. Very sad
As long as you got the "Friend in High Places" quest... you can get your sigil. I believe even if you did not get that quest.
I recall getting a quest that sent me to the caravan man with my GWF a while before level 70 - and Icewind Dale unlocked though I didn't mess around in there. Trouble is that was a while ago and the second character was simply focussed on getting to level 60. I shall look into this but I was simply told today that you can't get the artifacts till both level 70 now....hopefully I was misinformed?
The icewind dale caravan now states you have to be level 70 - I don't remember what it said before.
Again, the patch notes don't specify anything, nor discuss new enforcement of a non-rule.
This follows core rule changes to PVP in which no patch notes were given at all. There are no rules for PVP posted anywhere. We play it as they make it up--as they go along.
<Saints of Hope>
In fact, I think we should take a poll...
Featured Foundry Quest: Whispers of an Ancient Evil [v3] - NW-DQ4WKW6ZG
Foundry Quest: Harper Chronicles: Blacklake - NW-DCPA4W2Q5
Note:There is only one Level 60 notice in the whole game and it is claim agents tab.
I kill SWs in PVP with just boons activation.I raise my shield and sit there while my boon kicks in and hit 20k each time
It needs to be addressed by either making it clear that the item is for level 70 instead of it saying level 60 in ALL places....or the NPC needs to be moved to a place that is accessible to a place that is reachable at level 60.
I am not sure what your PVP game play has to do with it at all but thanks for sharing.
Any of my comments not posted in orange are based on my own personal opinion and not official.
Any messages written in orange are official moderation messages. Signature images are now fixed!
Note:I can actually kill anyone around sitting with OP beside me thanks to a boon but I dont want open that subject here
<Saints of Hope>
By the way.I will ask you this.Do you want to farm boons for 15 days and then get the artifact or just level to 70
<Saints of Hope>